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Were there to be no support in the whole history of ethical and moral thought, were there no acknowledged confirmation from medical science, were the history of legal opinion to the contrary, we would still have to conclude on the basis of God's Holy Word that the unborn child is a person in the sight of God. He is protected by the sanctity of life graciously given to each individual by the Creator, Who alone places His image upon man and grants them any right to life which they have.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report 11/30/11
LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Pro-Abortion Groups Push Abortions at Military Base Hospitals
• Nurse Pressured to Assist Abortion: Just Catch the Baby s Head
• NARAL Complains to Apple About Siri iPhone Abortion Results
• Houston Democrats Throw Christmas Party at Planned Parenthood
More Pro-Life News
• Writer: Mitt Romney s Pro-Life Conversion Was Legitimate
• Planned Parenthood s Mythomania: Big Abortion and Big Lies
• Gender and Race-Based Abortions a Problem the U.S. Must Fix
• Surgeon Says Obamacare Will Nix Brain Operations for Elderly
• Media Still Ignores Studies Showing Abortion Hurts Women
• Abolish Abortion Web Site Helps Pro-Life Student Activists
• India s Proposed Two-Child Policy Would Push Abortions
• United Nations Wrong to Pressure Peru to Legalize Abortion
• Rhode Island Pro-Lifers Sue Chafee Over Obamacare, Abortion
• Illinois Supreme Court to Take Parental Notification Case
---> LifeNews.com relies on your support to make pro-life news free and available to hundreds of thousands of people every week. You can send a donation to us at LifeNews.com, PO Box 270841, Fort Collins, CO 80527. You can send an online gift to us by going to http://www.lifenews.com/donate
Pro-Abortion Groups Push Abortions at Military Base Hospitals
Leading pro-abortion groups are pushing members of the Senate to support an amendment to legislation that would overturn the ban on abortions at taxpayer-funded U.S. military base hospitals.
Instead of focusing on care for military personnel and their families, abortion activists want to ensure the taxpayer-funded hospitals and staff are required to do abortions. As is frequently the case, pro-abortion groups like NARAL and Planned Parenthood are focusing on hard cases in order to push through their abortion agenda.
Titled End Abortion Ban for Military Rape Survivors, an email NARAL sent to its supporters yesterday presented the longstanding policy in a different light.
It s outrageous. Women in the military who become pregnant from rape cannot use their health insurance to cover abortion care. Servicewomen s health insurance doesn t cover abortion in these tragic circumstances simply because of anti-choice politics, NARAL claimed.
Current law in effect since 1996 prohibits the performance of abortion by Department of Defense medical personnel or at DOD medical facilities. A separate provision prohibits the use of DOD funds for abortion except to save the life of the mother.
The issue of abortions done at military base medical centers has been around for two decades. When ex-President Clinton allowed abortions in military facilities from 1993 to 1996, all military physicians (as well as many nurses and supporting personnel) refused to perform or assist in elective abortions. In response, the Clinton administration attempted to hire civilians to do abortions. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/pro-abortion-groups-push-abortions-at-military-base-hospitals/
Nurse Pressured to Assist Abortion: Just Catch the Baby s Head
More than a dozen nurses in New Jersey have filed a lawsuit against a hospital that has been pressuring them to assist in abortions. One of the nurses in the case has spoken out about the pressure she faced and shared a gruesome comment.
As LifeNews has reported, some of the nurses in New Jersey who have faced pressure to do abortions at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey have spoken out about their ordeal. of the nurses in New Jersey who have faced pressure to do abortions at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey two weeks ago.
One of the nurses, Fe Esperanza R. Vinoya, talked with the Washington Post and said a manager at the hospital told her: You just have to catch the baby s head. Don t worry, it s already dead.
Thomas Peters, a writer at the Live Action blog, caught the quote and said it stopped me in my tracks when I read it.
Can you imagine anything more horrific than being forced to catch a dead baby s head? A baby who only minutes before was alive in its mother s womb? he said. Pro-abort writers and bloggers are hysterically (I don t use the word lightly) attempting to attack these women s motives. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/nurse-pressured-to-assist-abortion-just-catch-the-babys-head/
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2012? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email news@LifeNews.com. |
NARAL Complains to Apple About Siri iPhone Abortion Results
NARAL is not happy about the results on iPhones across the country with the new Siri technology that has come under fire for not including abortion clinics in results of questions related to abortion.
As LifeNews reporter Andrew Bair noted yesterday, abortion advocates were outraged to find that when Siri was asked questions related to abortion the phone responded with a list of pregnancy resource centers instead of local abortion facilities.
The story broke after abortion advocates tested the phone in New York City, the city New York magazine labeled The Abortion Capital of America, where over 40% of pregnancies end in abortion (according to the Department of Health). Despite the persistent efforts of abortion advocates to drown out the positive alternatives to abortion provided by pregnancy centers, the iPhone 4S has chosen to highlight them.
Although some pro-life advocates informed LifeNews after the news broke that their phones showed results for abortion clinics, the lack of results for some people and in some areas was enough for NARAL to launch an official complaint. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/naral-complains-to-apple-about-siri-iphone-abortion-results/
Houston Democrats Throw Christmas Party at Planned Parenthood
Democrats in Houston have decided on a location for their annual Christmas party and have decided to hold it at a local Houston Planned Parenthood facility.
The women s auxiliary of the Harris County Democratic Party will hold their politically correct-named Holiday Party on December 8 at the late-term abortion business Planned Parenthood runs in the southeast party of Houston that has gained national attention and controversy.
The location is no surprise given the close relationship the Democratic Party has with abortion advocates, especially in Houston. Houston Mayor Annise Parker spoke at the opening of the massive new Planned Parenthood abortion business (the location of the party) in June 2010, saying, It s not about the building; it s about people s lives; it is not about women, it is about families; and it s not about what we do here today, it s about our future. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/houston-democrats-throw-christmas-party-at-planned-parenthood/
Writer: Mitt Romney s Pro-Life Conversion Was Legitimate
When Mitt Romney converted to the pro-life position in 2005 as the governor of Massachusetts, some pro-life advocates questioned the legitimacy of that conversion and whether it was done for political expediency in preparation for a run for the GOP nomination for president in 2008.
In a new column today in the Washington Post, conservative writer Kathleen Parker tackles that question and says she believes his decision to become pro-life on abortion is a heartfelt one.
So how does a person change from one position to the polar opposite on such a core issue as abortion? Easy. Countless women have changed their minds, thanks to pregnancy and birth. Countless others have suffered the agony of revelation too late following an abortion. Men overjoyed by fatherhood, or crushed by the loss of a child through abortion, have also changed their minds, Parker writes. . http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/writer-mitt-romneys-pro-life-conversion-was-legitimate/
Planned Parenthood s Mythomania: Big Abortion and Big Lies
If Planned Parenthood were a patient (at least one they haven t aborted), it could be diagnosed with one of many behavioral disorders. But the primary diagnosis would be mythomania. This psychological disorder is marked by an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating.
The billion-dollar abortion giant blatantly lies about basic biology and human development, peer-reviewed medical studies on birth control s increased risk of breast cancer, overpopulation, and deliberate racial targeting. But the pathological lying, fed by billions of our tax dollars over the years, knows no end.
Women s history has to be radically altered for the abortion-centered nonprofit to generate millions in profit. One would think that Planned Parenthood s President, Cecile Richards, with a degree in History, would easily know the claims made on their site are ludicrously false. But this is what it means to Richards and others, who make a living off of abortions, to trust women . They fear people knowing the truth of their racist eugenic origins and their primary mission of population control that their mythomania kicks into high gear. Every machination shows how much they truly distrust women to make informed decisions. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/planned-parenthoods-mythomania-big-abortion-and-big-lies/

Gender and Race-Based Abortions a Problem the U.S. Must Fix
There is little that is more tragic than when a baby is aborted merely because it is perceived to be the wrong gender or race. And yet, this exact scenario is playing out all over the world, including in the United States. In fact, the situation in the United States may be the worst of all, because it is happening in full compliance with the law.
In places like India and China, gender-based abortions have long been a significant problem due to the cultural bias toward males. China s restrictions on family size have further exacerbated the problem. However, even in these countries, the horror of aborting a baby because of its gender has been recognized, and complete bans on gender-based abortions have been enacted. Most of the international community, including the United Nations, now favor a ban on gender-based abortions. By virtue of continuing to allow such a barbaric practice, the U.S. is lagging well behind on this fundamental human right, and is running the risk of becoming the destination of choice for those who would seek an abortion because their baby is not the preferred gender. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/gender-and-race-based-abortions-a-problem-the-u-s-must-fix/
Surgeon Says Obamacare Will Nix Brain Operations for Elderly
Are you an elderly American? Well get ready to be determined a non-essential medical expenditure if Obamacare has any say in the matter which it will if its allowed to become fully implemented. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/surgeon-says-obamacare-will-nix-brain-operations-for-elderly/
100+ FREE pamphlets re black abortions, $4.95 postage. Help stop corporate funding of Planned Parenthood. Join Project Mustard Seed and send monthly letter. It is easy - send same letter with new addressee. Email naughtonjj@gmail.com for samples. |
Media Still Ignores Studies Showing Abortion Hurts Women
You would think that when researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the University of Pennsylvania determine that something nearly TRIPLES a woman s breast cancer risk, it would be big news. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/media-still-ignores-studies-showing-abortion-hurts-women/
Abolish Abortion Web Site Helps Pro-Life Student Activists
After months of building, testing, and soliciting your feedback, I m excited to announce that TODAY Students for Life s new grassroots action website, www.abolishabortion.com, is officially launching. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/abolish-abortion-web-site-helps-pro-life-student-activists/
India s Proposed Two-Child Policy Would Push Abortions
The southern Indian state of Kerala might be the next in a long line of governments attempting to destroy their own greatest resource: their people. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/indias-proposed-two-child-policy-would-push-abortions/
United Nations Wrong to Pressure Peru to Legalize Abortion
In one of the most recent acts of social imperialism by the United Nations, the CEDAW Committee determined that Peru must compensate a girl for being denied an abortion and liberalize its abortion policies. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/united-nations-wrong-to-pressure-peru-to-legalize-abortion/
Rhode Island Pro-Lifers Sue Chafee Over Obamacare, Abortion
The state pro-life group in Rhode Island and two dozen state legislators are preparing to file a lawsuit against pro-abortion Gov. Lincoln Chafee concerning his attempt to force state residents to pay for abortions via their tax dollars. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/rhode-island-pro-lifers-sue-chafee-over-obamacare-abortion/
Illinois Supreme Court to Take Parental Notification Case
Today, the Illinois Supreme Court agreed to decide whether the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 violates the Illinois State Constitution of 1970. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/30/illinois-supreme-court-to-take-parental-notification-case/
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Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 Will Go Before the Illinois Supreme Court
Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 Will Go Before the Illinois Supreme Court
Posted by Thomas More Society (November 30, 2011 at 5:39 pm)
Thomas More Society’s Attempt to Intervene in Defense of the Act Also To Be Reviewed
November 30, 2011 (Springfield) – Today, the Illinois Supreme Court agreed to decide a pair of appeals arising out of the ACLU’s latest challenge, based on Illinois’ Constitution of 1970, to the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 – an Act whose enforcement the ACLU has stymied through successive court challenges ever since it became law. First, the Court ruled it will hear the Attorney General’s petition for review of the Appellate Court’s decision earlier this year, overturning the Cook County Circuit Court’s dismissal of ACLU’s state constitutional challenge to the Act. Second, the Court also granted review of Thomas More Society’s petition, seeking intervention by county prosecutors whom the Act vested with enforcement responsibilities and who contended that the Attorney General was not adequately representing their interests in defense of the Act.
The Attorney General had argued that the Illinois Constitution of 1970 – even though adopted years before Roe v. Wade upheld a federal abortion right in 1973 – also had guaranteed a right to abort, but that the Illinois abortion right was no stronger than the federal abortion right. Thus she contended, and the Circuit Court agreed, that the prior defeat of the ACLU’s federal challenge also barred its state law-based challenge.
On the other hand, Thomas More Society argued on behalf of the county prosecutors (for over twenty of whom, as amici curiae, it also filed a brief on the merits) that the record of the Constitutional Convention flatly refuted any claim that the Framers prescribed or guaranteed any abortion rights. On the contrary, the Framers clearly decided to leave the issue for legislative determination. Moreover, one stray reference by the Illinois Supreme Court to Roe v. Wade in a case involving access to abortion records related only to privacy of data, and not to any Illinois right to abortion, let alone one stronger than the federal right established in Roe. Indeed, abortion was illegal – indeed, criminal – in Illinois from the time when the State Constitution was adopted until the Roe decision.
Paul Linton, Special Counsel for Thomas More Society, welcomed the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision to review the Act. ”The Illinois Supreme Court’s action ensures that there will be a prompt, definitive, and final resolution of the law’s constitutionality, and we believe that the high Court will uphold the law. Similar laws in other States have been associated with significant declines in the numbers of out-of-wedlock pregnancies, births, and abortions among minors. The United States Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the vital interests that States have in protecting pregnant minors and the rights of their parents to provide guidance and counsel in this very sensitive area.”
Subject to exceptions allowing for confidential “bypassing” of parental notice in cases of abuse, or on showing of the minor’s maturity and best interests, etc., the Illinois Parental Notice Act requires that an unemancipated minor notify one of her parents, her legal guardian, a step-parent residing in the same household, or a grandparent of her intention to obtain an abortion. The Act does not require parental consent, only notice. Illinois is the only midwest state without either a parental notice of consent law, so that out of state cars driven by adults escorting young girls and women here are a very common sight at Illinois abortion providers, whose patrons thus avoid – or evade – their own state laws.
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Heroic News: “Miss America sponsor resigns after gay porn scandal” plus 7 more
- Miss America sponsor resigns after gay porn scandal
- HS teacher suspended over second job ... as porn star
- Writer: Mitt Romney's pro-life conversion was legitimate
- Is Apple's Siri pro life?
- Strangers, angels save single mom's Christmas
- Stars gather for gay 'marriage' campaign
- Journalist questions 'necessity' of preventing race, gender-based abortions
- 'Catholic' college students organize unsanctioned contraceptive clinic
Miss America sponsor resigns after gay porn scandal Posted: 30 Nov 2011 08:06 AM PST "Young girls across the country have looked up to Miss America for decades. Any connection the organization has with the porn industry, even financially, will prove dire effects going forward," a pageant insider warned. |
HS teacher suspended over second job ... as porn star Posted: 30 Nov 2011 08:04 AM PST A high school English teacher in Boston has been placed on paid leave as the school investigates allegations he recently appeared in pornographic movies, MyFoxBoston.com reports. |
Writer: Mitt Romney's pro-life conversion was legitimate ![]() Posted: 30 Nov 2011 07:59 AM PST When Mitt Romney converted to the pro-life position in 2005 as the governor of Massachusetts, some pro-life advocates questioned the legitimacy of that conversion and whether it was authentic; one writer confirms his belief that it was. |
![]() Image via CrunchBase Posted: 30 Nov 2011 07:32 AM PST The iPhone's new voice-activated personal assistant is suspiciously bad at finding abortion clinics, according to a group of U.S. bloggers enraged by its seemingly pro life implications. |
Strangers, angels save single mom's Christmas Posted: 30 Nov 2011 06:34 AM PST Early Saturday afternoon, Amber helped her 2-year-old in the Super Saver bathroom, setting down an envelope with her rent money -- $300, most of her paycheck -- on the counter ... and forgetting about it. |
Stars gather for gay 'marriage' campaign Posted: 30 Nov 2011 06:22 AM PST Pro-gay 'marriage' activists from Hollywood were joined by US Vogue editor Anna Wintour and funnyman Jerry Seinfeld at the flagship Calvin Klein store in the Big Apple to launch the Americans for Marriage Equality movement. |
Journalist questions 'necessity' of preventing race, gender-based abortions Posted: 30 Nov 2011 06:07 AM PST Arizona Congressman Trent Franks yesterday reintroduced a bill into Congress that would make it a crime to have an abortion based on the gender or race of the child, but is it actually a problem in the U.S.? |
'Catholic' college students organize unsanctioned contraceptive clinic Posted: 30 Nov 2011 06:00 AM PST Law Students for Reproductive Justice, a Fordham University student organization, has organized an off-campus birth control clinic because “our Catholic university prohibits the actual prescription of contraception at its health centers.” |

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![]() American Life League's latest report on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is now available here.
In this Issue: November 30, 2011
American Life League calls for resignation of HHS Secretary Sebelius as criminal charges loom around Planned Parenthood case
On Tuesday, American Life League issued a call for the resignation of Obama-appointee Kathleen Sebelius from her cabinet level post as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Sebelius will likely be facing allegations of criminal misconduct against her and the staff over which she had charge as governor of Kansas as, under her watch, critical evidence was destroyed that was necessary for the felony prosecution and possible subsequent defunding of Planned Parenthood.
Read more here. |
The Jaffe Memo: Planned Parenthood's frightening anti-population agenda
Former Planned Parenthood manager Abby Johnson reminded us this week of the Jaffe Memo, a document produced by Planned Parenthood in 1969 at the request of the U.S. government. Frederick Jaffe, whose name the memo bears, was vice president of Planned Parenthood-World Population at the time.
The memo lists proposals for population reduction, many of which we see tragically fulfilled today. Among them: Restructure family: a) postpone or avoid marriage, b) alter image of ideal family size; encourage increased homosexuality; educate for family limitation; require women to work and provide few child care facilities; abortion and sterilization on demand; allow certain contraceptives to be distributed non-medically; improve contraceptive technology; make contraception truly available and accessible to all. Read more here. |
Planned Parenthood's perversion of the holidays
Planned Parenthood strives to corrupt every holiday and turn it into an occasion for its own profit and/or promotion of promiscuity and abortion. This time of year it becomes particularly hard to take.
Thanksgiving at our home was a joyful occasion-centered on the family, the feast, and giving thanks to Almighty God for our many blessings. This makes me wonder whyPlanned Parenthood of NYC went to great lengths to create a Thanksgiving survival guide, training abortion activists to defend themselves from the pro-life advocates in the family. Read more here |
Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary: Mary at the center
Advent has finally arrived! It is a time of preparation and anticipation. We await the birth of the Holy Christ Child who will deliver us from evil and into eternal life. It is through the Virgin that this Holy Child, begotten of the Holy Spirit, will come to save us. God chose Mary as the vessel through which to deliver the Savior of the world. Her fiat resounds throughout time and space. She holds a unique and central place in the plan of salvation.
So, too, she is central to the work of rescuing our children and our communities from the evil that is Planned Parenthood. Are we putting Mary at the very center of our prayer vigils at Planned Parenthood, or are we setting her off to the side somewhere as if she were on the "also invited" list?
Read more here. |
Victory: Planned Parenthood sex ed presentation for early childhood teachers cancelled
Standing vigil at Rockland Community College in New York in the freezing cold on Nov. 5, Eileen Peterson witnessed and prayed amidst signs saying "Planned Parenthood will kill 1,000+ babies today," and "Planned Parenthood is aiding & abetting underage sex trafficking with your tax $." Eileen was manning the post because Planned Parenthood was scheduled to present at the Early Education Conference being held there.
As she handed out literature to daycare teachers, the security guards approached to inform her that Planned Parenthood's presentation had been canceled. "I have good news; you don't have to freeze any more," one of the men said.
Read more here. |
Support STOPPSTOPP INTERNATIONAL is totally supported by free-will donations from concerned people. It is only through your generosity that we are able to continue. Please consider a donation to help us continue our work by using our secure online donation form. May God richly bless you! In Christ, Rita Diller, National Director |
Milestone: Defund Planned Parenthood petition breaks 10,000 signatures
“We’re thrilled to have reached such a high number of signatures in just over a month,” said LSN editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen.
Full Story: http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/milestone-defund-planned-parenthood-petition...
Life-Affirming Pregnancy Medical Center Applauds Apple iPhone 4S Siri for Not Providing Abortion Clinic Information

Life-Affirming Pregnancy Medical Center Applauds Apple iPhone 4S Siri for Not Providing Abortion Clinic Information
BOISE, Idaho, Nov. 30, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Stanton Healthcare, a life-affirming women's medical center that specializes in unexpected pregnancy care, is thrilled by the recent discovery that Siri does not promote or provide abortion information or referrals.
If you ask Siri "I want an abortion" or "Where can I get an abortion" it will tell you "I didn't find any abortion clinics" and in some states, Siri will provide a list of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers in the area.
Brandi Swindell, Founder and President of Stanton Healthcare, states,
"We applaud Apple iPhone's 4S Siri and are thrilled that Siri does not list or refer to abortion clinics. Numerous lives will be saved as a direct result. Siri is setting the standard for all organizations -- no one should ever refer anyone to get an abortion.
"Early feminist and suffragette leader, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, called abortion an evil and said 'When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit.'
"This reaffirms the truth that women have always been at the forefront in speaking out against the violence of abortion and embracing equality and human rights for all. As a woman I'm delighted that Siri is embracing a position that promotes the dignity of women and upholds human rights in the womb.
"It is my hope that Apple remains steadfast and does not cave under any pressure brought by the abortion industry to start marketing abortion clinics." Swindell states. "This is a huge win for women and a significant step in the right direction."
Will She or Won't She? Abortionist Neuhaus Gives Conflicting Comments Regarding Her Return to the Abortion Cartel
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Day Gardner, Author, Activist Says: America is Being Sucker-Punched!
OPINION, Nov. 30, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Day Gardner:
There is a plot to destroy Herman Cain--we see it in the money hungry women vying for 15 minutes of fame and fortune and we see it in the liberal media's assassination of Herman Cain.
The saddest thing is that America is being sucker-punched by the liberal media. Most of them are so deep in Obama's trench that there are no limits to how low they will go. They knew that all they had to do was plant a seed... even if it's a seed pod filled with lies -- they knew they'd be successful in placing doubt

Image via Wikipedia
in the minds of Cain supporters.
Gone are the days when newsmen and women sought hard facts before airing a story.
Instead we are left with 'fake' reality TV news programs -- very similar to the Jersey Shore, Real Housewives and Survivor. Today's media helps to create uncomfortable situations and then they sensationalize their report on how people react.
It is obvious that those who seek to defame Herman Cain's character see him as a definite threat to President Obama -- and they are absolutely correct!
There are those who have him convicted even though there are no hard facts to prove anything. It's a whole lot of "he said she said" which would never hold up in Judge Judy's court. As for me, there is no doubt in my mind... I'm still on the train.
Case dismissed!
Liberal Barney Frank Even Hates Death Panels
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report 11/29/11
LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Monday, November 26, 2011
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Sebelius Called on to Quit Over Planned Parenthood Scandal
• Obama Approval Stuck at 43%, Tanks With Independent Voters
• 2012 Election Will Have Massive Abortion Implications
• Planned Parenthood Building Big North Texas Abortion Biz
More Pro-Life News
• Abortionist Carhart Not Punished for Misleading License App
• Siri Sends Women to Pregnancy Centers, Not Abortion Clinics
• Congressional Bill Bans Sex-Selection, Race-Based Abortions
• Claim: Late-Term Abortions Have No Detrimental Effects
• Abortion Business to Stay Closed in Illinois Until January
• The Eyeless I of Assisted Suicide, Fighting it in Canada
• Bloomberg News Smears GOP Candidates Over Abortion
• Gene Therapy an Alternative to Assisted Suicide for Pain
• North Carolina Choose Life License Plates Blocked by Judge
---> LifeNews.com relies on your support to make pro-life news free and available to hundreds of thousands of people every week. You can send a donation to us at LifeNews.com, PO Box 270841, Fort Collins, CO 80527. You can send an online gift to us by going to http://www.lifenews.com/donate
Sebelius Called on to Quit Over Planned Parenthood Scandal
A leading pro-life organization is calling on HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to quit because of a scandal involving the destruction of Planned Parenthood record during her administration as governor of Kansas.
The Obama official has come under heavy fire from prolife groups who are pointing out how a state attorney general she appointed in Kansas destroyed documents related 107 criminal charges former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline filed against the abortion business. The charges alleged that planned Parenthood failed to report cases of child rape on children on whom Planned Parenthood did abortions, that it failed to test whether an unborn child was viable (as required by state law) before doing a late-term abortion, and that it manipulated records it submitted to the state to cover up those crimes.
Because former attorney general Steve Six, the Sebelius appointee, destroyed the documents, a court dismissed all of the felony charges filed against Planned Parentood because the evidence supporting those charges had been destroyed.
Now, the American Life League says that, with growing evidence strengthening the connection between the possible illegal destruction of records in the criminal case against Planned Parenthood in Kansas and Sebelius, the organization is Secretary Sebelius to resign from her cabinet level position in the Obama administration. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/sebelius-called-on-to-quit-over-planned-parenthood-scandal/
Obama Approval Stuck at 43%, Tanks With Independent Voters
The number one goal for the pro-life movement in the United States in 2012 is defeating pro-abortion President Barack Obama, and a new Gallup survey shows his support continues to remain at steady low levels.
Obama s job approval rating averaged 43% last week according to the new Gallup poll identical to his rating each week since late October. Obama remained in the low 50s for much of August and September in terms of his disapproval rating but that has dropped slightly to 48-49 percent in the most recent Gallup surveys.
Still, with more Americans continuing to disapprove than approve of the president s job performance, the numbers show the pro-life movement has a strong opportunity next year to defeat Obama and to, once again, give unborn children a president who may shape the Supreme Court in a way that they could finally enjoy legal protection.
Gallup s analysis of its survey indicated that Obama s weekly average approval rating remains depressed relative to the 45% to 50% readings seen for much of the first half of 2011.
His rating had previously dropped to 43% in April before rebounding in early May, to 51%, on the news that American forces had killed Osama bin Laden. His weekly approval rating remained high throughout May, but then gradually decreased in June and July before first reaching his term low of 40% in August, Gallup notes. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/obama-approval-stuck-at-43-tanks-with-independent-voters/
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2012 Election Will Have Massive Abortion Implications
The state of the economy continues to be the issue that political commentators and the media proclaim as the number one concern facing Americans in the upcoming election of 2012. Indeed, all of the current Republican candidates for president are emphasizing economic issues as they challenge President Obama s reelection.
The economic situation of our nation is not good. Unemployment is high and the nation is suffering from large numbers of unemployed and larger numbers of underemployed who are struggling to support their families.
The state of the economy is, of course, an issue of vital concern. However, abortion and related life issues are absolute critical issues that will define the future of America. Yet, they are barely visible on the media s radar screen. The state of the economy will undoubtedly determine how millions of Americans vote in November 2012, but the future of the nation will ultimately be determined by how Americans decide the abortion/life issues.
Lincoln said that our nation cannot continue to exist half slave and half free. Ronald Reagan said, in the spirit of Lincoln, that our nation cannot continue to exist where the lives of some human beings, i.e. the unborn, are not protected under the law while others are granted such protection. Indeed, current abortion statistics are sobering. Since 1973 nearly 55 million unborn children have been killed by abortion. Abortion takes the lives of 1.3 million unborn children a year, 3,300 per day, and one every 25 seconds. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/2012-election-will-have-massive-abortion-implications/
Planned Parenthood Building Big North Texas Abortion Biz
Planned Parenthood, which makes its living aborting future generations of families, is expecting again. When it comes to Planned Parenthood in Texas, the favorite child is the Houston abortion facility that opened last year, offering a full range of services including late-term abortions. But in the works is a multi-million dollar abortion center in another part of the state, as Planned Parenthood of North Texas (PPNT) is in the midst of a capital campaign to replace its Fort Worth facility with a sprawling new center to expand its services. This facility is slated to open within the next year and a half.
Calling it a flagship center, like its Houston center, the Fort Worth center is estimated to be over 20,000 square feet, but with a capital campaign goal of $21.5 million, a full $5 million more than the Houston mega-center that opened last year, there seem to be some pricey upgrades planned.
In order to keep this project moving, PPNT has publicly promoted its capital campaign. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/planned-parenthood-building-big-north-texas-abortion-biz/
Abortionist Carhart Not Punished for Misleading License App
Abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart, who moved much of his late-term abortion business from Nebraska to Maryland, was given only a slap on the wrist from the state medical board for lying on his license application.
Carhart was under investigation by the Board of Physicians of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene based on a complaint filed by a pro-life advocates who said Carhart possibly misled the Maryland medical board when applying for his license in the state.
Allegations in the complaint included claims that Carhart misrepresented his practice on his Maryland medical license application when he indicated he was an emergency room physician and university professor. In reality, Carhart has not had an affiliation with a hospital since 1987, and was stripped of any formal duties with the University of Nebraska in the late 1990s.
Carhart s Maryland application omitted his decades of job history as owner and abortionist at the Abortion and Contraceptive Clinic in Bellevue, Nebraska, and 12 years of employment at Women s Health Care Services in Wichita, Kansas, where he specialized in late-term abortions. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/abortionist-carhart-not-punished-for-misleading-license-app/
Siri Sends Women to Pregnancy Centers, Not Abortion Clinics
Technology has been instrumental in moving public opinion on abortion. From the advent of ultrasound technology, which provides stunning glimpses into life in the womb, to iPad applications that allow a pregnant mother to track her baby s development, the pro-life movement has benefited from greater awareness of the humanity of the unborn child. Now, the latest model of Apple s iPhone provides women with alternatives to abortion when making related abortion searches on its new voice-directed Siri technology.
Siri serves as an electronic personal assistant that responds to voice commands for owners of the iPhone 4S. Abortion advocates were outraged to find when Siri was asked questions related to abortion, the phone responded with a list of pregnancy resource centers instead of local abortion facilities.
Despite the persistent efforts of abortion advocates to drown out the positive alternatives to abortion provided by pregnancy centers, the iPhone 4S has chosen to highlight them. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/siri-iphone-4s-wont-reveal-locatons-of-abortion-clinics/

Congressional Bill Bans Sex-Selection, Race-Based Abortions
A U.S. congressman has reintroduced legislation that would ban sex-selection or race-based abortions. Congressman Trent Franks, an Arizona Republican who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, has brought back the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act.
The measure would prohibit knowingly performing or financing sex-selection or race-based abortions. Franks has said the bill is needed because abortions on black babies are done at much higher rates than abortions on babies of other races. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/congressional-bill-would-ban-sex-selection-race-based-abortion/
Claim: Late-Term Abortions Have No Detrimental Effects
Ann Furedi, chief executive of the abortion chain British Pregnancy Advisory Service recently engaged with Will Saletan in a debate over the issue of late-term abortion. During her opening statements, Ann made some comments that caught my attention. She admitted that a late-term fetus connects with people because it looks like a baby. Of course though to Ann, it isn t a baby nor worth of legal protection. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/claim-late-term-abortions-have-no-detrimental-effects/
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2012? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email news@LifeNews.com. |
Abortion Business to Stay Closed in Illinois Until January
The abortion business in Rockford, Illinois will remain closed until at least January as the Northern Illinois Women s Center and the Illinois Department of Public Health continue to wrangle over violations it engaged in that caused its closing. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/abortion-business-to-stay-closed-in-illinois-until-january/
The Eyeless I of Assisted Suicide, Fighting it in Canada
A Canadian court is considering a challenge to the nation s law prohibiting assisted suicide and euthanasia. Consequently the topic is in the news. I received an email from a woman who doesn t know what to think as the assisted suicide camp is pulling out all their compassionate sounding euphemisms to promote death. She wanted my thoughts. Below is the text of my comments to her. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/the-eyeless-%E2%80%9Ci%E2%80%9D-of-assisted-suicide-fighting-it-in-canada/
Bloomberg News Smears GOP Candidates Over Abortion
In a Bloomberg news article, Abortion Ban Republicans Advocate May Be Deadly for Women in Latin America, Flavia Krause-Jackson and Caroline Alexander state that pro-life laws lead to more unsafe abortions in Latin America. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/bloomberg-news-smears-gop-candidates-over-abortion/
Gene Therapy an Alternative to Assisted Suicide for Pain
Chronic pain is a major problem for many and some pain does not respond to traditional pain medications or some people cannot tolerate the side effects. The culture of death has their solution for those suffering from chronic intractable pain: assisted suicide.. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/gene-therapy-an-alternative-to-assisted-suicide-for-pain/
North Carolina Choose Life License Plates Blocked by Judge
A federal judge blocked the Choose Life license plates in North Carolina on Monday after they became the subject of a lawsuit from the pro-abortion ACLU. http://www.lifenews.com/2011/11/29/north-carolina-choose-life-license-plates-blocked-by-judge/
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