Saturday, November 5, 2011

Have you ever heard this message before?


“She had never heard any of this”

Planned Parenthood, 5385 Franklin Blvd., Sacramento

News from the Trenches

(Reprinted with permission from “Blessings from the Sidewalk,” published by Helpers of God’s Precious Infants, Sacramento.)

Wednesday, October 5

Today upon arriving at the sidewalk I met up with a group of teenagers walking home from school. I introduced myself and explained why I pray in front of abortion centers. I disclosed to them the side effects of birth control also. One of the teenage girls was highly interested in learning more, while the smiling African-American male was seemingly bored with my message, interrupting me and offering me a drag of his cigarette intermittently.

Later on, while praying the Holy Rosary, another 15-year-old female, Yolanda, stopped by to speak with me. I introduced myself and the mission to encourage couples to choose life for their babies and to not contracept since birth control causes abortion.

I spoke to her about "waiting to have intimacy" until she's married because this is God's way. The provocatively dressed teen, wearing a revealing blouse shared, "Well, my boyfriend and I have been together for four months."

"A guy who truly loves you will respect you and wait for you,” I responded. “He won't put you at risk for an unplanned pregnancy. I know you probably don't think this will happen to you, but I meet girls every day here who are contracepting and now they're buying an abortion. They never planned on getting an abortion."

I then showed her the photo of a baby at 21 days -- completely formed with a little heart, eyes and toes. "Does this look like tissue, like my mole?" I asked. "No," she replied.

“I know it's hard to say no to your boyfriend,” I told her. “If you pray, God will help you to be strong.” At this point she became very quiet and then requested a Holy Rosary that she placed immediately upon her neck. It was almost as if Yolanda had a yearning for this message and did not know it. I sensed that Our Lady was guiding her as I gave her the instructions and thanked her for listening. She smiled big and I could see her tongue piercing that matched all the piercings on her ears, nose and face.

"Have you ever heard this message before?" I asked. She mentioned she had never heard any of this, not even at home.

I thought to myself how many countless young woman today have never heard the message of chastity and the gift of virginity and the blessing of children.

There were zero babies saved from abortion here today, but perhaps God wanted to save Yolanda from continuing in the sin of fornication with a message of purity and chastity. God truly loves her -- piercings and all -- and I pray that she eventually has the courage to say no to her boyfriend.

Thursday, October 6

I began praying the Holy Rosary on my knees while watching many women and children entering Planned Parenthood.

After many prayers, I observed a mom with a cute little girl exiting the car. The little girl resembled my daughter when she was five years old. The Hispanic girl caught sight of my rosary and for some reason was attracted to it. The mom was not obviously pregnant, and perhaps was here for birth control.

I continued praying for this mom and daughter, hoping that I would be able to dialogue and counsel mom about contraception and abortion when they exited.

Surprisingly, upon their exiting the mom and little daughter made their way into the car and stopped long enough for me to give mom some literature -- "What you need to know about birth control" and the "Before you choose," pamphlets.

The mom listened to the pro-life message politely before taking off abruptly due to the impatient driver waiting behind her. I will never know the true impact this message will have on her, but I am pleased that she is now informed with the truth and you can never un-learn the truth. "The truth shall set you free."
