Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pope Calls Doctors to Serve Life in Wed. Audience

Pope Benedict XVI     DSC00173-1Image by Beyond Forgetting via Flickr
By Patrick B. Craine
May 7, 2009 ( - Pope Benedict XVI addressed a large group of Italian doctors at his general audience in St. Peter's Square yesterday, calling them to serve life in their practice.  "[Put your skills] at the service of the human being from conception until natural death," he urged them.
Pope Benedict told the doctors that the defense of life is "an eloquent testimony of human and Christian solidarity."  He encouraged them to "carry on with generosity in your precious service to life, a fundamental value in which the wisdom and love of God is reflected."
"May your work be enriched every day with a deep spirit of faith," he said, "and animated by fidelity and consistence with the principles that should inspire the activities of every doctor."
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