LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Wesnesday, September 1, 2010
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Current Headlines
• Obama Admin Appeals Ruling Stopping Tax-Funded Embryonic Research
• Gallup Poll Shows Republicans Lead Election 2010 by Unprecedented 10 Points
• Support for Obama's Pro-Abortion Health Care Drops Sharply in August
• Pro-Life Groups Blast Obama Admin's Appeal of Embryonic Funding Ruling
• Man Arrested After Trying to Shoot Pro-Life People With Gun at Abortion Center
• Successful Tea Party Movement Must Include Pro-Life Issues, Not Just Economy
• Study Claims Women Seeking Abortions in Pro-Life States Google It More Often
• Abortion Practitioner Told by Maryland Authorities to Stop Doing Abortions
• Ohio Senate Race Tightens, Pro-Life Rob Portman Still Leads Lee Fisher
• Colorado Senate: Buck Leads, Bennet Gets Support From Pro-Abortion Group
• West Virginia Race Close After Joe Manchin, John Raese Win Primary Elections
• Croatia Sees Number of Abortions Fall, No Longer Outnumber Births of Children
• Planned Parenthood Rallies Against Colorado Personhood Amendment 62
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Obama Admin Appeals Ruling Stopping Tax-Funded Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The Obama administration officially filed its appeal today of a federal judge's decision striking down President Barack Obama's executive order forcing taxpayers to fund embryonic stem cell research. The judge said the order contravened a federal law against funding the destruction of human embryos.
U.S. district court Judge Royce Lamberth granted a preliminary injunction against the funding.
Judge Lamberth's ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed by stem cell researchers who said the Obama executive order and subsequent funding from the National Institutes of Health violated the Dickey amendment, the federal law prohibiting funding the destruction of human embryos via research.
The appeal asks Judge Lamberth to put the injunction on hold so taxpayer dollars can continue to flow to embryonic stem cell research projects while the lawsuit against the order moves ahead.
The Obama administration claimed the judge's order is harming research projects, even though embryonic stem cell research has yet to overcome numerous problems in animals and has never helped human patients.
"Numerous ongoing projects will likely not survive even a temporary gap in funds, jeopardizing both the potential benefit of the research and the hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer funds already invested in it," the Obama administration said.
Judge Lamberth's ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed by two adult stem cell researchers who said the Obama executive order and subsequent funding from the National Institutes of Health violated the Dickey amendment. Full story at LifeNews.com
Gallup Poll Shows Republicans Lead Election 2010 by Unprecedented 10 Points
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- When pro-life Republicans took over Congress from their pro-abortion Democratic rivals in November 1994, the Gallup poll asked Americans in July whether they planned to vote for their Republican or Democratic candidate for Congress. This year, GOP candidates lead by an unprecedented 10 percent.
In 1994, Republicans led by a 49-44 percentage point margin.
Now, a new Gallup poll released on Monday shows Republicans ahead of Democrats by a 51-41 percent mark -- up from 7 percent in early August (50-43%) and up from 5 percent in late July (49-44%).
"The 10-percentage-point lead is the GOP's largest so far this year and is its largest in Gallup's history of tracking the midterm generic ballot for Congress,' the polling firm noted. "This marks the fifth week in a row in which Republicans have held an advantage over Democrats -- one that has ranged between 3 and 10 points."
"The Republican leads of 6, 7, and 10 points this month are all higher than any previous midterm Republican advantage in Gallup's history of tracking the generic ballot, which dates to 1942. Prior to this year, the highest such gap was five points, measured in June 2002 and July 1994," Gallup noted.
Not only do Republicans lead in the generic party matchup, but Republican voters, who are mostly pro-life, show much more enthusiasm than their pro-abortion Democratic counterparts. Full story at LifeNews.com

Support for Obama's Pro-Abortion Health Care Program Drops Sharply in August
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Support for ObamaCare, the national health care program President Barack Obama signed into law that contains taxpayer-funded abortions, dropped sharply in August, according to a new Kaiser Health Tracking Poll.
The results make it so one issue Democrats hoped to use to perform well in the upcoming elections will likely work against them.
The Kaiser poll has support for the pro-abortion government-run health care program dropping 7 percent to just 43 percent. Opposition rose 10 percentage points to 45 percent --- the weakest showing for ObamaCare since Kaiser's poll in May.
Democrats hoped support for ObamaCare would increase as the elections drew closer and it could tout some of the provisions they believe the public would support. But Drew Altman, president and CEO of the Kaiser Family Foundation, admits that's not happening.
Public opinion on health reform has been stuck in a fairly narrow band and is not changing dramatically, he said. Full story at LifeNews.com
Pro-Life Groups Blast Obama Admin's Appeal of Embryonic Funding Ruling
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The decision by the Obama administration today to appeal a federal judge's ruling -- saying President Barack Obama's executive order making Americans fund embryonic stem cell research with their tax dollars -- is not going over well with pro-life organizations.
Federal District Court Judge Royce Lamberth issued the injunction against the government s use of tax dollars for embryonic stem cell research based on a reading of the Dickey-Wicker amendment.
That 1996 law prohibits federal funding for research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed and was the foundation for legal challenge when Obama signed his 2009 order which allowed embryos to be destroyed in research paid for with tax dollars.
The Christian Medical Association, a party to the original lawsuit that led to the preliminary injunction, told LifeNews.com today that "politics and greed have driven grants toward embryonic stem cell research -- not a rational strategy to develop cures."
"The Obama administration should prioritize curing patients -- not fighting the court ruling that has stopped their illegal funding of embryonic stem cell research," said CMA director Dr. David Stevens.
"The irrational insistence on diverting hundreds of millions of federal dollars away from proven sources of cures and toward speculative embryonic stem cell research has been driven by a political calculus and by a tax-dollar-dependent research community -- not by a medical calculus that prioritizes real treatments for real patients," he said. Full story at LifeNews.com
Man Arrested After Trying to Shoot Pro-Life People With Gun at Abortion Center
Albuquerque, NM (LifeNews.com) -- A man was arrested on Saturday outside a late-term abortion facility in New Mexico after he threatened to shoot two pro-life women providing alternatives to women going to the Southwestern Women's Options abortion center. The abortion center is operated by late-term abortion practitioner Curtis Boyd.
The unidentified man and his wife were escorting their daughter to the abortion center when the wife and daughter walked towards the pro-life sidewalk counselors to discuss alternatives to abortion.
The man reportedly became angry and ushered his family towards the abortion clinic.
"When we come out, I'm going to put a bullet in your head if you talk to her," the man told the pro-life women, whose identities pro-life advocates are withholding to protect their security.
Former Operation Rescue intern Bud Shaver said the man then lifted his shirt to reveal a dark object to the two pro-life women that they described as looking like a gun. The women called police who, Shaver said, "responded appropriately and took him away in handcuffs."
Shaver said the man's threat had the opposite effect of allowing abortions as a police SWAT team arrived and shut down the abortion center for two hours, preventing abortions from taking place.
"They cleared Boyd's clinic to search for the gun SWAT style. Everyone, including staff, had to come out with their hands up," Shaver, who witnessed the scene, said. Full story at LifeNews.com
Successful Tea Party Movement Must Include Pro-Life Issues, Not Just Economy
by Tom Glessner
Political change is blowing in the wind but it is not the change promised by Barack Obama when he ran for the presidency. For sure, Obama has brought political change to the nation, but his transformational policies have meant bigger government, higher taxes, federal subsidies of abortion on demand, and greater governmental control over the lives of American citizens.
Hundreds of thousands of citizens across the nation have raised their voices to protest Obama s policies of change. They are crying out for a different change that will honor the integrity of each individual and create an atmosphere where true liberty in all spheres of life economic, cultural, and spiritual- reigns. Political pollsters are now predicting a huge seismic shift in the political landscape this November. The recent Glenn Beck sponsored rally in Washington D.C., attended by thousands upon thousands of grass roots activists, indicates that this public outcry of protest is real and powerful.
The Tea Party movement is comprised of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents from all walks of life. The political ruling elite, the corporate world, and the media have completely failed to comprehend this populist movement dismissing it as marginal, extreme and even racist. However, this movement is not composed of ignorant and bigoted individuals, as suggested by the political class. Rather, it is an authentic grassroots movement of thoughtful and patriotic people demanding real change from an out-of-touch political establishment.
The Tea Party movement, for the most part, centers its protest on economic issues and concern about the loss of freedom that an ever-growing federal government brings. These concerns are valid and appropriate. Most leaders of this movement also believe in the sanctity of life and the need to halt the wholesale destruction of innocent human life through abortion and other life related issues such as embryonic stem cell research. However, many in the Tea Party movement have made it clear that while they are sympathetic with the pro-life cause, the abortion issue is not formally part of the Tea Party agenda. Full story at LifeNews.com
Study Claims Women Seeking Abortions in Pro-Life States Google It More Often
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A new study by two Boston Children s Hospital doctors claims women seeking abortions from pro-life states Google the term abortion more often than others. Their suggestion is that women in places with fewer abortion centers and less access to abortion are more likely to search for it online.
Dr. Ben Reis and Dr. John Brownstein reviewed the abortion rates and policies of all 50 states and 37 counties. They reviewed that information against the number of Internet searches for the term, "abortion."
In places where abortion access is readily available, people can go to their mainstream health care providers, Reis told the Boston Herald newspaper.
He said people may be going on the Internet to find alternate routes" in places that don't have easy access to local abortion businesses and said the pattern was found in every states he and his colleague studied.
We were actually very surprised. There is a very consistent, strong relationship, Reis told the newspaper.
The study, published last week in the medical journal BMC Public Health, could have an impact on the pro-life community in that pro-life advocates and pregnancy centers reaching out on the Internet may want to focus on keyword advertising and local optimization to reach these women searching for abortion information online. Full story at LifeNews.com
Abortion Practitioner Told by Maryland Authorities to Stop Doing Abortions
Annapolis, MD (LifeNews.com) -- Maryland officials have told embattled abortion practitioner Steven Chase Brigham to stop doing abortions in the state. The move comes after Pennsylvania officials told him to close his abortion businesses there after he was found to be employing unlicensed staffers and putting women's health at risk.
Brigham has been issued a cease and desist order by the Maryland State Board of Physicians ordering him to stop the illegal practice of medicine, including abortions, at five locations throughout Maryland.
Officials say Brigham does not and never has been licensed in that state.
The order, dated August 25, 2010, indicates that Brigham has been practicing illegally in Maryland since January, 2010.
It referred to an incident that occurred on August 13, 2010, where Brigham had begun a surgical procedure reportedly thought to be an abortion. However, something went wrong and Brigham instructed the woman to travel to his abortion center in Elkton to complete the alleged abortion "on an urgent basis."
"The health of Maryland patients is being endangered by the Respondent's unlicensed practice of medicine in this State," the order read, according to the pro-life group Operation Rescue, which provided LifeNews.com with the information. Full story at LifeNews.com

Ohio Senate Race Tightens, Pro-Life Rob Portman Still Leads Lee Fisher
Columbus, OH (LifeNews.com) -- The Ohio Senate race has tightened in a new poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports, but pro-life Republican Rob Portman still leads pro-abortion candidate Lee Fisher. The race is one of several that have the potential to determine which party controls the Senate, which is currently run by abortion advocates.
Portman now picks up 44% support while his opponent, Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher, earns the backing of 39% in the latest Rasmussen statewide telephone survey of likely voters.
Seven percent prefer another candidate and another 11% are undecided.
When leaners are included in the new totals, Portman still leads. With the leaners, 47% will vote for Portman and 41% for Fisher. That could mean the large share of undecided voters will break for Portman as the November election comes closer.
The race is a bit closer than it was two weeks ago, when Portman held a 45% to 37% lead over Fisher. Two weeks ago, Portman led Fisher 48% to 39% when leaners were included. The latest numbers prompted Rasmussen move this race from a Leans Republican projection to the toss-up category. Full story at LifeNews.com
Colorado Senate: Buck Leads, Bennet Gets Support From Pro-Abortion Group
Denver, CO (LifeNews.com) -- A new poll in the Colorado Senate race shows pro-life Republican candidate Ken Buck still leading pro-abortion Sen. Michael Bennet. Yesterday, the Colorado affiliate of the pro-abortion group NARAL endorsed Bennet and the senator reaffirmed his support for abortions.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of likely voters finds Buck picking up 47% support, while Bennet earns the vote from 44%. Five percent prefer another candidate while four percent are undecided.
When leaners are included in the new totals, 49% favor Buck while 45% support Bennett.
Earlier this month, Rasmussen had Buck leading Bennet by a 46-41 percent margin, showing both candidates are picking up support following bruising primaries they each faced in early August, though Rasmussen notes Bennet is picking up more.
"Though Buck has consistently led the incumbent since March, this is the highest level of support Bennet has received all year. In each of six previous surveys stretching back to May, the former Denver school superintendent had earned between 39% and 42% of the vote," the polling firm indicated. "A county prosecutor, Buck has captured between 44% to 48% of the vote during that same time frame." Full story at LifeNews.com
West Virginia Race Close After Joe Manchin, John Raese Win Primary Elections
Charleston, WV (LifeNews.com) -- The West Virginia race for the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by the late pro-abortion Robert Byrd is close now. After weeks of pro-life Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin leading by huge margins, pro-life businessman John Raese has closed the gap to make it a competitive contest.
Although both candidates are pro-life, the race could determine whether pro-life Republicans or pro-abortion Democrats run the Senate.
That has a huge bearing on whether Congress continues promoting President Barack Obama's pro-abortion agenda and approve his pro-abortion judges for the Supreme Court and other courts.
The latest statewide telephone survey of likely voters by Rasmussen Reports shows Manchin attracts 48% of the vote while Raese earns 42% from West Virginia voters.
Just after state legislators officially approved a special Senate election this year to replace Byrd, Manchin led Raese by a 51% to 35% margin. Full story at LifeNews.com
Croatia Sees Number of Abortions Fall, No Longer Outnumber Births of Children
Zagreb, Croatia (LifeNews.com) -- The number of abortions in Croatia continues to fall as it has for the last nine years and abortions no longer outnumber births of children as they once did. The Croatian Department of Public Health statistics show there were 10,417 abortions last year, although the figure also includes the number of miscarriages.
The government of the eastern European nation says 4,450 abortions were done at the request of women while the rest are a combination of abortions done supposedly for medical reasons and miscarriages.
The Croatia Times says the abortion rate has fallen to the point that it is now lower than some of its European neighbors.
The newspaper says the rate is now 101.4 abortions for every 1,000 live births in Croatia, lower than the 215.4 in the Czech Republic, 167.7 in Germany, 444.6 in Hungary, and 227.3 in Slovania. Full story at LifeNews.com
Planned Parenthood Rallies Against Colorado Personhood Amendment 62
Denver, CO (LifeNews.com) -- The debate on the personhood amendment in Colorado began in earnest on Tuesday as Planned Parenthood sponsored a rally on the steps of the state capital. Backers of the amendment say they are not surprised the abortion business is behind the main opposition to Amendment 62.
Though the first effort for a personhood amendment failed by nearly a 3-1 margin in 2008 as other pro-life groups pointed out concerns, supporters are trying again.
The amendment defines unborn children as persons starting at conception and would draw an almost immediate legal challenge from pro-abortion groups.
Fofi Mendez, campaign director for the No on 62 Campaign, a group of pro-abortion organizations including Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, told AP that the amendment is "a sneaky attempt to provide constitutional and legal rights to a fertilized egg." Full story at LifeNews.com
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