Friday, May 8, 2009

Dr. Alan Keyes in Jail; Over 20 Anti Abortion Activists Arrested at Notre Dame

NOTRE DAME, May 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- Former U.S. Ambassador and Presidential candidate Dr. Alan Keyes is currently in Jail; along with over 20 anti abortion activists.

They were arrested at Notre Dame for peacefully, quietly, walking on campus with baby carriages carrying dolls covered with stage blood.

Randall Terry, leader of StopObamaNotreDame, states:

"Notre Dame arrests Christians who defend babies, and honors a man who kills them. This is an open wound in the Church. The question is this: Will a Catholic Bishop step up and demand this betrayal of the Faith be brought to a halt?"

Video of arrests: A You Tube video will be posted soon of the arrests. Please keep checking at

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