In this month of Mary, pro-lifers around the world have an urgent intention to bring before the feet of the Blessed Mother. I am speaking about the Irish referendum on whether to repeal the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution. This is the amendment that states that an unborn human being possesses equal dignity and right to life as his or her mother.
The vote has been set for May 25th. The present Irish government has promised that if the amendment is repealed on May 25th, it will introduce legislation legalizing abortion on demand in the first trimester.
This is easily one of the most important abortion-related votes of our generation. It is not just that a repeal vote would condemn hundreds of thousands of unborn Irish babies to death in the coming decades, but it would also mark an extraordinary symbolic victory for foreign agents of the Culture of Death. Ireland and Malta are the lone Western countries where the rights of the unborn are still protected. I greatly fear what will happen if Ireland falls.
Ireland – Disproving Abortion Lies
Pro-aborts have long pursued ways to overcome the indomitable Irish spirit, and to bring the country into the fold of the abortion regime. But their frustrations have grown with time. Instead of caving to foreign pressure, Ireland has resisted. And in the process, it has thoroughly debunked many of the abortion movement’s most common talking points, and acted as a beacon of hope to pro-life activists worldwide.
Abortion activists insist that legalizing abortion through the Irish Referendum is necessary to protect maternal health, gender equality, and economic and social progress. Failing to do so (they claim) will lead to a litany of horrors, including an epidemic of dangerous illegal abortions. But instead of these horrors, Ireland has boasted a maternal mortality rate half that of the neighboring UK, where abortion is legal on demand. Meanwhile, Ireland has experienced meteoric economic growth, and is ranked in the top 10 for “gender equality” by the World Economic Forum (WEF), even as they have almost completely banned abortion. . . .
(Continued. For the full article, including links, click here.)Sincerely yours in Christ,
Father Shenan J. Boquet President, Human Life International
Human Life International4 Family Life Lane ● Front Royal, VA● 540-635-7884 ● hli@hli.orgConnect with HLI: