Thursday, February 3, 2011

Expose Planned Parenthood: join tonight's webcast

With great urgency the Manhattan Declaration would like to make you aware of two critically important events surrounding Planned Parenthood and their alleged criminal activity.

Two videos, one of which was released today, taken by LiveAction, a pro-life group, show Planned Parenthood personnel assisting an actor disguised as a pimp get underage prostitutes access to abortion, and testing for sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy without parental consent.

The videos speak for themselves, but in them Planned Parenthood employees make it clear their willingness to bend the rules and help the pimp despite admitting his involvement in the trafficking of underage girls as young as 14-years-old in his prostitution ring.

Want to help expose and defund Planned Parenthood, an organization that receives more than $300 million in tax-payer funds every year? Join a new group called Expose Planned Parenthood on a webcast TONIGHT at 8:30PM Eastern. CLICK HERE for the webcast and then checkout their website.