Saturday, November 7, 2009

A First Step to Victory, but Many Battles Ahead. We Must Rejoice with Caution

Stupak Amendment Passes: A First Step to Victory, but Many Battles Ahead. We Must Rejoice with Caution

WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submit


Image by Rocky Mountain News Photos via Flickr

ted by Randall Terry, Operation Rescue Insurrecta Nex: 

Mr. Terry and his associates from around the country have been fighting to keep child-killing by abortion out of any health care bill for months. 

Mr. Terry states: "This is a great first step to victory - a touchdown in the first quarter - but we have a lot of fighting ahead of us. Our rejoicing must be tempered by reality. The Senate Bill must also prohibit any money from going to child-killing; and then we must insure that the conference committee does not include child-killing in the final bill, should it pass both houses. We have many hurdles left. 

"Those of us who despise Socialism must now broaden our battle to kill the bill entirely. Our biggest battle is to stop the slaughter of children. The next battle is to keep our children from being saddled with trillions of dollars of debt. 

"Many of us would rather die half-starved free men than be well fed slaves on Uncle Sam's plantation." 

To schedule an interview with Mr. Terry on the next wave of action to "kill the bill," call 904-687-9804.