Friday, September 16, 2011 Pro-Life News Report 9/16/11 Pro-Life News Report
Friday, September 16, 2011

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Current Headlines

Top Stories
• After GOP Debate, Romney Leads Obama; Perry Now Trails

• Father Pavone: No One Needs Permission to Do Pro-Life Work

Governor Perry Has Unmatched Pro-Life Record on Abortion
• College Campus Censorship: Abortion Activists Don t Trust Women

More Pro-Life News
• The Little Baby Who Can: Rejecting Abortion in Trisomy 18
• Abortions Would Be Tax-Funded in DC Under Senate Legislation
• Father Pavone Ponders Founding New Pro-Life Religious Order
• Planned Parenthood s Pro-Abortion Legacy for Women, Since 9/11
• Indiana Abortions Up, Planned Parenthood Using RU 486 More
• Ten Years of Healing Hearts with Adult Stem Cells
• Protestant Pro-Life Religious Leaders Back Father Pavone

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After GOP Debate, Romney Leads Obama; Perry Now Trails
Following the second Republican presidential debate in which pro-life Texas Gov. Rick Perry appeared, he has seen his lead against pro-abortion President Barack Obama evaporate while rival Mitt Romney now runs ahead of the president.

Before he entered his first debate as a presidential candidate, Texas Governor Rick Perry was the Republican frontrunner and held a modest lead in a hypothetical matchup against President Obama. Perry was the target for all the other candidates in the two most recent GOP debates, however, and he now trails the president by single digits, says pollster Scott Rasmussen about his new national poll.

The Rasmussen national telephone survey of likely voters shows Obama picking up 46% of the vote, while Perry earns support from 39%. Fifteen percent (15%) are either undecided or prefer another candidate. Two weeks ago, Perry was up by three percent and, three weeks ago, Perry held a three=percent lead over Obama.

Perry trails Obama by 15 percentage points among women and barely leads among men. Perry trails among voters under 40, runs even among 40-somethings and leads among those 50 and older.

It s worth remembering that most voters over 40 voted against Obama in 2008, Rasmussen said.

Perry currently attracts just 71% of the Republican vote, while the president wins 85% of Democrats. Among voters not affiliated with either party, the race is a toss-up. That makes it appear Perry will do well once Republican voters get to know him better and the expectation is that Republicans will coalesce around Perry, or the eventual nominee if it is someone else, and more than 90-95 percent of Republicans will ultimately support the nominee versus Obama next year.

Father Pavone: No One Needs Permission to Do Pro-Life Work
Well, friends, here in Amarillo I am working hard at my computer on various pro-life projects as I await further instructions from the diocese. Nothing yet, but being I take my traveling office with me to four states a week, there s never a nothing to do moment.

It s so encouraging to see so many people on the same page with me, loving and respecting the Church and, out of that very love and respect, supporting the pro-life mission we are all engaged in together. Amidst the many expressions of support, many say to me that they are praying for me in this difficult time.

But what s difficult about it?

Sure, it s distressing to have to endure false suspicions, inaccurate media reports, and disruption to a mission which is at the core of my life. That s all the temporary distress of what s happening in these days.

But that s nothing compared to the distress I experience every day because my unborn brothers and sisters are being butchered by abortion. Tears, sleepless nights, anger, righteous indignation this and more come to me each day because something is happening to the youngest members of the human family. Typically, the skull is brought out in fragments, rather than as a unified piece, said abortionist Martin Haskell in 1999 court testimony, describing legal abortion.

This is not happening to strangers. It s happening to my brothers and sisters.

Governor Perry Has Unmatched Pro-Life Record on Abortion
Texas Right to Life has enjoyed a fruitful relationship with our Pro-Life Governor, Rick Perry, since before he was elected Lieutenant Governor in 1998; therefore, we are quite pleased that this Pro-Life champion has entered the race for President of the United States. While the Republican candidates who have already declared their candidacy also espouse Pro-Life views, Governor Perry s record is unmatched.

Governor Perry enthusiastically signed the Pro-Life pledge put forth by our colleagues at the Susan B. Anthony List. He has been an outspoken and unapologetic advocate for protecting the sanctity of human life from fertilization until natural death, and he has effectively put his advocacy into action during his tenure as Texas top official.

No state in recent years has passed more Pro-Life legislation or removed more tax dollars from Planned Parenthood, the nation s leading abortion committer, than Texas. In fact, Governor Perry partnered with Texas Right to Life to cut revenue to the abortion industry in the state s budget in the recent 2011 Legislative Session. As a direct result, seven Planned Parenthood affiliated clinics are closing in North Texas.

When Texas Right to Life personally verified the clinic closings, the staff at these agencies confirmed that the loss of public funds [that s my money and your money] was the sole reason for the closures. And Governor Perry helped Texas Right to Life take it away from Planned Parenthood, America s largest abortion provider.

College Campus Censorship: Abortion Activists Don t Trust Women
As a public speaker, I have spoken to hundreds of thousands of people over the past few years in various forums: major conferences, churches, social services events, high schools, and colleges. In all but the last venue, audiences may not always agree, but are willing to hear a perspective that may differ from their own.

There s no place like an environment of higher learning that s continually threatened by non-liberal ideology. Many college campuses cultivate students that fear being exposed to different points of view. In their myopia, free speech must be crushed as catchy mantras replace critical thinking.

Last night, I spoke at Georgia State University as part of The Radiance Foundation s awareness efforts. Georgia is the state where The Radiance Foundation, along with the inimitable Catherine Davis (at that time the Minority Director of Georgia Right to Life), launched the first campaign: Black Children Are An Endangered Species . Every billboard campaign since, Planned Parenthood and its radically pro-abortion surrogate, SisterSong, have been desperate to find ways to counter our efforts. They ve found fertile soil on college campuses where they find, often, some well meaning but incredibly uninformed students to parrot their propaganda.

Announcing: National Association of Pro-life Nurses announces its 2011-2012 scholarship for student nurses. Scholarship application deadline is Feb. 15, 2012. Application can be found online at

The Little Baby Who Can: Rejecting Abortion in Trisomy 18
Meet Bernadette and Phil Smith. After giving birth to seven beautiful children, the gift of pregnancy became a natural and normal part of this couple s life.

Just when they thought their family complete, an eighth child came as an unexpected surprise. Hearing the news, the Smiths eagerly looked forward to the wonderful opportunity of welcoming another precious little one into their family.

Then came some disturbing news. According to their doctor, there was a problem with the pregnancy and Bernadette would need to see a specialist to explore the specifics. But the information was vague, so Bernadette and Phil were unprepared for the possibility that this pregnancy was going to be very different.

After the specialist questioned them about their health, eating habits and family history, the Smiths received news that forever changed their world. Their little baby had Trisomy 18 (otherwise known as Edward s Syndrome). It s a genetic disorder caused by an extra copy of a chromosome in a person s DNA. Only half of babies diagnosed with the condition survive and have a very poor prognosis in life, so Bernadette s specialist pressured them to pursue only one choice of action abortion.

Cherishing the lives of each and every one of their children, Bernadette and Phil went through with the pregnancy. Their little one, whom they named Hannah, was born on June 19, 2007.

Abortions Would Be Tax-Funded in DC Under Senate Legislation
Yesterday, the Senate appropriations measure received approval from the Senate Appropriations Committee that funds the federal government and, unlike the measure House Republicans passed in their committees, the Senate bill funds abortions in D.C.

The bill Senate Democrats passed was approved without the Dornan amendment, which is found in the GOP House bill, that prevents taxpayers from paying for hundreds of abortions in the District of Columbia.The ban is currently back in place after President Barack Obama and Democrats removed it following the 2008 elections. However, Democrats and Republicans must again work out how to treat the thorny issue so a bill funding the federal government can go to Obama for his signature.

The abortion funding issue will now become part of the debate between the House and Senate on how to approve a new measure to fund the federal government. The previous Continuing Resolution stopped funding abortions as it funded the government for months but now lawmakers have to wage the fight again to determine whether the funding ban will remain in place.

The deal pro-life Speaker John Boehner arranged with Democrats in April allowed for a pro-life victory in the reinstatement of the ban on funding abortions in the District of Columbia, which is projected to save the lives of hundreds of unborn children annually who may have otherwise become victims of taxpayer-funded abortions.

The House -approved version of the new bill that funds the D.C. budget for 2012 contains the abortion funding ban but abortion advocates lobbied Senate democrats to keep it out in the upper chamber.

Father Pavone Ponders Founding New Pro-Life Religious Order
Following the controversy surrounding a call from his bishop to return to his diocese as a response to unsubstantiated allegations that he is unresponsive to the bishop and Priests for Life has financial problems, Father Frank Pavone is considering a new step.

While he has been faithful to the call and has returned to Texas as requested by Amarillo Bishop Patrick J. Zurek, who left town for two weeks the day Pavone returned, Pavone is considering other options. He has already appealed to The Vatican to help him in his quest to return to full-time pro-life ministry with Priests for Life, but Pavone told EWTN he may consider another option if the Catholic Church doesn t resolve the matter or Zurek doesn t allow him to resume his role.

Pavone says if Bishop Zurek doesn t grant him permission to return to full-time pro-life ministry, he will consider either being incardinated in another Catholic diocese or founding a new religious order for priests seeking to be involved in full-time pro-life work.

In an interview with EWTN News, Pavone said the situation is frustrating because Zurek left town and did not provide him any duties or assignments so he has been conducting his Priests for Life work from Amarillo. He said he had been in discussions with Bishop Zurek about doing more in Texas and sent him a list of dates he requested when he could do that which the bishop now claims he never received.

We have been talking with the bishop for years about these issues, he said, abbot the issues the bishop says are unresolved.

But he told EWTN he may look elsewhere if the situation can t be resolved amicably.

I do have various options, he said. The Church is bigger than Amarillo. The Church is the Church. I have experienced the call to full-time pro-life work. I want to do that for the rest of my life. It s a vocational matter

Planned Parenthood s Pro-Abortion Legacy for Women, Since 9/11
We will never forget September 11, 2001. These words that we ve heard in different contexts over the last couple of weeks around the 10th anniversary of 9/11 mean one thing for those who value all human life, and quite another for those who only value those lives that are wanted and convenient.

Indiana Abortions Up, Planned Parenthood Using RU 486 More
Abortions are up in Indiana slightly thanks in part to the Planned Parenthood abortion business doing more abortions and using the dangerous RU 486 abortion drug more frequently.

Ten Years of Healing Hearts with Adult Stem Cells
Prof. Dr. med. Bodo-Eckehard Strauer did his first clinical treatment using adult stem cell transplant for a heart patient on March 30, 2001, over ten years ago. Since that time, he and his team have treated hundreds of patients, have published a text on such heart treatments, and many other groups around the world have used adult stem cells for treatment of heart disease.

Protestant Pro-Life Religious Leaders Back Father Pavone
Members of the National Pro-Life Religious Council, an ecumenical group of pro-life advocates from various Protestant denominations, along with Catholics, have released a new statement supporting Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life.


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