Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Barack Obama's Abortion Extremism Makes Him the Most Pro-Abortion Ever
by Robert George
Barack Obama is the most extreme pro-abortion candidate ever to seek the office of President of the United States. He is the most extreme pro-abortion member of the United States Senate. Indeed, he is the most extreme pro-abortion legislator ever to serve in either house of the United States Congress. Yet there are Catholics and Evangelicals-even self-identified pro-life Catholics and Evangelicals - who aggressively promote Obama's candidacy and even declare him the preferred candidate from the pro-life point of view. What is going on here? I have examined the arguments advanced by Obama's self-identified pro-life supporters, and they are spectacularly weak. It is nearly unfathomable to me that those advancing them can honestly believe what they are saying. But before proving my claims about Obama's abortion extremism, let me explain why I have described Obama as ''pro-abortion'' rather than ''pro-choice.'' For starters, he supports legislation that would repeal the Hyde Amendment, which protects pro-life citizens from having to pay for abortions that are not necessary to save the life of the mother and are not the result of rape or incest. But this barely scratches the surface of Obama's extremism. He has promised that ''the first thing I'd do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act'' (known as FOCA). This proposed legislation would create a federally guaranteed ''fundamental right'' to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Full story at

Poll Finds Majority of Catholics Pro-Life on Abortion, Favor Parental Notification
Washington, DC ( -- A new poll finds that a majority of Catholics take a pro-life position and that almost one-third of Catholic voters who say they are "pro-choice" on abortion actually oppose all or most abortions. The poll also found support for parental notification and pro-life candidates. As profiled yesterday, 60 percent of Americans take one of three pro-life positions while just 40 percent take one of three pro-abortion positions and just 8 percent share the abortion position of Barack Obama. The Marist College poll also had other interesting results, including showing a majority of Catholics are pro-life. When asked to define themselves as pro-life or "pro-choice," 49 percent of Catholics say they are pro-life while 48 percent say they're not. As with Americans as a whole, the self-identification question includes significant limitations because many Catholics who say they are "pro-choice" actually take a pro-life position on abortion. The Marist survey found 63 percent of Catholics say abortions should be permitted in none or almost no cases by opposing all abortions, all abortions except to save the mother's life, or all abortions except to save the mother's life or in cases of rape or incest. Full story at

Pro-Life Group to Schieffer: Give McCain, Obama Abortion Debate Question
Washington, DC ( -- As CBS News anchor Bob Schieffer prepares to moderate Wednesday night's final presidential candidate debate, one leading pro-life advocates hopes he will ask a question about abortion. Charmaine Yoest, the president of Americans United for Life, says it would help educate voters. Yoest send a copy of an open letter she wrote to Schieffer asking him to make abortion part of the debate. "As you prepare for Wednesday night's final presidential debate, I know that you will be working to raise questions on domestic issues that are of interest to a wide range of Americans," she wrote. "I encourage you to ask each candidate about his views on abortion -- something that has not been done at either of the previous debates." Yoest said the topic is important because a sizable number of Americans are either single issue voters based on the abortion issue or include abortion as one of the top issues they use to evaluate the candidates. Yoest has a specific question in mind -- which gets to the divide between John McCain, who has a 96 percent pro-life voting record according to NARAL and Barack Obama, who opposes any law to reduce abortions. "This is the question I encourage you to ask: What restrictions on abortion would you support in order to achieve the widely agreed upon goal of reducing the number of abortions in our country?"
Full story at

Catholics United Still Misleading Voters on McCain, Obama Abortion Contrast
Washington, DC ( -- Catholics United is at it again and, this time, the front group for the Barack Obama campaign is preparing to mail 50,000 Catholic voters in Pennsylvania and Ohio campaign literature that blurs the stark contrast between Obama and John McCain on abortion issues. The piece asks voters to consider "the real meaning of 'pro-life' at the ballot box this November and obfuscates the fact that Obama supports legal abortions throughout pregnancy for any reason. "It's time for Catholics and other people of faith to take a serious look at whether some avowed 'pro-life' candidates really have a record to run on," Chris Korzen, director of Catholics United told in a press release. The organization indirectly criticizes John McCain for not taking a pro-life position on abortion, yet offers no specifics on how that is the case. In fact, Korzen, in his criticism of McCain and other pro-life candidates, relies on other political issues to make his case and never identifies any McCain policy increasing or supporting abortions. At the same time, neither Catholics United nor the direct mail piece Catholic voters will receive offers any information on Obama's support for taxpayer-funded abortions, his votes in the Illinois legislature against an anti-infanticide bill, or Obama's backing a measure overturning the pro-life laws of all 50 states.
Full story at