Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Planned Parenthood CEO: Providing Information Is “Cruel”


Cecile Richards, the CEO of Planned Parenthood, sent out an email asking: “Why is Rick Perry so cruel to women?

Richards complained, among other things, about Gov. Perry’s support of the Texas law that would require abortion providers to show an expectant mother a sonogram of her baby, along with a description and the heartbeat. All facts. No opinions. Just the information that correctly and completely explains the procedure as required for a fully educated choice.

But Richards attacked these measures as “burdens” and “dangerous.” Why is Richards so upset?

How is looking at a “clump of cells” a burden? It’s not as if the expectant mother will be looking at a human life with arms, legs, a head, a beating heart, etc. Oh, wait …

But how is providing this information dangerous? OK, I admit I can see how providing an expectant mother with all the biological facts concerning her b

Image via Wikipedia

aby might cause her to change her mind and “choose” life, instead of allowing the abortionist to rip her baby’s limbs, crush her baby’s skull, and throw away her baby’s remains like trash. Planned Parenthood would lose a lot of abortion money. So I concede this, in fact, is dangerous.

That Rick Perry sure is cruel.

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