Were there to be no support in the whole history of ethical and moral thought, were there no acknowledged confirmation from medical science, were the history of legal opinion to the contrary, we would still have to conclude on the basis of God's Holy Word that the unborn child is a person in the sight of God. He is protected by the sanctity of life graciously given to each individual by the Creator, Who alone places His image upon man and grants them any right to life which they have.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
CMMB: Celebrate African Women's Day & St. Ignatius Day with us!
LifeNews Pro-Life News Report 7/31/13

LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Top Stories
• Texas Planned Parenthood’s Fraud Was $4.3 Million, Three Times More Than Announced
• Governor Shuts Down Pro-Abortion Protests With Chocolate Chip Cookies
• Congresswoman’s Miracle Baby May be the First to Survive Potter’s Syndrome
• Woman Didn’t Get Proper Anesthesia Before Abortion, Heard Girl Born Alive Cry
More Pro-Life News
• MSNBC Host Thomas Roberts Calls Abortion Clinics “Choice Providers”
• Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes Clinic in Schenectady New York
• “She Didn’t Do It!” Prayers Save Baby From Abortion at the Last Minute
• The Abortion Agenda: Increase Abortions by Increasing Number of Abortionists
• Studies Show Higher Risk of Suicide for Women Following an Abortion
• Mennonite Company Fights HHS Mandate: We Won’t be Forced to Comply
• She Wanted to be a Big-Time Reporter and Politician, Then She Became Pro-Life
• Judge Blocks Law That Could Have Made North Dakota Abortion Free
• Abortion Activists Overstate Savings From Family Planning Programs
• Abortion Access in America: How the Abortion Industry Demands Special Treatment
• Pro-Life Television Show “Facing Life Head-On” Wins Third Regional Emmy Awardrtion
• New Yorker Magazine’s In-Kind Contribution to Planned ParenthoodHer
• British Appeals Court Upholds Law Against Euthanasia
• Human Cloning is Here Now, It’s Time to be Worried
• Canadian Man Charged With Killing Man in Assisted Suicide

Planned Parenthood’s Fraud Was $4.3 Million, Three Times More Than
Attorney General Greg Abbott announced on July 24 that his office had
obtained a $1.4 million settlement against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast
for Medicaid fraud, with the settlement to be split between the state
of Texas, the federal government, and the whistleblower (former PPGC employee
Karen Reynolds).
It turns out the AG was apparently only announcing his state’s cut. The total settlement is actually $4.3 million – almost $3 million more than previously known. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/texas-planned-parenthoods-fraud-was-4-3-million-three-times-more-than-announced/

It turns out the AG was apparently only announcing his state’s cut. The total settlement is actually $4.3 million – almost $3 million more than previously known. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Governor Shuts Down Pro-Abortion Protests With Chocolate Chip Cookies
gathering of North Carolina pro-abortion activists are upset with North Carolina
Gov. Pat McCrory. They have been protesting outside the governor’s mansion
in response to his signing a pro-life bill that could close down shoddy abortion
McCrory hasn’t been willing to meet with the rabid abortion activists, but he did stop by Tuesday afternoon with a plate of chocolate chip cookies. The gesture was so nice that the abortion activists were befuddled, made up a silly chant, and went home early. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/governor-shuts-down-pro-abortion-protests-with-chocolate-chip-cookies/
Didn’t Get Proper Anesthesia Before Abortion, Heard Girl Born Alive Cry
McCrory hasn’t been willing to meet with the rabid abortion activists, but he did stop by Tuesday afternoon with a plate of chocolate chip cookies. The gesture was so nice that the abortion activists were befuddled, made up a silly chant, and went home early. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/

Miracle Baby May be the First to Survive Potter’s Syndrome
Rose Beutler’s birth has been met with significantly less fanfare than
that of the royal baby, Prince George Alexander Louis Mountbatten-Windsor,
but it was every bit as miraculous: Despite being given a prenatal diagnosis
generally considered a death sentence, Abigail was born weighing two pounds,
12 ounces at 28 weeks’ gestation and has survived two weeks.

Abigail, the daughter
of Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), was diagnosed with Potter’s Syndrome
in utero. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/congresswomans-miracle-baby-may-be-the-first-to-survive-potters-syndrom/

She also tearfully states that her friend’s family later found out that the baby girl had survived and was placed for adoption. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
MSNBC Host Thomas Roberts Calls Abortion Clinics “Choice Providers”
years, MSNBC has made it clear where it stands on the issue of abortion
in America: on the side of promoting abortion rights advocates against any
restriction or regulation on the taking of unborn life. Unsurprisingly,
one of MSNBC’s most fervent abortion activists is Thomas Roberts, who
apart from using his daily MSNBC show to promote gay marriage, has taken
it upon himself to rail against any abortion safety laws as limiting “choice.”
But on his July 30 program, Roberts took things a step further with Orwellian language designed to avoid the A-word. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/msnbc-host-thomas-roberts-calls-abortion-clinics-choice-providers/

But on his July 30 program, Roberts took things a step further with Orwellian language designed to avoid the A-word. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes Clinic in Schenectady New
Planned Parenthood abortion business is closing yet another center —
this time in Schenectady, New York.
A press release from Planned
Parenthood Mohawk Hudson (PPMH) says: “After careful evaluation, we
have decided to close our Ticonderoga health center, located at 171 Lake
George Avenue, on August 27. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/

“She Didn’t Do It!” Prayers Save Baby From Abortion
at the Last Minute
will set him in the safety for which he longs”. The verse from Psalm
12:5 floated through my mind as hot tears rushed down my cheeks. “Set
him in the safety?” I assumed it was God telling me the baby my friends
and I we’re earnestly praying for was aborted and now safe in heaven.
I had every reason to believe that must be the case.

Minutes prior a lady
inside the abortion clinic texted me, saying her friend had left the waiting
room to go behind the door. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/she-didnt-do-it-prayers-save-baby-from-abortion-at-the-last-minute/
Abortion Agenda: Increase Abortions by Increasing Number of Abortionists
The headline to Steph Herold’s post at the pro-abortion site RHrealitycheck.org is, “What Contributes to a Positive Abortion Experience?” http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/the-abortion-agenda-increase-abortions-by-increasing-number-of-abortionists/
The headline to Steph Herold’s post at the pro-abortion site RHrealitycheck.org is, “What Contributes to a Positive Abortion Experience?” http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Studies Show Higher Risk of Suicide for Women Following an Abortion
One of the main arguments given for legalizing abortion in Ireland is that troubled women would become suicidal if they were forced to carry their pregnancies to term. Ironically, this was originally how abortions were made available in many US states before Roe versus Wade. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Company Fights HHS Mandate: We Won’t be Forced to Comply
A federal appeals court issued a ruling Friday forcing a Mennonite-owned company to comply with the HHS mandate, which compels companies to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/mennonite-company-fights-hhs-mandate-we-wont-be-forced-to-comply/
She Wanted to be a Big-Time Reporter and Politician, Then She Became Pro-Life
Today’s blog post is courtesy of Feminists for Life and our very own legislative director, Maria Gallagher. This month, Feminists for Life is publishing a series of pro-life conversion stories submitted by strong, pro-life women such as Maria.. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/she-wanted-to-be-a-big-time-reporter-and-politician-then-she-became-pro-life/
A federal appeals court issued a ruling Friday forcing a Mennonite-owned company to comply with the HHS mandate, which compels companies to pay for birth control and drugs that may cause abortions. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
She Wanted to be a Big-Time Reporter and Politician, Then She Became Pro-Life
Today’s blog post is courtesy of Feminists for Life and our very own legislative director, Maria Gallagher. This month, Feminists for Life is publishing a series of pro-life conversion stories submitted by strong, pro-life women such as Maria.. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Blocks Law That Could Have Made North Dakota Abortion Free
The Red River Clinic, the sole public abortion business in North Dakota, reportedly performs an average of 1,200 abortions a yea. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/judge-blocks-law-that-could-have-made-north-dakota-abortion-free/
The Red River Clinic, the sole public abortion business in North Dakota, reportedly performs an average of 1,200 abortions a yea. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email news@LifeNews.com. |
Activists Overstate Savings From Family Planning Programs
Abortion advocates and population planners eagerly promote the idea that preventing births saves money. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/abortion-activists-overstate-savings-from-family-planning-programs/
Abortion advocates and population planners eagerly promote the idea that preventing births saves money. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Access in America: How the Abortion Industry Demands Special Treatment
In a column Friday, the Guttmacher Institute writes lamenting of the great distances women have to travel to obtain an abortion, noting one-third of women have to travel more than 25 miles for this elective surgery. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/abortion-access-in-america-how-the-abortion-industry-demands-special-treatment/
In a column Friday, the Guttmacher Institute writes lamenting of the great distances women have to travel to obtain an abortion, noting one-third of women have to travel more than 25 miles for this elective surgery. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Television Show “Facing Life Head-On” Wins Third Regional Emmy
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has awarded the pro-life television show, Facing Life Head-On a Regional Emmy® Award for its program entitled Teens Making Healthy Choices.http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/pro-life-television-show-facing-life-head-on-wins-third-regional-emmy-award/
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has awarded the pro-life television show, Facing Life Head-On a Regional Emmy® Award for its program entitled Teens Making Healthy Choices.http://www.lifenews.
Yorker Magazine’s In-Kind Contribution to Planned Parenthood
My thanks go out to the New Yorker which this morning emailed me Jeffrey Toobin’s “Daughters of Texas. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/new-yorker-magazines-in-kind-contribution-to-planned-parenthood/
My thanks go out to the New Yorker which this morning emailed me Jeffrey Toobin’s “Daughters of Texas. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Appeals Court Upholds Law Against Euthanasia
A UK Court of Appeals has refused to impose legalized euthanasia on the country . http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/british-appeals-court-upholds-law-against-euthanasia/
A UK Court of Appeals has refused to impose legalized euthanasia on the country . http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Cloning is Here Now, It’s Time to be Worried
One of my friends, who doesn‘t really follow the biotech scene, said to me one time, “When you tell me to worry about it, I will worry about it.” I replied, “Worry. Now.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/human-cloning-is-here-now-its-time-to-be-worried/
One of my friends, who doesn‘t really follow the biotech scene, said to me one time, “When you tell me to worry about it, I will worry about it.” I replied, “Worry. Now.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Man Charged With Killing Man in Assisted Suicide
Several days ago, a man was charged with the crime of assisted suicide in Hamilton Ontario. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/31/canadian-man-charged-with-killing-woman-in-assisted-suicide/
Several days ago, a man was charged with the crime of assisted suicide in Hamilton Ontario. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Encourage Friends to Sign Up for Free Pro-Life News From LifeNews.com
Heroic News: “The Childless Twenty-Somethings” plus 3 more
![]() |
- The Childless Twenty-Somethings
- Sadness, not bitterness, over gay 'marriage'
- Massive sex-trafficking bust lauded by Congressman
- UK court rules against euthanasia
Posted: 31 Jul 2013 12:17 PM PDT
social circumstances in the West lead to more couples putting off
families. What exactly are the repercussions of this social phenomena?
Posted: 31 Jul 2013 08:35 AM PDT
In the midst of the celebration about same-sex 'marriage,' some Minnesotans are quietly mourning.
Posted: 31 Jul 2013 04:03 AM PDT
major U.S. law enforcement operation, which saved over 100 minors from
prostitution rings and arrested over 150, drew praise from a congressman
known for toughening laws against sex trafficking.
Posted: 31 Jul 2013 03:51 AM PDT
British appeals court upheld a law against euthanasia in rejecting
appeals from two severely disabled men who argued that doctors should be
allowed to legally kill them.
Judie Brown: "Aborting justice over dead bodies"

Judie Brown
Judie Brown
July 31, 2013
In our society, an entire group of people are dismissed and denied the most basic right – the right to life. And, day after day, laws are continually formed and twisted so that preborn babies are thought of as nothing and discarded as trash. A society cannot function when so many members are thrown away. A society cannot function when so many members are looked upon as burdens and as objects of disgust. Today's commentary addresses this mentality and cautions us about its repercussions.
July 31, 2013
In our society, an entire group of people are dismissed and denied the most basic right – the right to life. And, day after day, laws are continually formed and twisted so that preborn babies are thought of as nothing and discarded as trash. A society cannot function when so many members are thrown away. A society cannot function when so many members are looked upon as burdens and as objects of disgust. Today's commentary addresses this mentality and cautions us about its repercussions.
To read the article, click here:
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
LifeNews Pro-Life News Report 7/30/13

LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Top Stories
• Planned Parenthood Put Women at Risk With After Hours Abortions, No Staff Present
• Picture of Baby With Trisomy 13 Surviving 116 Days Goes Viral
• Indiana Loses Battle to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business
• Ireland President Signs Bill to Legalize Abortions Despite Pro-Life Objection
More Pro-Life News
• Study: Television Networks Use “Fetus” to Hide Reality of Abortion
• Planned Parenthood Prez: Top 2013 Goal is Beating Ken Cuccinelli
• Body of Newborn Baby Found in Trash, Arm Dangling From Over the Side
• Babies in UK Can be Aborted At 40 Weeks for Cleft Lip, Commission Wants It Stopped
• Choose Bro-Life: Time for Pro-Life Men to Stand Against Abortion
• While Abortion Activists Demanded the Right to Kill Babies, I Miscarried Mine
• Pro-Life Leader Thomas Peters: Thank You for Prayers, Still Can’t Use My Hands
• “Catholics for Choice” Calls Vatican, Pro-Life Leaders “Religious Extremists”
• Kansas Planned Parenthood Admits Abortion “Terminates the Life of a Human Being
• Tomorrow’s the Deadline to Join the Next 40 Days for Life Pro-Life Prayer Campaign
• Religion or Science: What is the Basis for the Pro-Life View?
• Biking for Babies Campaign Raises $50,000 for Pregnancy Centers
• No, Society Should Not Allow Creation of Three-Parent Embryos
• World Medical Association and AMA Oppose Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide
• Abortion Clinic Owner Accused of Misusing Funds to Run Abortion Biz

Parenthood Put Women at Risk With After Hours Abortions, No Staff Present
former employees of the Planned Parenthood abortion business testified
before the Delaware state legislature today and told lawmakers that the
abortion giant frequently put women’s health and lives at risk.
Nurses Joyce Vasikonis and Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich explained the “meat-market style assembly-line abortions” which led them to quit their jobs. Former manager Melody Meanor testified that Planned Parenthood’s negligence expands beyond abortion. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/planned-parenthood-put-women-at-risk-with-after-hours-abortions-no-staff-present/

Nurses Joyce Vasikonis and Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich explained the “meat-market style assembly-line abortions” which led them to quit their jobs. Former manager Melody Meanor testified that Planned Parenthood’s negligence expands beyond abortion. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Picture of Baby With Trisomy 13 Surviving 116 Days Goes Viral
Alfred McHenry was diagnosed in utero with Trisomy 13, a rare genetic disorder.
While already battling the harsh label of “incompatible with life”
this little miracle blessed the Earth seven weeks early.
His family has created a Facebook page for prayers for him and it has already grown in just a few months to well over 267,000 people. praying for Corbin.
President Signs Bill to Legalize Abortions Despite Pro-Life Objection
His family has created a Facebook page for prayers for him and it has already grown in just a few months to well over 267,000 people. praying for Corbin.

Loses Battle to De-Fund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business
has lost its battle to de-fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business
— as a judge today issued a permanent injunction in the abortion giant’s
favor in its lawsuit against the state over the de-funding law.

U.S. District Judge
Tanya Walton Pratt in Indianapolis issued the order preventing state officials
from preventing Medicaid dollars from flowing the nation’s largest
abortion company. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/indiana-loses-battle-to-de-fund-planned-parenthood-abortion-business/

Now, Ireland’s head of state, President Michael D. Higgins, signed the country’s first bill on abortion into law. Abortions would be allowed when the life of the mother is supposedly in danger from the pregnancy and in cases when pregnant women may commit suicide, even though studies show abortion increases suicide risk for women. Pro-life groups worry this will open the door to legalizing abortions in other cases. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Study: Television Networks Use “Fetus” to Hide Reality
of Abortion
they’re not outright censoring the culture of life in America, the
media play games with language to make their points. Journalists use language
to denote a difference between life and death: a baby that’s wanted
and a fetus that’s doomed or unwanted. One is a blessing, the other
a problematic “clump of cells”
From the end of June 2010 to June 2013, the networks dehumanized unborn children by using the word “fetus” in nearly half – 45 percent – of reports in connection with death. In relation to either problems and risks or medical issues, “fetus” appeared in 93 percent of reports. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/study-television-networks-use-fetus-to-hide-reality-of-abortion/
From the end of June 2010 to June 2013, the networks dehumanized unborn children by using the word “fetus” in nearly half – 45 percent – of reports in connection with death. In relation to either problems and risks or medical issues, “fetus” appeared in 93 percent of reports. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Planned Parenthood Prez: Top 2013 Goal is Beating Ken Cuccinelli
president of the Planned Parenthood abortion business says the number one
priority this year for the abortion giant is defeating the pro-life candidate
for governor in Virginia.
From a news story about an interview
with Cecile Richards

Body of Newborn Baby Found in Trash, Arm Dangling From Over the
are looking into the death of a newborn baby, whose body was found in the
back of a trash vehicle in Kansas City yesterday.

Garbage workers found
the baby’s body after seeing the arm of the child dangling over the side
of a trash container in the truck.
in UK Can be Aborted At 40 Weeks for Cleft Lip, Commission Wants It Stopped
A parliamentary commission in the United Kingdom is calling for changes to abortion laws — specifically, laws that amount to eugenics against babies with disabilities. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/babies-in-uk-can-be-aborted-at-40-weeks-for-cleft-lip-commission-wants-it-stopped/
A parliamentary commission in the United Kingdom is calling for changes to abortion laws — specifically, laws that amount to eugenics against babies with disabilities. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Choose Bro-Life: Time for Pro-Life Men to Stand Against Abortion
Men, it’s time to man up. There is a new movement in America, and it’s called “bro-life.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Abortion Activists Demanded the Right to Kill Babies, I Miscarried Mine
So. It’s been a while. I stopped writing about abortion because I started to feel a little bit overexposed, maybe even repetitive. Hadn’t I said everything I needed to say about abortion? Was it making any difference, anyway. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/while-abortion-activists-demanded-the-right-to-kill-babies-i-miscarried-mine/
Pro-Life Leader Thomas Peters: Thank You for Prayers, Still Can’t Use My Hands
Thomas Peters is a leading pro-life blogger and activist with Catholic Vote and is well known on Twitter for his pro-life advocacy. Two weeks ago, the pro-life word learned that he had been critically injured.. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/pro-life-leader-thomas-peters-thank-you-for-prayers-still-cant-use-my-hands/
So. It’s been a while. I stopped writing about abortion because I started to feel a little bit overexposed, maybe even repetitive. Hadn’t I said everything I needed to say about abortion? Was it making any difference, anyway. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Pro-Life Leader Thomas Peters: Thank You for Prayers, Still Can’t Use My Hands
Thomas Peters is a leading pro-life blogger and activist with Catholic Vote and is well known on Twitter for his pro-life advocacy. Two weeks ago, the pro-life word learned that he had been critically injured.. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
for Choice” Calls Vatican, Pro-Life Leaders “Religious Extremists”
Recently, David J. Nolan, editor of Conscience, the Catholics for Choice “news journal,” wrote, “Religious extremists . . . have an immoderate, uncompromising approach to politics and, given the chance, they would deny basic rights and require fundamental changes to the way most people want to live.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/catholics-for-choice-calls-pro-life-leaders-religious-extremists/
Recently, David J. Nolan, editor of Conscience, the Catholics for Choice “news journal,” wrote, “Religious extremists . . . have an immoderate, uncompromising approach to politics and, given the chance, they would deny basic rights and require fundamental changes to the way most people want to live.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2013? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email news@LifeNews.com. |
Planned Parenthood Admits Abortion “Terminates the Life of a Human
Six weeks ago, Kansans for Life characterized the Planned Parenthood lawsuit against the newly-passed Pro-Life Protections Act as “a desperate move to appease its base in the wake of increased pro-life laws that reflect the will of the people but jeopardize the bottom line of abortion businesses.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/kansas-planned-parenthood-admits-abortion-terminates-the-life-of-a-human-being/
Six weeks ago, Kansans for Life characterized the Planned Parenthood lawsuit against the newly-passed Pro-Life Protections Act as “a desperate move to appease its base in the wake of increased pro-life laws that reflect the will of the people but jeopardize the bottom line of abortion businesses.”. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
the Deadline to Join the Next 40 Days for Life Pro-Life Prayer Campaign
40 Days for Life is an amazing campaign that unites believers to fast, pray and hold peaceful vigils asking God to end abortion. Since 2004 campaigns have been held in all 50 states as well as countries in Europe, South America and Africa. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/tomorrows-the-deadline-to-join-the-next-40-days-for-life-pro-life-prayer-campaign/
40 Days for Life is an amazing campaign that unites believers to fast, pray and hold peaceful vigils asking God to end abortion. Since 2004 campaigns have been held in all 50 states as well as countries in Europe, South America and Africa. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
or Science: What is the Basis for the Pro-Life View?
One of the most shocking conversations I have experienced occurred on a train. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/religion-or-science-what-is-the-basis-for-the-pro-life-view/
One of the most shocking conversations I have experienced occurred on a train. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
for Babies Campaign Raises $50,000 for Pregnancy Centers
Despite numerous “potholes” in their 1,000 mile bike ride from New Orleans to Chicago, Biking for Babies met their goal of raising $50,000 for pregnancy resource centers. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/biking-for-babies-campaign-raises-50000-for-pregnancy-centers/
Despite numerous “potholes” in their 1,000 mile bike ride from New Orleans to Chicago, Biking for Babies met their goal of raising $50,000 for pregnancy resource centers. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Society Should Not Allow Creation of Three-Parent Embryos
The UK rubber stamp Embryo Authority–which for example allowed human cloning experiments with animal eggs–is on the verge of permitting the manufacture of three-parent embryos. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/no-society-should-not-allow-creation-of-three-parent-embryos/
The UK rubber stamp Embryo Authority–which for example allowed human cloning experiments with animal eggs–is on the verge of permitting the manufacture of three-parent embryos. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Medical Association and AMA Oppose Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide
The world’s professional medical associations overwhelmingly oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/world-medical-association-and-ama-oppose-euthanasia-assisted-suicide/
The world’s professional medical associations overwhelmingly oppose euthanasia and assisted suicide. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
Clinic Owner Accused of Misusing Funds to Run Abortion Biz
Operation Rescue has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and the Kansas Bureau of Investigations (KBI) against Trust Women PAC demanding a full investigation of the political action committee that appears to be partially funding a “for-profit” abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/07/30/abortion-clinic-owner-accused-of-misusing-funds-to-run-abortion-biz/
Operation Rescue has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and the Kansas Bureau of Investigations (KBI) against Trust Women PAC demanding a full investigation of the political action committee that appears to be partially funding a “for-profit” abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas. http://www.lifenews.com/2013/
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