Friday, May 1, 2009

Saint Mary’s College Hosted Play Mocking Jesus, Bible

The Saint Mary's College chapel with the statu...

The Saint Mary's College chapel         Image via Wikipedia

Saint Mary's Gaels logo

Image via Wikipedia

(5/1/09)  Professor explained to students how she does not believe in marriage

On March 24 the Gay-Straight Alliance of Saint Mary's College hosted "The Bash," an event of monologues, musicals and skits promoting the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle and criticizing California's Proposition 8, which defined marriage as between one man and one woman. The event featured a presentation of "Prop 8: The Musical," in which Jesus Christ is mockingly portrayed and the Bible is scoffed at for its prohibitions against homosexuality. One student gave a speech about her "girlfriend," which culminated in giving "a promise ring to her girlfriend of six months." Saint Mary's College professor Cynthia Ganote explained during the event that she does not believe in "marriage because it puts women into stereotypical roles and the institution of marriages does not 'leave room' for transgender individuals and homosexuals." Source: SMC Collegian