Friday, February 3, 2012

Outrage at Komen is Not ABout Women's Health

American Life League



Media Contact: Paul Rondeau

February 3, 2011

Tel:540.659.4171 | e-mail:




Today, Susan G. Komen for the Cure put out a statement that some interpret as a reversal of an earlier statement that Planned Parenthood Federation of America would not qualify for further funding under new Komen grant guidelines. Those new guidelines barred funding organizations that are under investigation and also limited new grants to grantees that provide funded services directly to the patient.  PPFA does not meet either of those requirements.


Paul E. Rondeau, executive director of American Life League, made the following statement:

"Many in the pro-life movement are disappointed by this turn of events, although it remains unclear how the new Komen statement may play out. What is crystal clear is that Planned Parenthood has become a dangerously powerful entity that can demand payment from a donor even for services it does not really provide.


After Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, was caught lying to the national media about her organization providing mammograms, we know it is not about the truth. Planned Parenthood does not actually provide diagnostic cancer screenings or mammograms. Future Komen funding was simply being diverted to direct providers.


So it is a certainty that the faux outrage ginned up by Planned Parenthood operatives has nothing to do with women's health and, least of all, women's breast health.


This is about sex industry money and abortion power, with 22 of Planned Parenthood̢۪s pocket senators standing by as cheerleaders.


Politicians and corporations should heed these events. Getting into bed with Planned Parenthood is like joining the Mafia: They will tell you when you are done, you don't tell them." 




Media inquiries, please contact Paul E. Rondeau at 540.659.4171 or



American Life League, the oldest national Catholic pro-life organization in the United States, was cofounded by Judie Brown in 1979. She will release her twelfth book, The Broken Path, this December. For more information, please visit or call 540-659-4171.