Subject: Call and submit your vote against the Chicago "Bubble Zone" Ordinance. The Mayor is taking a tally.
Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League asks everyone to call and say you are against the bubble zone, even if you're not from Chicago: 312-744-3300. It appears that they are taking a tally of those for or against, so your phone call can save lives!
About the Bubble Zone: Mayor Daley is proposing an 8-foot bubble zone around abortion mills in Chicago as a method to stop sidewalk counseling. For those of you who may not be aware, sidewalk counseling is the act of providing abortion alternatives and aftercare literature to women as they enter and exit abortion mills, as a final effort to save babies and women and to offer healing and help for those who will pain over their choice to have aborted. The bubble zone simply exists to stop this activity and other forms of peaceful protest by making it illegal to come within 8 feet of the clinic entrance.
Here in Dallas, an average of 475 babies are saved every year through the efforts of sidewalk counselors. Let's keep our right to do the same for the unborn babies of Chicago!