Sunday, September 18, 2011

CMMB: Your Weekly Reflection in Prayer

Weekly Prayer Reflection for Summer

“I am hard pressed between my desire to depart and my desire to be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary for you.”
Philippians 1:23-24
September 18, 2011
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Ignatius once posed this dilemma or choice to one of his companions. “If you were given the option by God to die this day and go direct to heaven, or stay on earth, and not be guaranteed salvation, what would you choose?” His companion chose the first, to go directly to heaven. Ignatius then said that he himself would chose the second, stay on this earth in order to render continued service to God and neighbor – and he added placing his trust in God, “have no regard for my danger or security.”
St. Paul seems to think the same way, reminding us that our purpose in life is to render service to God, to give ourselves to the Lord in whatever we are doing.
As our 2011-2012 class of medical volunteers prepares to depart for their service assignments we pray for the safety of their travels and for all those they will be serving. May their experiences be filled with the Lord's Grace, and may we at CMMB be a source of support and nourishment for them. Please join us in praying for them and for their intentions.
My Father, I abandon myself to you. Do with me as you will. I am prepared for anything. I accept everything, provided your will is fulfilled in me and in all creatures. I ask for nothing more. I place my soul in your hands. I give it to you, my God, with all the love of my heart, because I love you.
Charles de Foucauld
Rev. Peter Schineller, S.J., CMMB Board of Directors

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