Thursday, May 7, 2009

You're Invited!

Stop the Abortion Bailout Tele-TownHall

May 7, 2009

On Thursday, May 14th from 7:00-8:00PM ET, the Susan B. Anthony List will host a live Tele-Townhall to discuss what you can do to help Stop the Abortion Bailout with Marjorie Dannenfelser and former Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave. 

The Abortion Industry has requested over $1.5 million in taxpayer funding and the budget battles in Congress are approaching.  This call is chance for you to learn about how you can get involved and what we can do to stop this effort to fund abortions with our hard-earned dollars.

Here is what you need to do to be on the call:

1. Enter in your contact information here.

2. On May 14th, between 6:50PM - 7:10PM ET, we will call the number you provide and you will have the option of connecting to the live tele-townhall.

3. Once on the call, you will be able to ask Marjorie Dannenfelser and Marilyn Musgrave your questions, listen on the call for instructions.

It's that simple! 

If you would like to submit your questions in advance, please email us at  Make sure you invite your friend and family to join on this very important tele-townhall meeting


     Copyright 2007 Susan B. Anthony List
1800 North Kent Street, Suite 1070, Arlington, VA 22209 (703) 875-3370
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