Thursday, May 7, 2009


Seal of the University of Notre DameImage via Wikipedia

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As May 17 approaches, it is now almost certain that the University of Notre Dame will violate the Bishops' clear prohibition against honoring pro-abortion leaders at Catholic institutions - ignoring the pleas of nearly 70 Catholic bishops and more than 350,000 of you!
So what are we to do?  Right now, as Bishop Wenski, of Orlando said in his Mass of reparation, "I am not going to send upset Catholics to storm Notre Dame with pitchforks, I am going to tell them to pray." In that same spirit let us pray for the graduating seniors, Notre Dame and the renewal of faithful Catholic higher education in our country.
If you are near South Bend, graduates of Notre Dame who oppose the commencement honor have invited others to join them in adoration, Mass and prayer at Notre Dame's Campus.  For details please visit their website:

With gratitude for your witness of the Catholic faith, Fr. John Corapi has taped the following message about what the scandal at Notre Dame means for our faith and the importance of not giving up the fight.
Father John CorapiImage via Wikipedia

CLICK HERE for the Video Message from Fr. John Corapi

Please forward this to your friends and remember to pray for Notre Dame.  For ongoing updates or if you are unable to view the video in this message please go to
In Christ,
Patrick J. Reilly
The Cardinal Newman Society
PS: Please help us in our 16 year fight to renew Catholic higher education by making a donation and becoming a member here.