Photo credit: ProtestShooterI reminded you last week that accused Philadelphia Horror baby butcher Kermit Gosnell was far from alone.
The latest on the government-enabled mass murder that the White House doesn’t want to talk about:
*Democrat Delaware AG Beau Biden has launched a “wide-ranging” investigation of Gosnell to see if he broke any state laws or regulations when he was working at the Atlantic Women’s Medical Services clinic in Wilmington.
*Pro-life groups have called attention to two other medical professionals who worked with Gosnell in Delaware — Atlantic Women’s Medical Services clinic director Leroy Brinkley and of Dr. Arturo Apolinario, a doctor whose controlled substance license lapsed in 2009.
*The National Abortion Federation has belatedly suspended the Delaware clinic’s membership.
*In Pennsylvania, Johnny-come-lately officials propose new abortion clinic safety* measures.
*In Delaware, abortion clinic oversight is still AWOL:
Delaware regulators cannot say if Atlantic Women’s Medical Center — where Gosnell worked one day a week for a number of years — suffers from similar health and safety deficiencies because abortion providers are not subject to the kind of routine sanitary and safety inspections that restaurants, beauty salons and tattoo parlors get.
Abortion clinics do not fall under the definition of medical facilities in the state that require routine inspections, like free-standing surgery centers, according to the Delaware Division of Public Health.
The state’s Division of Professional Regulation, meanwhile, only investigates complaints against doctors, “not facilities,” said Division Director James Collins.
Mark A. Meister Sr., executive director of the Medical Society of Delaware, said he did not know of any agency in the state that regulates abortion clinics or similar medical clinic facilities in Delaware, which he conceeded was “hard to believe.”
“You are asking an excellent question,” he said. “The answer may be at this point in time there is no regulatory authority over a clinic or organization like that.”
Were there to be no support in the whole history of ethical and moral thought, were there no acknowledged confirmation from medical science, were the history of legal opinion to the contrary, we would still have to conclude on the basis of God's Holy Word that the unborn child is a person in the sight of God. He is protected by the sanctity of life graciously given to each individual by the Creator, Who alone places His image upon man and grants them any right to life which they have.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Michelle Malkin : Philadelphia Horror fallout: Investigating more potential Dr. Deaths
Priest Unveils Catholic Healthcare Grants Given To Support Abortion
Fr. John Malloy Exposes the Ugly Truth
About Catholic Healthcare WestOne CHW Hospital Recently Was Stripped of Its Catholic Status by Bishop Thomas Olmsted
By Fr. John Malloy, SDB – On January 6, 2011, Catholic Healthcare West awarded nearly $1.2 million in grants to various nonprofit organizations in Sacramento, Placer, Yolo and Nevada counties.Catholic Healthcare West has been in the news often lately for its undercutting of Church teaching on the issue of abortion. In December, Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix stripped one of its member hospitals, St. Joseph’s of Phoenix, of its Catholic designation. The Bishop’s action came in the wake of an abortion carried out at the hospital, followed by an attempted justification of the abortion by hospital staff.
CHW is represented in the Sacramento area by Mercy Hospitals. Among the organizations receiving “Community Grants” from CHW/Mercy was the Capitol Community Health Network. A CHW-Mercy press release describes the Capitol Community Health Network as:
“A member network of nonprofit community clinics and other health services organizations that provide a continuum of cost effective, culturally appropriate, high quality, primary health care services to all people regardless of ability to pay.”
The CCHN’s own webpage gives its background, in part:
“The Capitol Community Health Network (CCHN) started life in 1994, as the Sacramento Community Clinic Association. Initially, it was an advocacy organization for non-profit women’s healthcare clinics whose funding streams were threatened by the implementation of Geographic Managed Care in Sacramento County.”
Their Board Members include a Vice-President for Planned Parenthood
The CCHN consists of 12 member clinics, all of which are listed on its website. They include Planned Parenthood Mar Monte and Women’s Health Specialists. Members of the CCHN Board of Directors include Shauna Heckert, who is also the Executive Director of Women’s Health Specialists and Deborah Ortiz, the Vice-President of Planned Parenthood Monte Mar.
The services provided by Planned Parenthood are well known. Those provided by the Women’s Health Specialists are described on their “services” page:
“We offer all methods of birth control for women including: The Pill, IUD, Depo Provera, Nuvaring, the Patch, Cervical Cap, Diaphragm, Vaginal Film and Condoms and Contraceptive Foam, and information on Fertility Awareness. We also provide referrals for permanent (male and female) sterilizations services.”
The services page also has a “Comprehensive Abortion” section:
“We provide early and later abortion to 18 weeks of pregnancy. If you are early in your pregnancy, you can choose Mifeprex, the “abortion pill”, surgical abortion or abortion with manual vacuum aspiration (MVA). If you are later in your pregnancy, contact us. We can help you get the abortion you need.”
The “Services” page also contains special sections for “Early Suction Abortions,” “Early Medical Abortions (RU-486)” and “Later Abortions.”
Like Planned Parenthood, Women’s Health Specialists are pro-abortion activists. They have a speakers bureau, and they describe its role:
“We provide education and workshops on a variety of women’s health issues including: Abortion, Menopause, Birth control, Gynecological Self Help, AIDS, History of the Women’s Health Movement, Women’s Sexuality, Health Care for Lesbians, Civil Rights Issues of Women’s Right to Choose, the Anti-Choice Movement and its effects on women reproductive rights.”
Catholic Healthcare West is one of the largest members of the Catholic Health Association. On March 11, 2010 the CHA issued their now famous letter to congress supporting the passage of President Obama’s healthcare bill. The letter completely undercut the position of the Church, which insists that a healthcare bill that does not defend the right to life must be opposed. The responses to the CHA’s letter, on the part of the Catholic bishops were voluminous. That of Bishop Thomas Tobin of Rhode Island addressed to Sr. Carol Keehan, Chief Executive of the CHA, is representative:
“Your enthusiastic support of the legislation, in contradiction to the position of the Bishops of the United States, provided an excuse for members of Congress, misled the public and cause serious scandal for many members of the Church…”
Indeed. While Sacramento’s good Bishop Jaime Soto attends the Walk for Life and encourages his pastors to bring their flocks, he gets knifed in his own backyard by a “Catholic” organization.
Now this is a courageous priest! Thank you, Fr. John Malloy!
CWA Applauds Court's Striking Down ObamaCare
CWA Applauds Court's Striking Down ObamaCare
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- A federal court has struck down the linchpin to ObamaCare, the mandate requiring every individual to buy health insurance. The judge agreed with twenty six states who challenged the law. Concerned Women for America's CEO Penny Nance said:
"We at Concerned Women for America feel vindicated by Judge Vinson's ruling that the ObamaCare mandate -- which forces Americans to buy health insurance -- is unconstitutional. This is the second federal judge to rule the law is unconstitutional and we urge Congress to go forward with repealing the law and all its unsavory elements: the unconstitutional mandate, the higher taxes, and the abortion coverage which almost killed the bill in Congress last year."
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
World Congress of Families Decries Attack on Pro-Family Restaurant Chain by Homosexual Groups
World Congress of Families Decries Attack on Pro-Family Restaurant Chain by Homosexual Groups
MEDIA ADVISORY, Jan. 31, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- World Congress of Families Managing Director Larry Jacobs noted that the attack on the restaurant chain Chick-fil-A by "gay" activists is another attempt to crush dissent from the LGBT movement's agenda.
"Every year, corporate America pours hundreds of millions of dollars into organizations seeking to advance anti-child and anti-biblical messages such as same-sex marriage, coercive sexual orientation laws and forced transgender "special rights" in the workplace, and it's treated as a 'progressive' business practice," Jacobs observed. "But let one restaurant chain support the strengthening of the institution of marriage and the natural family, and it becomes end-of-the-world news in The New York Times."
Ironically, these so-called "controversial" family values about the importance of healthy marriages and the importance of fathers and mothers to children, are the same values vital to a healthy and prosperous society.
President Obama spoke of these foundational values and the natural family when he said, "[We] need families to raise our children. We need fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception. We need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child - it's the courage to raise one. We need to help all the mothers out there who are raising these kids by themselves; the mothers who drop them off at school, go to work, pick up them up in the afternoon, work another shift, get dinner, make lunches, pay the bills, fix the house, and all the other things it takes both parents to do. So many of these women are doing a heroic job, but they need support. They need another parent. Their children need another parent. That's what keeps their foundation strong. It's what keeps the foundation of our country strong."
In a January 29th story (click here to read), The New York Times reported on an online petition calling on Chick-fil-A to "stop supporting groups perceived as anti-gay, including Focus on the Family."
Apparently, said rampant bigotry includes Chick-fil-A providing sandwiches and brownies to a February seminar called, "The Art of Marriage: Getting to the Heart of God's Design," sponsored by the Pennsylvania Family Institute.
"This is only part of the good work to help children and build a healthy society that Chick-fil-A does," Jacobs commented. "I wish other corporations did half as much for the natural family, as Chick-fil-A, which promotes pro-family values through its WinShape Foundation, including helping orphans and sponsoring seminars that help people strengthen their marriages and become better parents."
"Those advancing a radical homosexual agenda must not be allowed to win through intimidation. Because they fear an open debate on their agenda and discussion of the importance of natural marriage, they invariably seek to silence dissenting voices," Jacobs said.
"We call on the pro-family and marriage movement to join us in defending the right of any courageous corporation, acting in the very best interests of the community it serves, to stand for the natural family, society's irreplaceable institution," Jacobs stated. "The rights and importance of marriage and the natural family are even stated in the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948)." In Article 16 of UDHR it says, "Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family...The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State."
Again, I will quote President Obama to share the reasons why it is important to strengthen marriages particularly among minority groups. In his 2008 speech on the importance of fathers and mothers, the President said, "Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation...We know that more than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled - doubled - since we were children. We know the statistics - that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and twenty times more likely to end up in prison. They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it."
The World Congress of Families ( strengthens and encourages the natural family and holds international Congresses every 2-3 years (the last, WCF V, was in Amsterdam in 2009). This year, WCF will hold regional events in Riga (Latvia), London, Moscow - a first-ever Demographic Summit - and Lagos (Nigeria). Spain, India, Australia and Russia have submitted bids for the next World Congress of Families VI (2012) or VII (2013).
For more information on World Congress of Families, visit To schedule an interview with Larry Jacobs, contact Don Feder at 508-405-1337 or 815-222-2490.
The World Congress of Families (WCF) is an international network of pro-family organizations, scholars, leaders and people of goodwill from more than 60 countries that seek to restore the natural family as the fundamental social unit and the 'seedbed' of civil society (as found in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948). The WCF was founded in 1997 by Allan Carlson and is a project of The Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society in Rockford, Illinois. To date, there have been five World Congresses of Families - Prague (1997), Geneva (1999), Mexico City (2004) and Warsaw, Poland (2007). The World Congress of Families V was held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 10-12, 2009 (
Why Social Media Is Bringing Back Our Grandparents' Values
This post reflects the opinions of the author and not necessarily those of Mashable as a publication.
Josh Rose is the EVP, digital creative director of ad agency Deutsch LA, who, when time permits, moonlights as a photographer. Follow him on Twitter: @joshrose.
On January 4 at 9:46 p.m., I posted this message to Facebook:
“Vegas tomorrow. Who’s in?”
I was preparing for my drive/pilgrimage to Las Vegas for CES. And, as one does, I alerted 500 of my closest Facebook friends of this fact. I didn’t even think much of it.
The next morning, before I settled into the long drive, I stopped in to my local coffee shop. Ashley, who works there and knows my kids’ names, asked, “Your usual?” And then added, “Heading off to Vegas, huh?” She’d seen my status update.
Some may find this intimacy alarming. I found it oddly comforting. I bet this is what it was like for my grandparents, in a time when communities were close-knit; when someone knew if you were going on a trip or noticed if you didn’t show up somewhere. But this is just one of many parallels between our behaviors today and those of our grandparents. Here are a few more ways I think that social media has bridged these generations, culturally speaking.
The Return of the Slide Show
Our grandparents celebrated travel. Being worldly and seeing things that others hadn’t was a privilege. It opened your eyes to the world and that knowledge made you a more enriched person. But you also shared those stories with your friends and relatives. To go, see things, and then come back home and share your observations through pictures and stories — that was part of the experience. I can still remember sitting next to that slide carousel.
We’re doing that today with Flickr, Instagram, blogs and Facebook photos, to name a few. There’s a theme in iMovie that makes your video look like a beautiful travel log.
Two years ago, I went to Japan for a few weeks by myself. I logged all my experiences on a Posterous site for my friends and family to see. My parents’ generation never did this. They just kind of disappeared for a while, then came home. But it is remarkably similar to the behavior of my grandparents, who wanted to tell the stories and bestow their knowledge to anyone who’d listen.
The Return of Family Bonding
Our grandparents talked with their parents. Family dinners were an essential part of life, not to mention ball games, religious discussions, family outings and just plain hanging out on the porch. But the culture of our parents’ generation became somewhat more escapist; James Dean, punk rock, The Outsiders, TV dinners, video games, and yes, even the Internet.
But, a good portion of our grandparents’ sensibilities are back today, thanks to social media.
Kids aren’t blocking their parents from their Facebook profiles — well, OK, some are, but not all of them. Teens are texting their parents about their comings and goings. And although it looks a whole lot different than the Cleavers’ family dinner, in a strange way the book is wider open today than it has been in 100 years. Because of blogging, tweeting, checking in and status updating, the lock is off the diary.
Additionally, emotions are more accepted. Pain more vocalized. I know someone on Facebook who is dealing with cancer and posts regularly about that for all her friends and family to see. We are rediscovering what we once knew inherently; community makes us less lonely.
The Return of Being a Regular
Our grandparents didn’t frequent a lot of places. They had less to choose from, but they also understood the symbiosis of the customer/retailer relationship. I had one older relative who went to the same restaurant so much they named a sandwich after him. That’s old school, right? Maybe more new school than we realize.
Isn’t this what we’re doing with location applications like Foursquare, Facebook Places and Gowalla? Yesteryear’s sandwich naming is today’s Mayor’s Badge. We’re being rewarded for our patronage in ways reminiscent of the days when you could put something on a tab, and the owner knew your name; when frequent patrons got the best seats in the house.
If I “Like” your organization, I become part of your community; privy to your deals and offers. That’s the kind of preferential treatment that used to be a part of daily life. And, not coincidentally, restaurants are probably doing some of the most interesting things with social media today.
And, really, word-of-mouth is the oldest form of marketing. Social media often reflects on the tools, but it’s our opinions, spoken aloud, which are the true story — and fuel — in this medium. I’m as encouraged and excited today with where technology is leading us as I was the first time I saw my Grandpa Joe turn on that slide carousel. In a funny commentary on how he saw the world changing, he used to tell me, “There’s only two of us left. And I’m not sure about you.”
I think he’d like where we’re going.
Where do you see social media rekindling the values of previous generations? Let us know in the comments.
Nice article about present day grandparents like me using Facebook, Twitter and email to keep in contact with our children. Hey, even my grandkids have emailed me and some are on Facebook. I think it's great because being separated by a few thousand miles does not stop us from being intimate and acknowledging our love for one another. What do you think?
Deacon John
From New Oxford Review: Who Can Judge Quality of Life?
Operation Rescue: Unlicensed Abortionist Pendergraft Operating Secret Late-term “Fetal Lethal Injection Center” in Washington, DC area, Website Shows
Operation Rescue has filed complaints in the District and two states to stop Pendergraft from endangering women by killing their babies and forcing them elsewhere for completion of late-term abortions.
Washington, DC – Operation Rescue has learned that disgraced late-term abortionist James S. Pendergraft, IV, whose only active medical remains under a double-suspension order in Florida, has set up shop in a secret late-term mill that can only be described as a “Fetal Lethal Injection Center” in the Washington, D. C. metro area where late-term abortions are being only partially completed.
Pendergraft has put himself in direct competition with another late-term abortionist, Nebraska’s LeRoy Carhart, who also recently relocated is late-term abortion business to nearby Germantown, Maryland, to evade new laws in his home state.
But Pendergraft’s late-term abortion scheme is unique.
Pendergraft has recently launched a web site called that describes in detail how his new office is soliciting women from all over the nation and from other countries for “intracardiac injection of medication into the fetal heart.”
This process entails the injection of the heart-paralyzing drug Digoxin or an air bubble through the woman’s abdomen into the heart of the pre-born baby for the purpose of killing him or her. The process is guided by live ultrasonic imaging.
“On one hand, Pendergraft says on the web site that the process is completely safe, then discusses how a mistake during the process can be ‘catastrophic,’” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. “It is evident even from his own writings that Pendergraft’s new operation is dangerous in that it places women in a life-threatening condition only to send them on their way where someone else must clean up the mess.”
Pendergraft makes it very clear that he does not complete the abortion process at his secret office, but discharges patients within 10 to 15 minutes of the injection, after which they are forced to rush back to their personal physicians in their home states or other facilities for the removal of the dead baby before infection sets in. Without treatment women in this condition can die.
The notorious abortionists Steven Chase Brigham and Kermit Gosnell shocked regulators who discovered each of them committing late-term abortions that began in one state and ended in another. Brigham would illegally begin late-term abortions in New Jersey then ferry women to a secret late-term mill in Elkton, Maryland, for the removal of the dead baby. Gosnell was known to begin late-term abortions at an abortion mill in Wilmington, Delaware, and later finish them at his “house of horrors” clinic in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Of dangerous bi-state abortion plans, New Jersey State Board of Medical Examiners stated, “Brigham’s treatment of patients S.D. and N. C. and all unidentified New Jersey patients whose terminations of pregnancies began in New Jersey and concluded out of State constitutes acts of gross and/or repeated negligence…Brigham’s conduct constitutes a clear and imminent danger to the public and warrants immediate temporary suspension of [his] license to practice medicine and surgery in the State of New Jersey.”
Maryland is considering legislation to ban the dangerous practice of starting late-term abortions in one state and ending them in another.
During testimony in his criminal trial, the late George R. Tiller admitted that on rare occasions he would fatally inject a fetal heart, after which he would send the woman back to her home state where her private physician would finish the abortion. After his death in 2009, all investigations into Tiller’s dubious abortion practices ceased. It is more than likely that Pendergraft is now trying to cash in on part of the lucrative late-term abortion market suddenly available after the closure of Tiller’s infamous Wichita, Kansas, abortion mill.
Pendergraft also makes it clear in the defiant text of his new web site that he is engaging in this multi-state late-term abortion scheme to evade the laws of Florida and compel the participation of others in the abortion process.
“Once the fetal heart beat has stopped, the process of removing the fetus from the mother’s womb is no longer defined as an abortion,” stated Pendergraft. He offers this as a way to force hospitals and physicians that otherwise may balk at abortion to finish the abortion process since the woman now faces a serious life-threatening condition.
“Pendergraft is using women by placing them in harm’s way in order to make a political point in states that ban his pet procedure,” said Newman. “As despicable as this is, he is also apparently charging them exorbitant prices to do it. He says the process is ‘not inexpensive’ but does not list his fees. Secrecy shrouds his entire illicit operation.”
That includes the location of his Washington, D.C. area mill. In cloak-and-dagger fashion, Pendergraft describes how women will be told over the phone to meet at a specific location, where they and only one other friend or family member will be met and escorted to the secret facility for their baby’s fatal injection.
“While Pendergraft attempts to convince the reader this is about security, it is more likely about evading law enforcement, because this dangerous process is highly unethical and likely illegal since he holds no active medical license whatsoever,” said Newman.
While it remains unknown the exact location of this new mill, descriptions on the website would place it in the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia. Pendergraft’s license in the District of Columbia expired in 1998, his Maryland license expired in 1999, and he has never been licensed in Virginia.
Operation Rescue has filed complaints in the District and both states asking for immediate investigations into Pendergraft’s dangerous late-term abortion operation.
Pendergraft has a long history of legal issues that have included four suspensions of his medical license. In his latest suspension issued on August 7, 2010, the Board found that Pendergraft had allowed an unlicensed employee to order and administer drugs even though she was unqualified and had a known history of drug abuse. He also was disciplined for prescribing steroids to her for unknown reasons.
Another suspension, issued on January 26, 2010, alleges additional drug violations and includes discipline for a horrifically botched abortion.
After inadequately dilating Patient S.B.’s cervix for a D&E abortion, Pendergraft ruptured her uterus and shoved the pre-born baby’s body into the abdominal cavity. She was rushed to the hospital where she received an emergency hysterectomy along with the removal of the dead fetus, which was missing an arm. The arm was later found at Pendergraft’s EPOC abortion clinic. His not reporting that he had removed the arm caused a delay in her care at the hospital as surgeons futilely attempted to locate the missing appendage.
Pendergraft’s Florida medical license was also suspended in 2006 for doing illegal late term abortions.
“Pendergraft is a proven danger to the public. It is to their shame that the Florida Medical Board has not permanently revoked his license. The fact that he continues to operate five abortion mills there and now one in the Washington metro area is not only disturbing, but unacceptable,” said Newman. “This is another example of authorities willing to look the other way and abortionists who are willing to endanger women and violate laws because they believe they are somehow above them. We pray our complaints will help stop this abuse and bring Pendergraft to justice.”
Holy Father's Missionary Intention for February 2011:
MISSIONARY PRAYER INTENTION - Holy Father's Missionary Intention for February 2011: “That Christian communities may witness to the presence of Christ in serving those who suffer from disease in those mission territories where the fight against disease is most urgent”. Commentary.
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – During his earthly life, Jesus was always close to human suffering. The experience of healing the sick occupied a great part of his public mission. They brought Him the sick, the crippled, the blind and lepers. This was a bond of pain experienced often in social exclusion, and considered the result of personal sin or by their parents (cfr. Jn 9:2). St Augustine called Jesus “the humble physician”. He travelled the world doing good and curing the sick.Benedict XVI stated: “Despite the fact that illness is part of human experience, we do not succeed in becoming accustomed to it, not only because it is sometimes truly burdensome and grave, but also essentially because we are made for life, for a full life. Our 'internal instinct' rightly makes us think of God as fullness of life indeed, as eternal and perfect Life” (Angelus, 8 February 2009).
Sometimes the pain and impotence caused by illness can put our faith to the test. Believers have the duty to help their brothers and sisters to find sense of the suffering in the cross of Jesus Christ and to continue to pray, asking God for the grace to “know suffering”. We must be for them the closeness of God in their pain.
To the question raised by illness, God answered in Christ Jesus: “God whose Face he himself revealed is the God of life, who frees us from every evil. The signs of his power of love are the healings he performed. He thus shows that the Kingdom of God is close at hand by restoring men and women to their full spiritual and physical integrity” (Benedict XVI, ibid.).
But these physical healings are not ends in themselves. They are signs that speak of the need for a deeper healing. The most serious illness that affects humans throughout time is the absence of God, source of truth and love. In Christ, God became Good Samaritan for us. Through the incarnation he became “our neighbour”. He took upon his shoulders the role of Good Shepherd and brought us to the inn, which is a symbol of the Church. He healed our wounds with the oil of the sacraments, to bring us back to good health.
Speaking of the full meaning of Christ's ministry, the Pope affirms that “only reconciliation with God can give us true healing, true life, because a life without love and without truth would not be life. The Kingdom of God is precisely the presence of truth and love and thus is healing in the depths of our being. One therefore understands why his preaching and the cures he works always go together: in fact, they form one message of hope and salvation” (Benedict XVI, ibid.).
The ministry of Christ continues through the Church. It continues to heal humankind with the grace of the sacraments, while, engaged in thousands of charitable activities, she eases the pain of those who suffer, being for them the loving presence of God. Let us pray that many Christians – priests, religious and laity – who assist the sick around the world, continue to be the Hands and the Heart of Christ for their brothers and sisters in mission countries. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). (Agenzia Fides 29/1/2011)
Rejection of euthanasia not unique to Christians, states French bishop :: Catholic News Agency (CNA
Rome, Italy, Jan 28, 2011 / 07:12 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Bishop Bernard Ginoux of Montauban, France has noted that opposition to euthanasia is not unique to the Christian faith.
The French Senate recently voted 170-142 against a bill legalizing euthanasia. Bishop Ginoux reflected on the results, saying, “We are dealing with human beings and the respect for every human life. No one can deliberately kill.”
“Whenever the law allows for killing, it is granting human beings an absolute power over others, those who are the weakest and most defenseless. The fact that it is done by a team in a hospital, even if they are specialists, doesn’t change anything.
“Medicine is supposed to cure, and those who cure must not become assassins,” the bishop said in remarks to the French daily La Croix on Jan. 25.
Bishop Ginoux recalled his service at various hospitals, remarking that there are “very few people who really ask to die.”
Palliative care and compassion by those providing care helps patients realize that life is no longer so unbearable, he added.
“To say that the programmed death of someone considered ‘unfit’ to live because of his physical or psychiatric state is a crime is not something unique to the Christian faith,” the bishop said.
“The dignity of every human being is intangible and unchangeable. To overlook that is to fall into barbarism,” he said.
A woman, not a 'gestational carrier' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA

It's time for some more serious corrective thinking lest the reproductive madness get even more out of control, and we be morally complicit in furthering the exploitation of some lives for the making of another.
Read this article here:
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Moonbattery: Highway to Hell

Andrew Klavan takes us on a tour of the Highway to Hell, which is paved by the sanctimonious good intentions of moonbats:
Drunk on self-righteousness, most libs probably really are capable of not seeing what horrors they are inflicting with their coercively imposed good intentions. But that doesn't make them any less responsible for the consequences than the deliberately evil malefactors who pull their strings (e.g., Al Gore, George Soros, the New York Times).
On a tip from Oiao.
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