Sunday, March 6, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church lawyer: Obama, Supreme Court justices going to hell


The lawyer who last week won the Supreme Court case upholding Westboro Baptist Church’s right to hold anti-gay protests at military funerals said yesterday that President Obama is going to hell and the high court's nine justices also are likely hell bound.

"That's a big 10-four," Margi Phelps said of Obama's afterlife date with the devil.

Read more:

Whoa! Talk about judging and living the Gospel, who are these people that they can say who's going to hell? There's an old saying that when you point a finger a someone, there's 4 pointing back at you. Let us pray for our government leaders so that they receive the graces they need to lead the country. Let God be the judge of their actions and whether or not they fulfill or follow His Will.
Deacon John