Pro-Life News Report
Monday, November 7, 2011
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Current Headlines
Top Stories
• 508 Babies Saved From Abortion as 40 Days for Life Closes
• Planned Parenthood Faces Suit Over Medicaid Fraud in Texas
• Attorney General Sues to Close Two Michigan Abortion Clinics
• Bachmann: Stop Funding Planned Parenthood, Repeal Obamacare
More Pro-Life News
• Planned Parenthood Continues Falsifying Medicaid Documents
• Abortion Through a Grandmother s Eyes: Forgiveness, Healing
• Abortion Clinic Advertises Discount for Sunday Abortions
• Kathleen Turner to Keynote Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
• Unborn Children Are Persons, Human Beings From Conception
• NARAL Lie That Pro-Life Bill Would Let Women Die Debunked
• Pro-Life Book Review: A Special Mother Is Born
• Personhood Amendment in Mississippi Tied in Final Poll
• New Zealand Prime Minister Wrong to Back Assisted Suicide
---> Please inform others of President Barack Obama's pro-abortion record, link to it on your web site.
508 Babies Saved From Abortion as 40 Days for Life Closes
Another 40 Days for Life campaign has come to an end and we can look back now at lives forever changed. During these 40 days, there have been 508 lives saved that we know of because of God s response to your prayer!
From past campaigns, we expect the number to KEEP GROWING, as our local campaign leaders get their final reports in.
In the coming days, keep an eye on your inbox for some exciting news and developments that have been in the works during this campaign and for the past few months! But for today, let s look at some of the ways lives have been changed during 40 Days for Life and thank God for his abundant blessings during this time of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.
Austin, Texas: A volunteer spoke a teenaged couple approaching the abortion center and learned that the girl just found out she was pregnant. She was afraid of telling her parents and wanted to go behind their backs to get a judicial bypass a court order in order to have an abortion. Her boyfriend was not in favor of the abortion, but reluctantly said he supported her because it was her decision.
I showed them what her baby might look like, based on how far along she thought she was six weeks, said the vigil participant. I also discussed alternatives and resources that I could connect her with.
The couple walked into the abortion center, but soon left with smiles of joy and satisfaction. They had decided to not to have an abortion, said the volunteer. Praise God!
Planned Parenthood Faces Suit Over Medicaid Fraud in Texas
There s another important case against Planned Parenthood that I want to share with you. We have filed a federal lawsuit representing Karen Reynolds, a former Health Center Assistant at the Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC), in Lufkin, Texas.
This is another whistleblower case. And, once again Planned Parenthood (PP) faces serious charges involving fraud overbilling the misuse of millions of dollars in taxpayer funds.
According to our complaint, during her decade-long employment at this clinic, Reynolds learned that PPGC knowingly engaged in continued violations of both federal and state law by adopting and implementing company-wide billing policies intended to maximize revenue received from government health care programs (such as Medicaid and Title XX) by expressly requiring PPGC s clinics in Texas and Louisiana to bill the federal and state governments for reimbursement for (i) medical services that were never actually rendered; (ii) medical services that, although rendered, were known by Defendant to be medically unnecessary; and (iii) abortion-related services that PPGC knew were not properly reimbursable through these government programs.
Attorney General Sues to Close Two Michigan Abortion Clinics
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has filed a lawsuit in Eaton County Circuit Court to permanently close two abortion centers, the Health Care Clinic in Delta Township and the Women s Choice Clinic in Saginaw.
To ensure accountability and patient safety, Michigan law requires medical facilities to be incorporated with a licensed medical professional at the helm, he said. Strict enforcement of the law ensures medical clinics cannot put profit ahead of responsible patient care.
The lawsuit follows one Schuette and the Michigan Department of Community Health filed earlier this year against the Lathrup Village-based WomanCare of Southfield abortion center saying it had been operating without a valid license since last summer. the state s top attorney has said the licensing is required of any private physician offices in which at least half of the patients get an abortion.
Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing applauded the lawsuit, saying, I laud Attorney General Schuette for following the law and pressing charges against these two abortion businesses. Those involved in the occupation of abortion are not above the law. Our attorney general has uncovered violations which should result in Health Care Clinic and Women s Choice Clinic being shut down.
Bachmann: Stop Funding Planned Parenthood, Repeal Obamacare
Republican presidential contender Michelle Bachmann delivered a policy speech today at the headquarters of the Family Research Council, where she promised she would have a pro-life presidential administration on abortion if elected.
First and foremost, I believe that every child has the right to life because every child is made in the image and likeness of a Holy God, Bachmann said. The government should do what it does best, protect the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I am not confused by what it means to be 100 percent pro-life. I am both personally and publicly pro-life, she told the Family Research Council in the address. I believe it is the role of government to protect life from conception to natural death. I ll never be confused about that issue and you won t find you tube clips with me advocating otherwise. For starters, Planned Parenthood will be zeroed out if I am president.
I will also work to protect the American family from activist judges, Bachmann continued. Some Republican candidates seem confused about this issue. I am not it is the core of my conviction.
Planned Parenthood Continues Falsifying Medicaid Documents
A new federal whistle blower lawsuit filed in Federal Court in Texas on October 28th alleges Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC) engaged in prolonged and coordinated fraud to bilk federal and state programs of millions of dollars. PPGC operates 8 clinics in Texas and 2 in Louisiana.
The suit, filed by a former employee of the abortion provider, states that Planned Parenthood trained employees to falsify medical charts to justify billing the federal government for services that were not rendered and also to improperly bill the government for abortion services.
Federal funds provided to Planned Parenthood may not be used for abortions. In the suit, however, Karen Reynolds, a former health care assistant, at Planned Parenthood s clinic in Lufkin, Texas, states that Planned Parenthood: trained and instructed the employees at its twelve regional clinics to bill the government for medical services that were not medically necessary, to bill the government for services that were not actually provided to falsify information in patient medical charts. [i]
Reynolds was an employee of Planned Parenthood from 1999-2009 and claims the fraud continued during the entire time of her employment.
Abortion Through a Grandmother s Eyes: Forgiveness, Healing
Since going incredibly public with my abortions, my parents have been so supportive. They have prayed for me, watched my kids while I travel, and loved me through the tough days. In many ways, however, they have been silent about their feelings.
I knew they needed time to process, grieve, and go through all of the emotions that abortion brings. Last night, I received a letter from my Mom and I want to share it. It s an honest look at how it feels to be the mother of a girl who s had an abortion and the grandmother of aborted grandchildren and it s a reminder that abortion affects so many more people than we even realize.

Abortion Clinic Advertises Discount for Sunday Abortions
In our country, on this very day, with supposedly all the moral weight of a pedicure, this is what happens legally while anyone who opposes it and speaks out about is branded an extremist. We need to wake up. Abortion has become so common that the advertising isn t even shocking people any more. But it will shock you if you just look at it and realize this already has become the place where our children are growing up, a hop, skip and a jump away from Disney World.
That s right. A woman can go to a clinic, get poison, kill her child, and go home to deliver the dead baby in privacy. Any guesses how anyone really knows whether the child is born alive or not? There s no way to know. It s private. Notice the comment about how abortion rates are growing exponentially. This is what exponential growth looks like. The red is linear growth. The blue is cubic growth. The green is exponential growth.
Kathleen Turner to Keynote Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
Actress Kathleen Turner is keynoting a Planned Parenthood fundraiser next week in what is the latest action by the actress to promote abortion and the nation s biggest abortion business.
Unborn Children Are Persons, Human Beings From Conception
Over the past few weeks, our entire team at Students for Life has been approached by reporters and students from across the country for our reaction to the Mississippi Personhood Amendment campaign. Below are a few of my thoughts on the concept of Personhood and the Personhood Amendment, and how the youth pro-life movement should engage in these ideas..
NARAL Lie That Pro-Life Bill Would Let Women Die Debunked
Protect Life Act sponsor Rep. Joe Pitts wrote in a letter to the editor at the New York Times how his legislation would protect hospitals from being forced to perform abortions.
Pro-Life Book Review: A Special Mother Is Born
Over a year ago, friend, Catholic blogger and co-founder of KIDS (Keep Infants with Down Syndrome), Leticia Velasquez asked if I would be interested in contributing a chapter to an anthology of stories by parents of special needs children, A Special Mother Is Born. It was a book a couple of years in the making, and I agreed. I thought the title bemusing for a dad as contributor, but Leticia assured me that Senator Rick Santorum had contributed, as had Patrick Coffin. We three would be in the great company of some truly great women.
Personhood Amendment in Mississippi Tied in Final Poll
The battle over the personhood amendment in Mississippi will go down to the wire tomorrow in what is expected to be a close outcome, according to a new poll sponsored by Public Policy Polling.
New Zealand Prime Minister Wrong to Back Assisted Suicide
The Prime Minister, John Key, has forfeited his right to govern New Zealand because of his support for legislation that would permit doctors to kill their patients or assist in their suicide. The Prime Minister has publicly given his support for a private member s Bill allowing euthanasia legislation to be introduced into Parliament. He has promised to support the Bill in its first reading and for it to be sent to a select committee.
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