Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Senator: President Obama Could Name Supreme Court Nominee This Week
Washington, DC ( -- A top Republican senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee says pro-abortion President Barack Obama may name a Supreme Court nominee as early as the end of the week. Sen. Orrin Hatch spoke with Obama on the phone on Monday about a replacement for retiring pro-abortion Justice David Souter. After the phone call, Hatch said he believed Obama would move quickly on naming a replacement because he wants the Senate to complete the confirmation process for a new justice to be in place when the Supreme Court reconvenes this fall. “I'd be surprised if it went beyond this week," Hatch told the news web site Politico, though he added that Obama did not make any timing commitments. "I would think by the end of this week or over the weekend, he'll nominate somebody. I'm sure they've discussed this internally, back and forth for months now," Hatch added. Hatch also told Politico that Obama did not discuss any names with him but appeared to pledge to not appoint a judicial activist to replace one of the five members of the Supreme Court's pro-abortion majority. He said Obama "assured me that he would not be picking a radical or an extremist for the court that he was very pragmatic in his approach and that he would pick somebody who would abide by the rule of law." Full story at
Obama Admin Terrorism Dictionary Calls Pro-Life Advocates Violent, Racist
Washington, DC ( -- More details are emerging about a terrorism dictionary the administration of President Barack Obama put together in March. The newly-revealed document comes on the heels of a report the Department of Homeland Security sent out saying pro-life advocates were right-wing extremists. The latest report to cause national outrage is a document known as the "Domestic Extremism Lexicon," essentially a terrorism and political extremism dictionary for the Obama administration's internal use. The March 26, 2009 document features numerous definitions and the headline "antiabortion extremism," appears on page two of the eleven-page manual. The Obama administration calls pro-life advocates violent and claims they employ racist overtones in engaging in criminal actions. The definition reads: "A movement of groups or individuals who are virulently antiabortion and advocate violence against providers of abortion-related services, their employees, and their facilities. Some cite various racist and anti-Semitic beliefs to justify their criminal activities." A Washington Times report indicates the terrorism dictionary was recalled within hours after the Obama administration released it. Full story at
Democrats for Life of America will hold their annual conference and Hall of Fame dinner on June 17 at the Phoenix Hotel in Washington. Meet pro-life Democrats! See for more information on the conference and dinner.

Children's Author Judy Blume Seeks Donations to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz
Washington, DC ( -- Famous children's author Judy Blume is no stranger to controversy, but she's added to herself to a list of people who will be remember for something more devastating. Blume has lent her name the solicitation of donations for Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business. In a new missive ironically celebrating mothers day, Blume suggests sending a donation to the pro-abortion group to honor mothers.
"Say thanks this Mother's Day with a gift that honors her courage by making a donation to Planned Parenthood in her name. I guarantee you that she'll be pleased. I know I would be,' Blume writes. "There is no organization that I know of that supports motherhood and all that it means more than Planned Parenthood. That's why I'm honoring moms everywhere with my gift to Planned Parenthood today," Blume adds. Blume notes how more woman are seeking abortions form Planned Parenthood because of the difficult economy and she urges readers of the email to use that as a reason to support the abortion business. ACTION: Contact Judy Blume with your complaints about her support for Planned Parenthood at Judy Blume, c/o Tashmoo Productions, 1841 Broadway, Suite 711A, New York, N.Y. 10023. You can also email Judy at and leave a message on her public guestbook by going here. Full story at
Pro-Life Harvard Prof Who Rejected Notre Dame Honor Will Get National Award
Washington, DC ( -- Mary Ann Glendon, the pro-life Harvard law professor who rejected an award from the University of Notre Dame because it is honoring pro-abortion President Barack Obama and allowing him to give commencement, will receive her own award from a top pro-life group. On October 6, Glendon will receive an award from the National Right to Life Committee at its Proudly Pro-Life Awards Dinner on October 6 at the prestigious Waldorf hotel in New York City. Glendon, a former Vatican ambassador, said last month she would not accept a speaking role at Notre Dame's graduation ceremonies because Obama will be present and receiving an honorary degree. Notre Dame officials tried to cushion the blow by awarding Glendon the Laetare Medal, an annual award given in recognition of outstanding service to the Roman Catholic church and society. But Glendon told ND president Rev. John Jenkins that she was "dismayed" that a Catholic university would award Obama and violate the pro-life teaching of the Catholic Church and a mandate from the Catholic bishops to do so. In extending the invitation to Glendon to appear at its awards dinner, National Right to Life president Dr. Wanda Franz congratulated Glendon for her consistent pro-life stance. "Your continued service to the Right to Life Movement over the years has made a substantial impact on this nation in the defense of life," she wrote Glendon. "By your recent public actions, you have shown again that you stand unflinchingly pro-life." Full story at


Scientists in Japan Claim Breakthroughs in Growing Human Organs in Animals
Tokyo, Japan ( -- Scientists in Japan are claming new breakthroughs in growing human organs in animals, a process that gives credence to the notion that the scary Brave New World has arrived. The researchers are trying to grow human organs in animals as a way to combat the shortage of organs for transplants. The scientists haven't actually grown human organs yet in animals, but their "success" in growing monkey organs in sheep using stem cells is but a step on the way. Within a decade, they hope to move from locating a spare monkey pancreas in the wool of a sheep, to producing human organs. The pancreas in this case was generated from monkey stem cells and researcher Yutaka Hanazono tells the London Times he believes sheep could be turned into "walking organ banks for human livers, hearts, pancreases and skin." "We have made some very big advances here. There has historically been work on the potential of sheep as producers of human blood, but we are only slowly coming closer to the point where we can harvest sheep for human organs," Professor Hanazono told the newspaper. Full story at

Pro-Life Group Asks Chairman for Exhaustive Hearing on Supreme Court Pick
Washington, DC ( -- When the Senate Judiciary Committee gathers to hold hearings on a Supreme Court nominee, one pro-life group tells the panel's chairman it wants a full discussion of where the nominee stands on abortion. The letter comes from Charmaine Yoest, the president of Americans United for Life. "The most important question a nominee for the Supreme Court must answer is to articulate their judicial philosophy: will they advance an agenda that limits the right of the people to determine the content of abortion-related laws through the democratic process?" she writes. "In the days ahead, we look to our Senators to uphold their duty to raise serious questions on the nominee's judicial philosophy and reject any nominee who places personal preference over upholding the Constitution," the AUL leader adds. Should her organization not like the answers, Yoest promises an immediate response. "We will oppose any nominee to the Court who believes social activism trumps interpreting the Constitution," she says. The letter, to Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Pat Leahy, a Vermont senator, notes how President Barack Obama "has expressed a public commitment to reducing the frequency of abortion in the United States." But Yoest worries his Supreme Court nominee will better reflect his pro-abortion record than his political rhetoric. Full story at
Our goal is to remember each victim of today’s holocaust by granting them their own unique name. Please adopt a child into your family and grant them your last name. By naming each child we clothe them with the human dignity they deserve. Be a voice for the voiceless. http//


Abstinence Education Backers Present Evidence of Success to Congress
Washington, DC ( -- Abstinence education backers took their positive message to Capitol Hill last week to tell the success stories of abstinence programs to lawmakers. In Congressional hearings on April 29, leading experts presented evidence showing these programs use an evidence-based approach that works for young people. The hearings featured new evidence-based analysis called Abstinence Works, which identifies 40 national studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of abstinence education among students. Lawmakers heard about a study by nationally known researcher Dr. Stan Weed which debunks the myths about abstinence education and shows that abstinence programs actually outperform "comprehensive" sex education programs. Two students spokes about the positive effects of abstinence education that extend to all areas of their lives. Valerie Huber, the director of the National Abstinence Education Association, told that the goal of the hearings was to bypass the major media's generally negative portrayal of authentic abstinence education. She wanted to deliver the truth directly to lawmakers as they gathered evidence for future funding decisions. "After today, it can no longer be said that the so-called comprehensive sex education has more research of effectiveness, nor can it be said that abstinence education is a failed approach," she said. Full story at

Oklahoma Bill to Ban Sex-Selection Abortions, Allow Reporting Info in Jeopardy
Oklahoma City, OK ( -- An Oklahoma pro-life bill that would prohibit using abortions for purposes of sex-selection and would allow better reporting information about abortions done in the state appears in jeopardy. The House passed the legislation 93-4 in February and the state Senate backed HB 1595 on a 34-10 vote last month. However, Tony Lauinger, the president of Oklahomans for Life, tells the bill is in danger of dying in a conference committee because of the cost estimate from the Health Department for implementing the law. Lauinger is calling on pro-life advocates to contact their state legislators. "Please ask Oklahoma legislators to make the funds available so that abortion clinics will be required to report abortions and abortion complications," he tells "HB 1595 will also ensure abortion-facility compliance with existing abortion statutes." "Ask legislators to make HB 1595 a priority. Ask them to free up the funds for this pro-life bill," the pro-life advocate continued. "The sustained support of pro-life legislators is needed now to help HB 1595 become law." ACTION: Please send your email now to, which goes to all legislators, urging strong support for HB 1595. Full story at

Oregon Pro-Life Group Concerned About Fake Human Cloning Ban's Progress
Salem, OR ( -- The statewide pro-life group in Oregon is calling on pro-life advocates to take action to stop a bill masquerading as a ban on human cloning. Oregon Right to Life says HB 2598-A not only fails to ban human cloning but allows scientists to clone and kill human embryos for dubious scientific research. The House Sustainability and Economic Development Committee recently voted to pass HB 2598-A out of committee. According to ORTL, the House panel adopted an amendment "that made significant changes to the language of the bill, without changing its goals or consequences." The amendments deleted all references to somatic cell nuclear transfer -- the human cloning process -- and supposedly "clarified" the bill's alleged "ban" on human cloning. Now, HB 2598-A only -- supposedly -- bans reproductive human cloning but does not prohibit human cloning for research purposes whereby a scientist purposefully clones a human being to kill the embryo for experiments. "Under HB 2598-A it would be legal to clone humans and let them grow up to 14 days," Oregon Right to Life tells "After that, Section 7 of HB 2598-A requires cloned human embryos to be destroyed."
The group says the bill "is not a true ban on human cloning" because it "still allows the creation of human life and mandates the killing of that very life." Full story at

New Jersey Church Replaces Pro-Life Signs Defaced in Pro-Abortion Vandalism
Milltown, NJ ( -- A New Jersey Catholic church has replaced the large pro-life signs that adorn a grassy area in front of the church building. The pro-life sign in a lot across from Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in the central part of the state was defaced by pro-abortion vandals in December. As reported then, the sign read "Abortion Stops a Beating Heart" but vandals covered the words and image with red and blue spray paint. They also spray-painted the message "free choice" in the lone part of the billboard that has available white space. The two-sided sign that stands about seven-feet tall and has been maintained by Deacon Robert Gerling, who runs the Our Lady of Lourdes pro-life group. Gerling talked with the Courier News about the replacement signs, going on the same billboard constructed ten years ago.
One side depicts a large photo of a newborn baby with the message "Children are a Gift From God." The other has an ultrasound picture along with the Biblical passage "Woman, Behold your Son," and it offers a 1-800 number for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies and needing help. "I hope these signs will touch people's hearts and allow them to really consider what the choice is," he said. Full story at