Friday, August 20, 2010


Memorial plaque dedicated to Mother Teresa by ...

Image via Wikipedia


The following letterheads have signed a statement affirming the decision by officials from the Empire State Building not to light the towers on Mother Teresa's centenary:


Catholics for Choice

Call to Action

Chicago Women-Choice



National Coalition of American Nuns

New Ways Ministry

Roman Catholic Womenpriests—USA

Take Back Our Church

Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual

Women's Ordination Conference


Catholic League president Bill Donohue responded this way:


If all the dues-paying members of these organizations were assembled together in one spot, they would easily fit into a phone booth. No matter, these ex-Catholics are so pro-abortion that they are now on record of wanting to deny Mother Teresa a tribute on the 100th anniversary of her birthday.


The good news is that the Catholic League will lead a rally on behalf of Mother Teresa on August 26, right outside the Empire State Building. We have the support of people from all over the world, and from all the world's religions. Indeed, I will meet today with the Most Rev. A.A.S. Durairaj SVD, the Bishop of Khandwa, India; like all the other bishops from India that have contacted us, he supports our campaign to honor Mother Teresa.


Even those who are not pro-life are on our side, which just goes to show how extreme the dissenters are. But as long as they remain marginalized, they are of no historic moment.

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