Monday, July 13, 2009

Sen. Graham, Does GOP Stand for 'Good Ol' Pimps'? RE: GOP, Sotomayor, and Abortion

Pro-life advocates demand Republican Senators honor their platform and their campaign promises. Fax campaign" launched at
WASHINGTON - JUNE 03:  Supreme Court Justice n...

Sotomayor & Sen. Graham have a chat. Image by Getty Images via Daylife

WASHINGTON, July 13 /Christian Newswire/ -- South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham, said to Sonia Sotomayor in her confirmation hearings: "Now, unless you have a complete meltdown, you're going to get confirmed."

The orthodox Republican world is reeling after the apparent surrender to Sotomayor and the Obama agenda by one of the GOPs most stalwart conservatives.

In that light, pro-life advocates are encouraged to contact Senator Graham, and every so called "pro-life" Senator in the nation by FAX, demanding that they filibuster Sotomayor. The fax program is launched from

Protests and rallies are being scheduled around the country to hold Republican Senators accountable to their campaign promises.

Randall Terry, founder and leader of Operation Rescue Insurrecta Nex, states:

"Does the 'GOP' stand for 'Good Ol' Pimps'? Republican Senators like Graham, Brownback, McCain, etc., have seduced the pro-life movement, made her their mistress, and then a prostitute. She gives them her 'favors' in exchange for empty promises.

"They pimp the pro-life cause, raising millions of dollars with promises to 'overturn Roe' and protect the unborn. The party platform - their false vows - calls for the overturn of Roe, and legal protection of unborn babies.

"But alas, we again see that these are seductive lies; and like any good pimp, they tell us that they love us, while they sell us out; they feign pain as we are abused and babies are murdered, while they prepare to get in bed with those who despise us, and slay the innocent.

"Our protests and rallies over the coming weeks will focus on GOP Senators who claim to be pro-life. We will call on them to stop pimping the babies, but rather to fight for them by filibustering Sotomayor."