Thursday, October 14, 2010

Miracle of the Sonogram:

One day, a young lady came into the center with a young man. She was expecting
his child and was seeking an abortion. She knew he would be there for his child
and for her. He would be there even if she chose to abort. She still wanted the
abortion partly because she had just started to date this young man.

When I started to scan she saw her child and still wanted an abortion.
I was almost completed with the exam and she was positively sure that she wanted
to abort. This is when the director of the center who was in the room started to
pray asking God what to do and something told her ask the young if she wanted to
hold her baby's hand. When Linda, the director, asked this question the young
lady thought Linda was crazy. Linda asked her to place her hand on her stomach.

We had no idea what would happen. I simply looked at the baby lying
face up in the screen. Suddenly the baby started to move his hand upwards
towards his mother hand! The child stayed in this position long enough to give
me goose bumps. We could hardly believe what we had seen. Today his little baby
girl is alive.

Sonogram technician.