Friday, May 8, 2009

Dr. Keyes Warned by Police: "We will arrest you."

Notre Dame, Obama, and Abortion: Dr. Alan Keyes and 20 Pro-lifers to be Arrested with Baby Strollers at Notre Dame on Friday, 11:30 a.m., May 8, 2009

Also: Pro-lifers arriving from several states.

SOUTH BEND, Ind., May 8 /Christian Newswire/ -- Dr. Alan Keyes and 20 pro- lifers will walk on to Notre Dame's campus at 11:30 a.m., Friday, May 08, 2009, with baby strollers carrying baby dolls covered in "stage blood" to protest the invitation of Notre Dame to President Obama to deliver the commencement address at this year's graduation. On Thursday, May 7, Dr. Keyes was unexpectedly approached at a press conference on public property by two plain clothes Notre Dame Policemen, and told that if he walks on Notre Dame's campus for any reason, he will be arrested.

Dr. Keyes was shocked. He stated:

"I have not even stepped foot on the campus, and they give me this warning? They told me: 'We are just doing our job.' I told them I am just coming to witness for the truth."

Dr. Keyes had a long conversation with both men, telling them that they have a duty to God to do what is right. He told them that on the day of Judgment they will not be excused for wrong doing, because they were "doing their job," any more than German guards at concentration camps could make such an excuse.

Dr. Keyes released a statement explaining why he was willing to be arrested. Dr. Keyes full text can be read at

On Thursday, pro-lifers began to arrive from around the country to push the strollers with Dr. Keyes, and face the ire of Notre Dame Officials, as well as arrest. Most of those risking arrest are from Notre Dame; but pro-life advocates from Washington D.C., Michigan, Texas, Arkansas, and Ohio also have arrived.

Randall Terry, organizer states:

"Dr. Keyes presence has catapulted this battle to a new level. If we have 100 or more people going to jail over the next week protesting this blatant evil, it may derail Obama's speech, and it will be a message that reaches America, the Vatican, and the world.

"We are asking our pro-life friends to join us in jail, or at least to come and stand with us in the streets."

For more information, and for media personnel that want to be updated, call 904-687-9806.
