Blagojevich Appoints Pro-Abortion Roland Burris Obama's Senate Seat
Springfield, IL ( -- Embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is expected to name pro-abortion former state attorney general Roland Burris to fill the remainder of Barack Obama's term in the Senate. However, the Senate may reject Burris' appointment because of accusations that Blagojevich engaged in a pay-to-play scandal. Blagojevich has been under fire for weeks that he attempted to obtain significant campaign donations, a job or a seat on a board of directors in exchange for appointing someone Obama favored to his seat. Top Obama aides, including his selection as White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, are coming under fire for reportedly talking to Blagojevich about the appointment. Although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a pro-abortion Democrat, has written to Blagojevich telling him the Senate will reject his appointment, the Illinois governor appears ready to defy Reid. Burris was the first African-American to serve in a statewide office in Illinois when he became comptroller in 1983. He served in that position to 1991 and as attorney general from 1991 to 1995. During his tenure as the state's top attorney, he came under criticism from pro-life advocates for determining that the state's anti-stalking law is gender-neutral and declaring that it could be used to prosecute pro-life advocates who offer information to women outside an abortion center. Full story at
Roland Burris Watered Down Abortion-Infanticide Law Barack Obama Refused to Fix
Springfield, IL ( -- Roland Burris has been named by embattled pro-abortion Gov. Rod Blagojevich to serve the remainder of Barack Obama's term in the Senate. However, pro-life advocates are not happy with appointment in part because Burris watered down an anti-infanticide law that was contentious in the presidential campaign. During the presidential debate, Obama came under fire for repeatedly voting against an Illinois version of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act while he was a state legislator. Lawmakers put forward the bill because existing law had lost its effectiveness in making sure newborns who survive failed abortions or are purposefully born prematurely receive adequate medical care. Chicago-area nurse Jill Stanek had exposed the practice at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn where babies were left in soiled utility rooms to die instead of receiving treatment. Burris rendered the state's born alive law unenforceable by signing a consent decree. The 1975 law protected only infants the abortion practitioner believed to be "viable." That subjective view could allow abortion practitioners to leave babies to die following botched abortions despite the medical possibility that they may live if given proper medical care. The decree eviscerated the law further by nullifying the use of key definitions. Members of the Illinois legislature had to put forward a bill to strengthen the law in part because of actions Burris took. Full story at
Poll: Plurality of Americans Want All or Most Abortions Illegal, Want Pro-Life Laws
Washington, DC ( -- A new Harris Poll finds a plurality of Americans want all or most abortions to be illegal and overwhelming majorities of Americans want more abortion limits in law. The nationwide poll showed just 9 percent said abortion should be legal for any reason at any time during pregnancy -- Barack Obama's position. The Harris survey included 2,341 adults and was conducted December 10-12. It found 82 percent of Americans said abortion should either be illegal under all circumstances or would limit its legality. More specifically, 49 percent of those polled took a pro-life position wanting all abortions made illegal (11 percent) or wanting almost all abortions illegal except for very rare cases of saving the mothers life or in rape or incest (38 percent). "These findings are remarkable," said Deirdre McQuade, who is the spokeswoman for the pro-life office of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which sponsored the poll. "Fewer than one in ten Americans support legal abortion for any reason at any time during pregnancy. But that is precisely the current state of abortion law under Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decisions that made abortion legal throughout the nine months of pregnancy for virtually any reason," she told Full story at
Survey : Majority of Doctors Support Bush Admin Abortion Conscience Rule
Washington, DC ( -- A new survey finds half of physicians nationwide support the new rules the Bush administration put in place that protect the conscience rights of doctors on abortion. The rules make it so medical centers and staff aren't forced to do abortions or refer for them. They provide better enforcement for existing federal laws by potentially revoking federal funding from violators and making them certify in writing that they will respect conscience rights. A new national study among 1,736 physicians conducted by HCD Research reveals 50 percent of physicians support the new rules. Just 33 percent oppose the rules and the rest had no opinion. A majority of those who responded also said they believed the "government should be involved in protecting health workers who refuse to participate in care they find ethically, morally or religiously objectionable." A majority of physicians who responded also agreed with the statement that "doctors and hospitals have the right to refuse to perform any procedure that is inconsistent with their personal beliefs. Full story at
Save Our Hydes: Losing Pro-Life Amendment Could Drastically Increase Abortions
by Benjamin Clapper
I want to congratulate the pro-life movement on the great work we have done so far to spread the word about the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). There is no question that if FOCA passes, it would usher in the largest expansion of abortion since 1973. In fact, I believe our advocacy has been so potent that it has made pro-abortion forces lower the passage of FOCA on their list of priorities (maybe only to day 101). While we must press on against FOCA, we must not forget another serious, and maybe even more pertinent, threat: the termination of the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment, originally enacted in 1976, is a pro-life limitation amendment in the annual appropriations bill that restricts the direct federal funding of abortion through Medicaid. Without the Hyde Amendment, women eligible for Medicaid would have their abortions paid for by the Federal Government in other words, OUR tax dollars. If abortions are free to the individual, you can bet on abortion rates increasing. Because Hyde is an amendment in the annual appropriations bill, the Hyde Amendment must be passed every year to protect our tax dollars. FOCA may or may not come to the surface in 2009; however, the Hyde Amendment will have to be dealt with in 2009, making it a serious and pertinent threat to unborn human life. Full story at
Arkansas Legislator Will Bring Back ERA Bill That Would Promote Abortions
Little Rock, AR ( -- An Arkansas legislator plans to bring back the ERA bill that pro-life advocates narrowly defeated last year because it would promote abortion. Though pro-life advocates don't oppose equal rights for women, Arkansas' approving the federal Rights Amendment (ERA) would promote abortion. A vote could also make it a federal right to force taxpayers across the nation to pay for abortions using public funds. Last February, an Arkansas state legislative committee defeated a resolution to approve the ERA. A state House panel voted down a ratification resolution (HJR 1002) after 20 co-sponsors abandoned it following the concerted pro-life lobbying effort. Rep. Lindsley Smith, a Democrat form Fayettville, says she plans to bring it back during the 2009 session of the legislature. Full story at
Leading Bioethicist Upset Montana Medical Association Punts on Assisted Suicide
Helena, MT ( -- A leading attorney and author who is one of the top bioethicists in the U.S. says he's very disappointed that the Montana Medical Association has said it will take no position on assisted suicide. The MMA is refusing to support the state's efforts to stop the courts from making it the third to legalize the practice. As reported Monday, the state doctors group will not file legal papers to support overturning a decision where a state judge misused the privacy section of the state constitution to allow doctors to help kill their patients. Smith says the MMA's decision not to get involved in the legal battle over assisted suicide hurts the coalition of pro-life, religious, medical and disability rights groups that have stopped the practice in other states. "I have been worrying in recent years that some physicians groups and doctors don't take this issue with sufficient seriousness," Smith explains. "And, indeed, as I have noted, one of the tactics of the pro assisted suicide forces is to get medical leaders to assume an attitude of 'studied neutrality' to legalization." Full story at
Women Increasingly Leading Nationwide Pro-Life Battle Against Abortions
by Maria Vitale
When the March for Life steps out in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 22, women will be in the forefront. Women are a powerful voice in the pro-life movement, particularly those who regret their own abortions " women such as Dr. Alveda King, whose uncle was civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. King had two abortions, one without her consent, the other at her request. She has said, "My birthday is Jan. 22, and each year, this day is marred by the fact that it is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the anniversary of death for millions of babies. I and my deceased children are victims of abortion, and subsequently the Roe v. Wade decision has adversely affected the lives of my entire family." King is not alone in her grief. The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is made up of women around the country who hope to expose the pain, emotional and physical, associated with abortion. Actress and model Jennifer O’Neill is the group's celebrity spokeswoman. She has spoken poignantly of the depression she suffered after her abortion. As O'Neill said in a Capitol Hill briefing, "Of course the protection of the unborn child is at the center of my heart. However, the aftermath of abortion can be equally deadly for both mother and unborn child. (A woman who has an abortion) is sentenced to bear that for the rest of her life." Full story at
Sarah Palin's Daughter Bristol Gives Birth to Son, Abortion Was Campaign Issue
Washington, DC ( -- The daughter of former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin has given birth to a son after her teenage pregnancy sparked a debate over abortion during the campaign. Reports indicate 18-year-old Bristol Palin gave birth to Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston on Saturday. Although the governor's office plans to release no information about the birth, calling it a private, family matter, Bristol's grandmother's sister Colleen Jones talked about the birth with People magazine. Jones says Tripp was born at 7 pounds, 4 ounces and that "the baby is fine and Bristol is doing well." The Palin family won kudos for supporting their pregnant daughter Bristol when she announced she was pregnant and would marry her boyfriend, Levi Johnston. Melinda Delahoyde, the president of Care Net, told at the time of the announcement that the Palin family deserved praise for helping their daughter choose life during a difficult situation. Full story at
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown Confirms Opposition to Assisted Suicide Bill
London, England ( -- British Prime Minister Gordon Brown hinted at opposing a bill to legalize assisted suicide in England and, in a Tuesday interview, made that opposition solid. Brown engaged in an interview with Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the Archbishop of Westminster, a guest host of the Today program on Radio 4. Brown said he would block any legislation to legalize assisted suicide and he said he believed British law should make "absolutely clear" that it recognizes the value of human life. "I am totally against laws [allowing assisted suicide or euthanasia]," Brown said. "It is not really for us to create any legislation that would put pressure on people to feel they had to offer themselves because they were causing trouble to a relative or anyone else. I think we have got to make it absolutely clear that the importance of human life is recognized." Full story at
Canada Prime Minister Stephen Harper Responds: Won't Open Abortion Debate
Ottawa, Canada ( -- After the new leader of the all-party pro-life caucus in the Canadian Parliament wrote an editorial Monday urging Prime Minister Stephen Harper to reopen the abortion debate, Harper has responded. The Conservative Party leader says he has no plans to file or support an abortion bill. Rod Bruinooge, a Conservative MP for Winnipeg South, said a new debate is needed for laws to reduce or limit abortions to reflect the value of unborn children's lives. But Dimitri Soudas, a spokesman for the prime minister, said that's not going to happen. "Throughout his political career, the prime minister has been clear on this issue," Soudas said. "We will not introduce or support legislation on abortion." Full story at