Saturday, October 4, 2008

Unborn Baby's Heartbeat Prompts Pro-life Vote

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, OCT. 2, 2008 ( A Knights of Columbus radio spot running in many U.S. markets until the Nov. 4 elections encourages citizens to listen to the heartbeat of a 10-week-old unborn baby and vote pro-life.

The 30-second spot is running in more than a dozen states. The ad features the sound of a baby's heartbeat at 10 weeks, and the voice of a woman saying, "Listening to this makes me wonder: Why would anyone question that her life has begun?" It concludes with the words, "Vote your heart. Vote pro-life."

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson announced the beginning of the ad campaign. "The fact that the child whose heartbeat we hear is alive is simply a matter of science," he said. "We believe that it is vital that America's pro-life community make it clear that they will reserve their votes for candidates of either party who are committed to protecting life from conception to natural death."

A similar ad is planned for broadcast in Canada, where general elections are set for Oct. 14.