Wednesday, November 2, 2011

DAY 36: Keep praying!

Image by nataliesap via Flickr

Dear Deacon,

I'm running through an airport and only have a minute
... but I have one important request.

>>>>> Mark your calendar for MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14 <<<<<

I'm not yet able to tell you what's happening that day.
But BIG things have been developing over the past few
months ... and all I can do at this point is ask you
to mark your calendar for Monday, November 14.

I'll be sending you more details right after we wrap up
the largest 40 Days for Life campaign ever in 301 cities
this weekend. So stay tuned!

Here's today’s update ... comprised of comments about
just a few of those local campaigns that were posted
on the 40 Days for Life blog.


"What a humbling privilege to be in solidarity with
thousands of people who are praying for the same purpose.

"Across the street from the abortion clinic, I was
touched by the peacefulness of prayers, their
interaction with each other and the goodness on their
faces. The public responded with curiosity, some
questioning and explaining, some raised eyebrows and
some honking of horns and thumbs up.

"I question the peace of souls who work against life
and ask that we continue to pray hard. God bless."


"Today God granted me the honor and privilege to counsel
a post-abortive woman at the bus stop next to our vigil
site. After I told her how many babies have been saved
this campaign, she sadly smiled and told me she and her
daughter had both had abortions and she wanted to heal.

"She had never heard of Rachel's Vineyard or Project
Rachel and I was able to put in her hands the contact
info for these groups. Our prayers and presence are
also saving souls who have been hurt by abortion.

"Keep praying!"


"I prayed at that during my two-hour prayer time that
anyone who went in would come right back out. Praise
Jesus -- that is exactly what happened! One couple saw
my sign, drove in ... and right back out."


"I have been so blessed by the people I have met --
there is a man who is there, I think, every day. He
loves Jesus and people. His serenity and faith
encourage me to keep going.

"I was nervous before going the first time but I had
a wonderful surprise when I felt a Holy Presence right
on that street. I knew the Lord was with us."


"Today we saw a young couple get out of their car with
their 6 month-old-baby. They seemed hesitant as they
crossed the parking lot. I walked over to the fence and
asked them if I could give them some information. They
actually came over and listened to what I had to say.

"They said they were just there for a pregnancy test.
I cautioned them not to go into the clinic ... but my
heart sank as they walked in anyway.

"Then miracle of miracles -- they came back out after
a few minutes to go find Catholic Charities!

"So when you ask why we do it -- why we suffer the heat
and abuse and long hours, because most people do have
their minds made up by the time they get to the
abortion clinic -- this is why. For the one time when
a woman is open to REAL help -- and a choice she won't
regret – somebody HAS TO BE THERE for her."

Here's today's devotional from Fr. Frank Pavone,
National Director of Priests for Life.


We are the defenders of true freedom. May our witness
unveil the deception of the "pro-choice" slogan.


Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of
the Lord is, there is liberty.

--2 Corinthians 3:17

REFLECTION by Fr. Frank Pavone

Norma McCorvey (the former Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade)
used to work at an abortion mill named "A Choice for
Women." She now realizes what a cruel irony that
title was.

She saw first hand, just as pregnancy resource center
counselors see, that women don't get abortions
because of freedom of choice, but rather because they
feel they have no freedom and no choice.

They feel trapped, abandoned, desperate and afraid,
and have been led to believe that abortion is their
only option.

As Frederica Mathewes-Green has written, no want
wants an abortion like she wants a Porsche or an ice
cream; rather, she wants it like an animal caught in
a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg.

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
That doesn't mean that the Spirit allows us to do
whatever we want or to decide for ourselves what's
right and wrong.

Rather, it means that the Spirit gives us the freedom
to do what is right, the power to choose what is
good, when we see it before us and yet feel pulled in
the opposite direction. Liberty means that we no
longer have to feel doomed to do what we know is

We are the people of the Spirit of the Lord, and when
we take action on behalf of life, especially by being
present at abortion mills, we are acting on behalf of
true freedom, and imparting to those who are in
bondage the power to do what is right.


Come, Holy Spirit. You are the Spirit of freedom, the
source of all that is good, the power to do what is
right. Fill us, and fill those who are in bondage
today, feeling doomed to do what is wrong. Set them
free, and help us to hasten them on the road to
freedom, where your grace overcomes every temptation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: How are you going to spend these last days of
   the 40 Days for Life campaign? Please share your
   thoughts by leaving a comment at today's blog:

40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA

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