Friday, September 16, 2011

Painometer: Brain scans help measure pain objectively


St. Padre Pio once said that "If you knew the value of pain, you would never give it up!" I'm not sure how this story of pain measurement can help us but there are some pains that seem to never go away, like my feet pain and my arthritis. I do offer all my pains in union with Christ's sacred Passion and death on the Cross, always saying that beautiful prayer taught by the Angel of Fatima: "O my Jesus, this is for the love of You, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." I also add "and in reparation for abortion, for all priests and deacons, for the conversion of Moslems, for all persecuted Christians, and for all those who are suffering."
Deacon John

Whether something hurts or not is usually a subjective call. Now, Stanford researchers have paired fMRI scans with computer algorithms to accurately identify pain 81% of the time. Read the full story