Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thank Bart Stupak (D-MI) For His Pro-Life Leadership

Dear John,
There are times in history where we simply must stand by those who draw a line in the sand and refuse to back down from what they know is right, no matter the outcome.  I have never seen such heroic leadership for unborn children and their mothers as I have seen in the last few months from Bart Stupak (D-MI).
There is only one reason that the House of Representatives passed a health care reform bill that would not use our tax dollars to fund abortions --  Bart Stupak simply would not let them do that to us.
I have also rarely seen such a demonstration of hatred as the smear campaign t

{{w|Bart Stupak}}, member of the United States...Image via Wikipedia
he pro-abortion elites have subsequently leveled against Bart Stupak.
The pro-abortion group Credo Action is sending hundreds of thousands of coat hangers to the 20 members of Bart Stupak's pro-life coalition that they consider most vulnerable to intimidation.NARAL is orchestrating an anti-Stupak march on the capital on Wednesday.Planned Parenthood launched the website "Stop Stupak," which is devoted solely to collecting signatures to attack Bart Stupak and his amendment.MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow launched a smear attack against Bart Stupak for living at a Christian housing facility on C Street, implying that Christians may have concocted a 'conspiracy' to insert their 'values' into politics.The Huffington Post featured a personal attack article called, "Bart Stupak, Keep Your Hands Off My Daughter."I need your contribution to buy radio ads in his home district in Michigan thanking him for heroic leadership in the face of intense hatred.
It is clear to me that the pro-abortion elites know that the Achilles heel of this health care reform bill is the coalition of pro-life Democrats.  They have decided to combine intimidation of vulnerable pro-life Democrats with a smear campaign against Bart Stupak himself.
However, while they are attacking him in Washington, we will be running a thank you campaign where it really matters, in his home district in Michigan.  Our efforts will ensure that his own constituents -- the folks that really matter -- know that Bart Stupak is a pro-life hero.
Can you donate today?  We will be using even the smallest of donations as example of how his leadership has energized the pro-life grassroots across the nation.

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List

P.S.   I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend.
I deeply appreciated the kind words that many SBA List Activists sent to me after my last email.  It helped me to remember what a difference it makes when we thank those people who stand up for their pro-life beliefs.
That is why I feel it is so important that we give of ourselves to let Bart Stupak know how much we appreciate his ongoing leadership on this most important issue.