Operation Rescue Will Remind Nebraskans of Bob Kerrey's Pro-Abortion Record
February 27, 2012
LINCOLN, NE - Former Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey announced today that he will run for the open U.S. Senate seat in Nebraska vacated by the retiring Ben Nelson. This announcement is problematic since Kerrey, who retired from the U.S. Senate in 2000, has been living in New York for the past decade. Kerrey had earlier declined an invitation from the Democratic Party to run for Nelson's seat, but apparently has now changed his mind. "We plan to expose Kerrey's history of radical support for abortion," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "We expect that he may try to get away with minimizing his votes protecting abortion in order to get elected in a staunchly pro-life state, but we will make sure the electorate is fully aware of his pro-abortion politics." In the 1990's Kerrey accepted more than $81,000 from pro-abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, and Emily's List, putting him squarely in the pocket of the abortion lobby. In 1997 and again in 1999, Kerrey voted against a ban on the grisly late-term partial-birth abortion procedure, which was outlawed in 2003. In 1999, Kerrey voted to block a bill that would have stopped the sale of aborted baby body parts, a practice that opened women to exploitation by unscrupulous abortionists. At that time, it had been discovered that there were businesses that solicited fresh organs from aborted babies for the used by laboratories and pharmaceutical companies. This gave motive for abortionists to sell unwanted abortions so that they could sell the body parts to increase profits. Documented evidence of this unethical body parts trafficking was presented before the Senate. Nevertheless, Kerrey voted to protect the aborted baby body parts trafficking industry. "It doesn't get much worse than aborting innocent pre-born human beings in order to sell their organs on the open market," said Newman. "That was a despicable vote and the voters of Nebraska need to be made fully aware of it." Kerrey's change of heart in deciding to run for the Senate indicates a desperation on the part of the Democratic Party. They need to hold on to that seat in order ensure they maintain control of the Senate so that Obama's liberal policies can be advanced, including the unpopular Obamacare. Nelson opted to retire rather than run for re-election after he sold out pro-life constituents by voting for tax funding of abortion in Obamacare. That vote essentially destroyed his political career. "If Nelson is now unelectable, Kerrey should be more so," said Newman. "Kerrey is out of step with the people of Nebraska who are overwhelmingly pro-life. We will not let Nebraskans forget that."