Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• LeRoy Carhart Will Start Late-Term Abortions in Maryland Soon
• Survey Shows 31 Abortion Centers Closed Over Last 12 Months
• Big Four Still Lead GOP in 2012, Second Choices Interesting
• Pro-Abortion Stalwart to Lead Democrats 2012 Senate Efforts
More Pro-Life News
• Pro-Life Group Tells Apple: Restore Manhattan Declaration App
• More Pro-Life Groups Lobby Against Fred Upton in House
• Burris Amendment Would Lead to More Tax-Funded Abortions
• Filmmakers Make Documentary Promoting Late-Term Abortions
• New Project Helps Women Who Change Their Mind During Abortion Procedure
• Revised Women Veterans Bill of Rights Appears to Exclude Abortion
• Human Rights Watch Pushes Legalizing Abortion in Argentina
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LeRoy Carhart Will Start Late-Term Abortions in Maryland Soon
Late-term abortion practitioner LeRoy Carhart has been keeping the pro-life movement on edge for months about potential plans to open new late-term abortion businesses in Iowa and Maryland.
New information obtained by the pro-life group that served as one of the major watchdogs of late-term abortion practitioner George Tiller today unveiled new information showing Carhart has secured a location to do the abortions. Instead of opening a new abortion center, Carhart will move into one run by an embattled abortion practitioner.
Carhart, according to information officials with Operation Rescue presented, will run his late-term abortion business in the facility former operated by Steven Chase Brigham in Germantown, Maryland. He plans to begin doing abortions at the facility on December 6.
This is not an expansion of abortion, but a relocation of Carhart s failing late-term abortion business in a desperate attempt to avoid financial ruin, said Operation Rescue president Troy Newman.
Newman called Carhart s move to Maryland opportunistic because he is taking over the abortion market Brigham owned until Maryland officials and state health departments in New Jersey and Pennsylvania began cracking down on him. Brigham is not licensed to do late-term abortions in Maryland, so he would begin the abortions at his office there and transport women to Maryland to complete the abortions.
Brigham, who is not licensed in Maryland, was operating an illegal late-term abortion scheme where he would start abortions late as 36 weeks at his Voorhees, New Jersey abortion center, where he is not licensed to do late-term abortions. Then, he would have the women drive themselves to his secret abortion clinic in Elkton, Maryland. Full story at
Survey Shows 31 Abortion Centers Closed Over Last 12 Months
While the pro-life movement longs for the day unborn children can be protected under the law from abortions, a new survey of the number of abortion centers nationwide shows it is possible to make a difference now.
Despite the Supreme Court having allowed virtually unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy for any reason via the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions, the pro-life community has been successful in getting abortion centers to close.
Noticing a recent rash of closure and wanting to know concrete figures, pro-life nurse and blogger Jill Stanek asked Operation Rescue for some hard data.
It has seemed to me an awful lot of abortion mills have been closing lately, Stanek said. So Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue was kind enough to compile a list for us. OR keeps the most accurate and up-to-date record of active and closed abortion mills I m aware of.
The pro-life group provided figures showing 31 abortion businesses closed in the last 12 months while 9 new abortion facilities opened for a net drop of 22 abortion facilities. Full story at
Big Four Still Lead GOP in 2012, Second Choices Interesting
Every poll over the last several months of Republican voters and their opinion on who should become the nominee to take on pro-abortion President Barack Obama has had the same four potential candidates leading the field.
In a new poll the Public Policy Polling firm released today, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee top the list.
They received 21 percent, 19 percent, 18 percent and 16 percent respectively while Ron Paul and Tim Pawlenty lead the second tier with 5% each followed by John Thune at three percent and Mitch Daniels at three percent.
But what the polling firm did differently in this new poll is ask GOP voters their second choice for a nominee, assuming their first choice decides against throwing their hat in the ring. The results are interesting and they show Palin and Huckabee stand to benefit the most depending on which of the four candidates decides against competing in the 2012 presidential election. Full story at
Pro-Abortion Stalwart to Lead Democrats 2012 Senate Efforts
Senator Patty Murray, the pro-abortion stalwart from Washington state, will again lead the Democratic party s efforts to keep its Senate majority in the 2012 elections.
Murray, who survived a tough re-election battle earlier this month, will chair the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee the election arm of the Senate Democrats, who now hold a more narrow majority after the victory of several pro-life Republicans.
She has headed the campaign committee before during the 2002 election cycle when Democrats lost two seats under her helm.
The party had spent some time searching for someone to head up its re-election efforts in part because Senate Democrats will face an inordinately tough cycle with numerous incumbents facing the prospect of close election battles.
Some 21 Democrats face potential re-election campaigns including the two pro-abortion independents who caucus with Democrats Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Full story at

Pro-Life Group Tells Apple: Restore Manhattan Declaration App
The pro-life organization behind the popular Manhattan Declaration has asked Apple CEO Steve Jobs to reconsider the company s decision to pull its app from the popular Apple App Store.
Last week, Apple removed the Manhattan Declaration app that had been available to its iPhone and iPad customers. The move by the computer company came after opponents of the Declaration, which sets forth pro-life and pro-family values, circulated a petition calling the app a hate fest that promotes hateful and divisive language. sponsored the petition, which, in part, had abortion activists telling Apple that supporting efforts to restrict choice [abortion] is bad business.
Manhattan Declaration spokeswoman Michelle Farmer told The Daily Caller today that the organization does not support hate or hateful rhetoric towards people who back legalized abortion and hopes Jobs will be open-minded of its concerns and tolerant of allowing the app at the Apple Store. Full story at
More Pro-Life Groups Lobby Against Fred Upton in House
Two more pro-life organizations are lobbying House Republicans to not select Michigan Rep. Fred Upton to become the chairman of the influential Energy and Commerce Committee.
The panel will have oversight on any effort to repeal or amend the ObamaCare health care reform law that fails to contain a bill-wide provision ensuring taxpayers are not required to fund abortions.
The National Right to Life Committee and the Susan B. Anthony List have already contacted Republican lawmakers letting them know they don t want Upton to chair the committee because of his weak pro-life voting record, and Americans United for Life, according to Politico, has joined them with a letter of its own.
Charmaine Yoest, president and CEO of AUL, tells Republicans Upton has voted against such commonsense policies as parents being notified if their minor child seeks an abortion at a federally-funded facility, voted in favor of obstructing the partial-birth abortion ban, and voted to allow the federal funding of embryo-destructive research. Full story at
Burris Amendment Would Lead to More Tax-Funded Abortions
by Bill Saunders
The pro-abortion forces of the 111th Congress have returned to Capitol Hill with one more shot at forcing American taxpayers to subsidize elective abortions during the Lame Duck session of Congress.
One potential attack comes from an amendment authored by Senator Roland Burris (D-IL), who was appointed to fill President Obama s former Senate seat, and who has since been replaced by Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL).
Under U.S. Code Title 10 USC Sec 1093(b), abortions may not be performed by Department of Defense medical personnel or in Department of Defense medical facilities except when the life of the mother is at risk, or when the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest.
However, if Congress adopts the amendment authored by Senator Burris, and added to the Department of Defense Authorization bill during the Senate Armed Services Committee mark-up in May, American taxpayers will be paying for military facilities, equipment, and the use of military personnel to perform abortions. Full story at
Filmmakers Make Documentary Promoting Late-Term Abortions
by Dave Andrusko
Since we are approaching the Christmas season, I have vowed to be extra-civilized toward people whose attitude and behavior I find extra-uncivilized. What makes it easier is that so often there is little I can add to their own words that would reveal more about whom they are and where they are coming from.
The reprinted a piece that first ran in Women s Media Center titled, Late-Term Abortion: Filmmakers Seek To Boost Understanding.
We learn that there are two filmmakers who are producing a honorific documentary about the two most infamous late-term abortionists in the world: LeRoy Carhart who reportedly has moved his late-term abortion business from Nebraska when the state said he couldn t kill unborn babies capable of feeling pain which lawmakers have recognized as beginning at 20 weeks and Warren Hern most famous for (in referring to his own abortion technique) the remarkable statement that there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the operator. It is before one s eyes. The sensation of dismemberment flows through the forceps like an electric current. Full story at
New Project Helps Women Who Change Their Mind During Abortion Procedure
It s never too late to change your mind about having an abortion and a pro-life group hopes to reinforce that concept with a new project it is unveiling along with local medical and pregnancy help centers.
The Pro-Life Action League today announced a new alliance with Resurrection Medical Center and The Women s Center to establish medical and support protocols for assisting women who change their minds after initiating a second trimester abortion procedure.
The organization calls the partnership groundbreaking as a first-of-its-kind in Chicago and what it hopes will become a model for Catholic hospitals around the country.
Recently, our sidewalk counselors have seen several women who have changed their minds about abortion, and who wish to continue their pregnancies even once the late-term abortion procedure has started, Ann Scheidler, vice president and director of sidewalk counselor training for the Pro-Life Action League told this afternoon. Full story at
Revised Women Veterans Bill of Rights Appears to Exclude Abortion
IAfter pro-life groups raised the alarm over sections of the Women Veterans Bill of Rights bill that could promote abortion, the sponsored of the measure has submitted a new version of the legislation.
Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bob Filner, a pro-abortion California Democrat, has reportedly provided a new version of H.R. 5953 that the House of representatives debated today and is expected to vote on during its Wednesday session.
The new version of H.R. 5953 contains a new section 4 which would ensure nothing in the bill can be construed to establish a right to certain services listed as exclusions in the revised version of the bill, a pro-life source on Capitol Hill informed this afternoon. The services excluded in [the revised bill] are abortion, IVF, gender alterations, treatment not approved by the FDA and spas/gyms. Full story at
Human Rights Watch Pushes Legalizing Abortion in Argentina
The pro-abortion group Human Rights Watch is pushing for the pro-life South American nation of Argentina to legalize abortions.
The organization is participating in a legislative hearing today where it will present a document to lawmakers saying the nation should overturn its pro-life laws protecting women and unborn children.
We ve received word from our friends at the Centro de Bioetica, Persona, y Familia, that Human Rights Watch is participating in a congressional hearing tomorrow in Argentina, Seana Cranston of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute wrote on the pro-life organization s blog. They will present a document that calls for the legalization of abortion. Full story at
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