Saturday, March 19, 2011

DAY 11: Keep praying!


Dear Deacon,

It is about that time of the campaign ... the time
when the abortion facility workers are starting to
get a little agitated at -- well -- YOUR prayers.

It usually happens about 10 days into a 40 Days for
Life campaign.

I know it may be surprising, but not everyone likes
having a prayer vigil outside of their workplace.
That's okay, because we've seen the power of those
prayers convert the hearts of many, at one time or
another, frustrated abortion center workers.

Here are a few examples of clinic worker agitation...


The abortion center in Rockford that is the site of
the 40 Days for Life vigil is a notorious location well
known in pro-life circles for its extreme attitude --
and vulgar signs posted in the windows.

Pro-lifers operate a mobile pregnancy care center near
the Rockford vigil site -- and the abortion facility's
staff and their friends are most assuredly not happy.

According to one 40 Days for Life volunteer, the
abortion center staff "did all they could to stop
mothers from using the mobile ultrasound ... even
blocking access to the door to the motorhome by
placing a sign from a local pawn shop in front of it
so it could only open a few inches.

"Because of the power of prayer and the witness of
Christians, they failed."

The local team made a short video showing the mobile
ultrasound van -- and a small group praying on the
other side of the street outside the abortion center.

To see the video, please go to:


Business is most assuredly off at Planned Parenthood
in Virginia Beach.

"Tuesday is a regularly scheduled abortion day at
Planned Parenthood," said Marcia, the local 40 Days
for Life coordinator in Virginia Beach. "Normally,
they do 10-15 abortions on Tuesday mornings. This
Tuesday, that number was down to seven."

"I was at Planned Parenthood by myself from 5 to 6,"
added Charlie in Virginia Beach.

"About 5:45 a young couple stopped as they were
driving out from the parking lot, rolled down the
window, and told me that they had decided to keep
their baby," he said. "I congratulated them, and
told them about Life Ministries."

"That's a major praise!" said Marcia.


It looks like the staff is getting nervous at Planned
Parenthood in Naples, where faithful volunteers are
praying outside during 40 Days for Life prayer vigils.

One of the area's TV stations received a complaint that
the people on the sidewalk were "harassing" Planned
Parenthood's clients. So they sent out a news crew.

The reporter interviewed the woman who said she was

The reporter also talked to a couple of 40 Days for
Life vigil participants, who were flabbergasted at
the idea that peacefully praying on the sidewalk could
ever be viewed as harassment.

I was in Naples just a few weeks ago and met these
sweet women -- and that's exactly what you'll see in
the video.

The volunteers did a GREAT job of presenting the truth!

For a link to a report -- and the video -- from
WINK-TV, please go to:

The words of Jesus come to mind. "Blessed are you when
they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind
of evil against you (falsely) because of me. Rejoice
and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven"
(Matthew 5:11-12).

Keep praying!

Today's devotional is from Fr. Frank Pavone, national
director of Priests for Life.


Pray that people of faith will have their strength
renewed even in the face of the violence of abortion.


The favors of the Lord are not exhausted, his mercies
are not spent. They are renewed each morning, so great
is his faithfulness. I say to myself, "The Lord is my
portion; therefore I will wait for him."

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the
one who seeks him; it is good to wait in silence for
the saving help of the Lord.

-- Lamentations 3:22-26

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

The Book of Lamentations, a short book of only five
chapters, contains some of the most poignant
expressions of human grief.

These verses are used in many Churches on Good Friday,
since they can be seen to express a prophecy of the
suffering of the Lord and the lamentation of his
followers on that dark day.

But in the midst of his grief, Jeremiah writes the
verses quoted above. "The favors of the Lord are not
exhausted." It is a call to hope that no matter how
much violence there is, life will prevail in the end.

Why does he say, however, that God's mercies are
renewed each morning?

Because early in the morning, on the first day of the
week, the women came to the tomb -- and they found
that the events of that morning changed everything.

Christ's victory over death came in the morning, and
therefore each day we can renew our confidence that
life has the final victory.


Lord, look kindly on your people who weep and mourn
amidst the vast devastation that abortion has brought
upon our land. We cannot even count the children
killed, and the mothers and fathers wounded.

We cannot measure the devastation and corruption
abortion has brought upon the very fabric of our
society. But we declare today that your favors have
not been exhausted, your mercies have not been spent.
They are renewed each morning.

Give us new strength today in the resurrection of
Christ your Son, that we may bear effective witness to
the victory of life! In His name we pray, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Has overcoming challenges been one of the blessings
at your 40 Days for Life campaign? If you have any good
news to share, please comment on today's blog entry at:

 40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA