Monday, October 6, 2008


Voters Misled Who Back Barack Obama Thinking Abortions Will Go
by Dave Andrusko

As a non-Catholic, I try to be very cautious when talking about
the in-house debate over whether a Catholic can support someone
as committed to not only maintaining abortion on demand, but
embedding it even deeper in the culture as Sen. Barack Obama.

The "Catholics for Obama" seem to believe that Obama is really a
reasonable fellow, with no real investment in abortion, and, if
given a quarter of a chance, will "do the right thing"--lead the
way toward a "reduction in the number of abortions."
The problem is there is absolutely nothing--NOTHING-- in what
he's said or done that suggests that Obama would retreat an inch
from his extremist position on abortion and lots and lots to show
that he's just getting started.

Full story at