Friday, February 3, 2012



No. 507/ Friday, February 3, 2012


My youngest daughter goes to a Catholic University on the east coast. I would not call this college a conservative Catholic institution. It is like many other Catholic institutions - some conservative and some liberal elements can be found there.

I also know quite a bit about health insurance  - so a couple of years ago I went through the health care plan that this college provides for it students. It took some digging - wading through the paperwork online etc. but I was happily surprised that the health plan they offered did not cover contraceptives. In fact I was overjoyed by this fact.

Recently, as  most of you have heard the Obama Administration (with the help of renegade Catholic Kathleen Sebilieus) has found a way to force Catholic institutions to cover contraceptives/many of which are also abortifacient - through the new health care legislation.

Our Bishops have asked us to pray and fast as well as to call our Legislators and other government officials to protest this attack on Catholics and the Catholic Church. Here is an article about this recent decision.

This is just one more way that this administration is attacking religious institutions and people. Here are a couple of other decisions that have been made by this administration that directly attacks Christians.

Feb. 2011 - The Obama administration rescinded most of a federal regulations designed to protect those who refuse to provide care they find objectionable on moral or religious grounds.  Here is an article on this topic:

Another article on this decision at Life News. Obama Admin Weakens Protections for Pro-Life Medical Workers

September 2011 - "The Obama administration through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) ceased funding for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' (USCCB) work with victims of sex slavery and trafficking. The USCCB had been granted this funding since 2006 and ...A Washington Post investigation found that USCCB lost the grant competition despite having received higher scores of effectiveness than other grant competitors." Why - because the USCCB did not refer those they helped to get abortion or contraception.

Here are 2 articles on this topic.

Finally I would recommend the following article that summarizes the attack by this adminstration on Catholics.

Visit the website: Unborn Word Alliance
Visit the blog version of: Unborn Word of the day