Sunday, February 5, 2012

Your Weekly Reflection in Prayer: Job Spoke

Weekly prayer reflection for Winter
"Job spoke, saying: ‘Is not man’s life on earth a drudgery?... I have been assigned months of misery.’" 

Job 7:1 and 7:3
February 5,  2012
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear John,
Some days we find it easy to agree with Job. Not every day, thank God!  But we all have our down days. The winter weather, disappointments, health concerns and economic concerns can bring us down.
This is when we have to renew our faith, hope and trust in God. For Christians, God comes close to us in Jesus Christ.  Jesus goes about sharing the words that give life, reaching out His healing hand to raise up those who are sick in mind and spirit.  He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and especially in those moments when life seems to be sheer drudgery.

O God most faithful, You sent Your Son to rescue us from the powers of despair and the power of darkness. Your Son is the light that illumines the darkness and gives direction to us on our pilgrim journey. By His holy cross, He has redeemed the world. Enliven us in faith, hope and love, as we recall
His life and teaching, His death and resurrection.

Rev. Peter Schineller, S.J., CMMB Board of Directors