LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Friday, September 30, 2011
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Current Headlines
Top Stories
• New Hampshire Fights Obama on Planned Parenthood Funding
• Baby Saved From Abortion in First Hour of 40 Days for Life
• Kermit Gosnell Abortion Staff, Family to Stand Trial With Him
• Attorney: Probe Planned Parenthood Over Tax-Funding, Fraud
More Pro-Life News
• Obama Admin Anti-Conscience Mandate Threatens Health Care
• Obama s CDC Stops Bad Fruit, Ignores Abortion Drug Deaths
• End the Link Between Labor Unions and Pro-Abortion Candidates
• United Nations Considers Euthanasia and New Treaty on Aging
• Obama Abortion-Sterilization Mandate Violates Religious Freedom
• Ohio Abortion Numbers Decline for 10th Year, Hit Record Low
• Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Second State Abortion Ban Law
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New Hampshire Fights Obama on Planned Parenthood Funding
The New Hampshire Executive Council is not giving up its fight to revoke taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood and members of the council, which voted to revoke a $1.8 million contract, are fighting back against an Obama decision to force the state to fund the abortion business.
The council has filed a formal protest with the Department of Health and Human Services and the Government Accountability Office following the Obama Administration s award of a non-competitive $1 million dollar contract with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. The Obama administration s decision bypassed the state s decision to reject taxpayer funding of the abortion giant.
Three members of the Council, as represented by attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund, requested that HHS declare the grant void. In their complaint, they say the Grant by HHS was improper, irregular, unnecessary, in contravention of the authority of the Executive Council and its duly elected members, and in disregard for the sovereignty of the State of New Hampshire.
The letter also criticizes the Obama administration for a lack of transparency, saying the HHS has treated its requests for more information about the grant Obama officials forced New Hampshire to make with Planned Parenthood were treated as formal Freedom of Information requests that take some time to process. As a result, New Hampshire officials say they have not been able to get information they need to respond.
In stark contrast to HHS unannounced process leading up to [the award], the letter reads, all aspects of the Executive Council s decision were and are matters of public record and were and are well-known to HHS. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/new-hampshire-fights-obama-on-planned-parenthood-funding/
Baby Saved From Abortion in First Hour of 40 Days for Life
Reports of saved babies are starting to pour in! Yesterday as I was traveling to the 40 Days for Life campaign in Helena, Montana, I got an e-mail that really caught my eye.
It was from Lisa in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The subject line read: 40 Days for Life baby saved!
Alison, one of our core team members, said this save took place in the very first hour the abortion clinic was open after our campaign began, Lisa said. This is the fifth 40 Days for Life vigil at this location.
Lisa also sent along a photo of an art class project at a local Christian school. Each student created an individual panel that helped build a room-sized, heart-shaped display all in keeping with the theme of praying for an end to abortion during 40 Days for Life. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/baby-saved-from-abortion-in-first-hour-of-40-days-for-life/

Kermit Gosnell Abortion Staff, Family to Stand Trial With Him
A trial court judge ruled today that the family members and former staffers of abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell, who faces eight charges for killing a patient in a botched abortion and killing unborn children in brutal abortion-infanticides, must stand trial with him.
Gosnell faces multiple murder charges for killing a woman in a failed abortion and seven unborn children after purposefully inducing birth so he could take their lives in a ghastly abortion-infanticide procedure. His wife, who worked at the Women s Medical Society abortion business with him, and staffers also face charges ranging from murder to obstructing justice to practicing medicine without a license.
Judge Benjamin Lerner ruled today that the family and staff must strand trial with Gosnell even if they are not also charged in connection with the murder of a woman in a failed legal abortion or the charges of murder related to the illegal late-term abortions.
Lerner agreed with defense attorneys who are concerned about the emotional intensity of the testimony of witnesses in the courtroom during the trial. But, according to a WPVI report, he said the daughter of the woman who died in the botched abortion and other witnesses who were injured in abortions at Gosnell s abortion facility should not have to be forced to give the same testimony twice if the trials were split up. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/kermit-gosnell-abortion-staff-family-to-stand-trial-with-him/
Attorney: Probe Planned Parenthood Over Tax-Funding, Fraud
A leading pro-life attorney who has experience battling Planned Parenthood over taxpayer funding and Medicaid fraud says those are two great issues that should compel Congress to move ahead with the investigation a congressman has announced.
Jay Sallow, the chief attorney for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), says For years, we have been pursuing Planned Parenthood challenging them in court, and he finds it encouraging that Congress is now taking a close look at the nation s largest abortion provider, with an eye toward investigating how Planned Parenthood spends federal taxpayer funds.
In a September 15 letter LifeNews.com obtained, Rep. Cliff Stearns, a Florida Republican who is the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Investigations, writes to Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood.
The letter requests any information related to improper billing related to federally-funded programs, proof that federal funds are not being improperly used to pay for abortions by PPFA or its affiliates, audits by state agencies of any Planned Parenthood affiliate, and documentation of how many affiliates currently receive Title X family planning funding. The Stearns letter also requests documents on standards and practices related to billing issues, written policies and procedures, and it requests information on how the abortion giant keeps its family planning abortion monies separate and segregated.
We re delighted the Congress wants to take a closer look, Sekulow says. After all, Planned Parenthood received more than $363 million dollars from July 1, 2008, to June 30, 2009 from federal, state or local grants and contracts. That represented about one-third of the organization s total revenue of more than $ 1 billion during that period. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/attorney-probe-planned-parenthood-over-tax-funding-fraud/
Announcing: National Association of Pro-life Nurses announces its 2011-2012 scholarship for student nurses. Scholarship application deadline is Feb. 15, 2012. Application can be found online at http://www.nursesforlife.org |
Obama Admin Anti-Conscience Mandate Threatens Health Care
A recent rule issued by the Obama administration threatens our nation s healthcare by attacking the consciences of our nation s healthcare providers.
The Witherspoon Institute s Task Force on Conscience Protection recently reviewed and will submit comments on the interim final rule jointly issued by the Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and Treasury on preventive services under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. We present our findings here. First, we treat the mandate that all health plans provide both contraceptives and certain abortifacients. Second, we comment upon the narrow religious freedom exemption in the rule. Third, we address the mandate in light of current social circumstances concerning sexual freedom and sexual restraint. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/obama-admin-anti-conscience-mandate-threatens-health-care/
Obama s CDC Stops Bad Fruit, Ignores Abortion Drug Deaths
Recently there has been a major food-borne illness outbreak in the United States. The Center for Disease Control has traced the outbreak of listeria, an often fatal bacterial contagion, to cantaloupes grown at Jensen Farms in Colorado. So far at least 13 people have died and 72 have been sickened from eating the tainted fruit.
Authorities have asked that grocery stores pull the Jensen Farms cantaloupes from the shelf. They warn people that if they are not sure where their cantaloupes came from, they should throw them away.
Honestly, as a nurse, I would tell people don t eat the cantaloupe until this thing resolves itself, said Laura Anderko, a Georgetown University public health expert. This stuff happens because our system is not as tight as it needs to be.
Contrast the cantaloupe hysteria with the lack of concern over a similar number of deaths caused by the RU-486 abortion pill. The Federal Food and Drug Administration reported in July that 14 U.S. women have died after taking RU-486 and a total of 2,207 reported adverse effects after using the drug. That makes the abortion pill more dangerous than tainted cantaloupes.
But the official response to these deaths has been to call the drug safe and promote it on the market. It seems that the deaths of over a dozen people are only a problem when abortion is not involved. When it is, then the deaths become an acceptable risk. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/obamas-cdc-stops-bad-fruit-ignores-abortion-drug-deaths/
End the Link Between Labor Unions and Pro-Abortion Candidates
Growing up in a blue-collar, steel mill town, many of my family were union members. They were and are hardworking people, and were just trying to support their families. Unions once played an important role in our nation, having given employees the opportunity to negotiate fair wages and provide safe work environments.
But these goals are long gone and instead unions have become long arms of the Democratic Party, bullying those they disagree with and contributing significant dollars for liberal candidates, most who are far to the left of the country s majority conservative social viewpoints.
Union PACs are clearly in the pockets of Democrats. Last year during the 2010 election cycle, 93% of all union PAC money almost $60 million was given unapologetically to Democratic candidates, almost all of them staunch advocates of abortion. But this is merely union PAC money. If all big labor spending is taken into account, that number tops over $1.4 billion dollars during the 2010 elections, a non-presidential year cycle.
Abortion is a sacred cow for the social Left. Federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation s largest abortion chain, tops $350 million a year. President Obama, who was elected with the help of significant union money, was prepared to shut down the federal government this year rather than defund Planned Parenthood. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/end-the-link-between-labor-unions-and-pro-abortion-candidates/
Obama Abortion-Sterilization Mandate Violates Religious Freedom
On Thursday September 29, 2011, the Alliance Defense Fund submitted a comment to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, pointing out the illegal character of HHS s proposal to mandate that the vast majority of religious entities, individuals, and insurance plans must cover abortifacients, contraceptive and sterilizing drugs, devices and information. ADF submitted its comments on behalf of The Cardinal Newman Society s Center for the Advancement Catholic Higher Education and multiple Catholic Colleges and Universities. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/obama-abortion-sterilization-mandate-violates-religious-freedom/
Ohio Abortion Numbers Decline for 10th Year, Hit Record Low
New statistics from the state of Ohio show the number of abortions there have declined for the 10th straight year showing the combination of effective pro-life education, legislation and help for pregnant women works. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/ohio-abortion-numbers-decline-for-10th-year-hit-record-low/
Texas Abortion-Ultrasound Law Blocked While Lawsuit Continues
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that Texas can t enforce a pro-life law allowing women a chance to see an ultrasound before an abortion while the lawsuit abortion backers filed against it continues in court. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/29/texas-abortion-ultrasound-law-blocked-while-lawsuit-continues/

Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Second State Abortion Ban Law
The Mexico Supreme Court has delivered a second victory for pro-life advocates there just one day after upholding a first state law protecting unborn children from abortions by validating a second. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/30/mexico-supreme-court-upholds-second-state-abortion-ban-law/
Assisted Suicide: The Forgotten Pro-Life Battle
As the proponents of assisted suicide strive to legalize it in Massachusetts, we should take another look at their arguments and the deceptions therein. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/09/29/assisted-suicide-the-forgotten-pro-life-battle/

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