Saturday, July 30, 2016

LifeNews Report: Actress Ashley Judd Glad She Was Able to Abort Her Baby Pro-Life News Report

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Top Stories• Actress Ashley Judd Glad She Was Able to Abort Her Baby Instead of Having to “Deliver a Child”
• Democrat Delegates Change “Hillary” Convention Signs To “Liar”
• Mexican State Votes to Ban Abortions and “Protect Life From Conception”
• Pope Francis Condemns Abortion: Unborn Children “Must Always be Welcomed and Protected”

More Pro-Life News
• Planned Parenthood Says Hillary Clinton is the “Strongest” Pro-Abortion Nominee “We’ve Ever Seen”
• Catholic Church Gives Pro-Abortion Tim Kaine a Standing Ovation
• Mike Pence Says Donald Trump Will Nominate Supreme Court Judges Who Would Overturn Roe
• Tim Kaine Flip-Flops Again: He’s Had 5 Positions This Month on Forcing Voters to Fund Abortions

• Actress Debra Messing Praises Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards: She’s “A Warrior Woman”
• Activist Defends Bragging About Her Abortion at Democrat Convention: “It Was Overwhelmingly Positive”
• Woman Abandoned 22 Years Ago in a Phone Booth Reunites With Man Who Saved Her
• Abortion Activists Keep Denying Abortion Hurts Women With Link to Breast Cancer
• Women’s Rights Activist Shames Man Who Raped a Woman and Forced Her to Abort Her Baby
Here’s Another Reason Why Parents of Babies With Trisomy 13 or 18 Should Refuse Abortion

• Famous Performance Artist Marina Abramovic Had 3 Abortions So She Could Advance Her Career

Actress Ashley Judd Glad She Was Able to Abort Her Baby Instead of Having to “Deliver a Child”
Actress Ashley Judd spoke during the Democratic National Convention this week about protecting the rights of sexual assault survivors like herself.
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Democrat Delegates Change “Hillary” Convention Signs To “Liar”
The Democratic Party is still far from unified after a long and drawn-out primary season.
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Mexican State Votes to Ban Abortions and “Protect Life From Conception”
The Mexican state of Veracruz approved a constitutional amendment on Thursday that effectively bans abortions by recognizing that unborn babies deserve protection.
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Pope Francis Condemns Abortion: Unborn Children “Must Always be Welcomed and Protected”
Upon his arrival in Poland, Pope Francis immediately began by speaking in defense of the unborn.
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Planned Parenthood Says Hillary Clinton is the “Strongest” Pro-Abortion Nominee “We’ve Ever Seen”
Hillary Clinton could potentially overtake President Barack Obama’s record as the most pro-abortion president in U.S. history if she wins the election, and Planned Parenthood just confirmed it.
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Catholic Church Gives Pro-Abortion Tim Kaine a Standing Ovation
On Sunday, Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine was given a standing ovation by his Catholic parish.
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Mike Pence Says Donald Trump Will Nominate Supreme Court Judges Who Would Overturn Roe
For pro-life voters there is no more important issue than the Supreme Court and the desperate need to change the makeup of a high court that is poised to continue virtually unlimited abortions another four decades.
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Tim Kaine Flip-Flops Again: He’s Had 5 Positions This Month on Forcing Voters to Fund Abortions
This morning Sen. Tim Kaine told CNN he supports the Hyde Amendment and his position has not changed.
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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.

Spirit & Life - Imagine the Possibilities in Africa

Your Support Helps HLI Defend Life & Family Around the World! 
Dear Friends,  

Thank you for your prayers during our mission to Tanzania the last two weeks. It was a blessed and productive time with our partners and new friends, though it is good to be home.
As we were completing our pro-life training program in Dar es Salaam, the Catholic Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar gathered in Angola. The meeting produced a strong document in which the bishops emphasized the irreplaceable role of marriage - one man and woman in an exclusive, indissoluble, and fruitful union - and the family.
Caring for the flock
The bishops not only reaffirmed Church teaching on marriage and family, they also stressed that the Church and society must defend these sacred institutions from the ideologies that undermine them:
Marriage and family are intimately linked together. We reaffirm the teaching of the Church, based on the Word of God: "Man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife; both become one body" (Gen 2: 24). Marriage binds a man and a woman together. The Lord proclaims this true nature of marriage, which in the mind of God, excludes divorce (Mat 19: 3-12). In Jesus Christ, marriage acquires its true meaning. The inseparable link of love between a man and a woman, marriage is open to life and procreation, as means of renewal of the society and the Church, therefore it cannot concern persons of the same sex.
Africans have a rich and wonderful sense of the sacredness of life. As HLI's director of English-speaking Africa, Emil Hagamu, said in a short video we produced not too long ago: "We are a life loving people. We love children. We love life. We are all out to protect life and our families."

This attitude toward the sacredness of life is evident to anyone who visits Africa. A Tanzanian priest told me during our mission: "Respect for life predates Christianity in Africa. It is deeply ingrained in our societies and cultures."
When "aid" hurts
The family, or clan, is highly regarded in African culture, which is why the aged and sick are respected and cared for. Africans remember their ancestors and honor their memories through stories-a tradition that made teaching the doctrine of the Communion of Saints easy for Catholic missionaries in generations past. A pregnant woman is widely considered "blessed," for she carries life within her. Children are welcomed as blessings - the complete opposite of the Western ideology that infects most of the "aid" and "development" projects foisted upon Africa.
To be sure, the various cultures of Africa have problems that do not necessarily originate in the West, several of which the bishops acknowledge in their statement. But these struggles are amplified, not alleviated, by pressure from wealthy countries to devalue life and family.
In spite of great difficulties and hardships, I continue to find that they are a joy-filled people, gracious, and generous. Africans celebrate life!
Coming from our own nation
The violence against marriage and the family has been consistently endorsed by the Obama administration and is official foreign policy. It ensures that US diplomacy and foreign assistance coincides with the promotion and protection of the so-called "reproductive rights" - contraception and abortion - and "LGBT rights."
Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton, who as Obama's Secretary of State threatened to remove development funds unless Africa reversed its defense of life and family, made the administration's position clear again in a 2015 speech at Lincoln Center in New York: 
Rights have to exist in practice, not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources, and political will. Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed.
Faced with this and other blatant attacks upon their people, the bishops of Africa stand strong:
These different challenges destabilize the life of couples and families, especially when there is no strong pastoral strategy in place. As pastors, we cannot but be committed to renewal of and to reinvigoration of our pastoral approaches for the families. We are convinced and believe that the Family cannot be subdued by the crises and situations that confront it. Therefore, in the proclamation of the Gospel of Family, we are to be the witnesses of hope.
A response from the heart of Africa
During HLI's recent pro-life training program in Tanzania, we met with seminarians, priests, consecrated religious men and women, and lay leaders from across English speaking Africa. At the heart of our discussions was how to confront the aggression of the West upon the life-loving culture of Africa. One of the leaders stated a common sentiment among the group:
We need our religious and civil leaders to protect us from the radical ideologies that seek to undermine our way of life. We need to teach the younger generation about the rich heritage of African culture - a culture that loves and respects life and family. We need to address the root causes of poverty and corruption. Political corruption must be aggressively removed and not tolerated.
This is affirmed by Mr. Hagamu in the aforementioned video:
Africans need assistance with infrastructure. We need to have good roads. We need to have good hospitals and medicines. We need to have good schools. We don't need condoms. We don't need contraception. We don't need abortion.
We've heard for years about how there are many African medical clinics that have little to no medicine but have pallets of contraceptives and condoms. The roads are deplorable and in many places people have little to no access to clean water or genuine medical care or education. Since 1996 the USA and other developed nations have spent over 65 billion dollars on anti-life programs in Africa -- 137 billion in countries around the world -- with little to show for it except paternalism, exploitation, and violation of peoples and cultures.
Imagine the possibilities
Imagine having this amount of money placed into the right hands. Imagine a change in our policy toward Africa, one in which any funding sent to Africa required government reform that removes power from a corrupt class that benefits from aid while the poor continue to suffer. Invest the funding in African businesses, giving them agency in developing their own nation and fostering laws, policies, and culture that value and protect private property and entrepreneurship and prioritize educational opportunities.
Of course this is exactly what many elites from the West fear the most - an Africa standing on its own, free of corruption and dependency; an economic power, with strong families where every life is seen as precious. Imagine if our support for Africa was based on the truth that every human person is made in God's image, is called to share in His creative effort to transform the world, and is destined to be with Him for all eternity. Can you imagine how different our policy would be toward Africa, and how after a while our constant "help" would no longer be required?
Sometimes it seems to me that the West, as it gradually dies from its embrace of radical secularism and anti-life ideologies, wants that rest of the world to die with it. Let us pray that the people and leaders of Africa will have the courage to reject this cancer and choose life.


Sincerely yours in Christ,  
Father Shenan J. Boquet
President, Human Life International
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TandC Newsletter 012113-2
Cases like D's are common around the world, and, unfortunately, many of them don't end as well as this difficult story. The pro-choice movement tries to make it seem like more women are forced into pregnancy than abortion. But coerced abortion is not rare. In a study of the effects of abortion on American and Russian women by Medical Science Monitor, 64% of American women who had had one abortion said others pressured them into the abortion. 37% of Russian women said the same. 79% of American women and 72% of Russian women said that parental involvement was not helpful in their abortion decision, and 64% of American women and 41% of Russian women said that their partner did not offer support during their pregnancies. - continue -
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fetus, baby
Former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino describes 1st trimester dilation and cutterage abortions and 2nd trimester dilation and evacuation abortions, two common practices which tear babies limb from limb, finally crushing the skull to fit it through the cervix. "The abortionist knows he has crushed the skull when a white substance comes out of the cervix. This was the baby's brains." Dr. Levatino also describes babies being deprived of shelter and nutrients inside the womb by abortion pills and being poisoned with a digoxen injection piercing the baby's head or chest. - continue -
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Get the latest fact-based brochure, Does Legal Abortion Save Lives, exposing the myth that abortion is healthy. Bulk discounts available.
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Share this must-read brochure, Depo-Provera, and educate others about Depo's sixty-plus unhealthy side effects. Bulk discounts available.
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In Negative Effects of the Pill, learn the truth about how contraception is not only dangerous to the human body - but to the environment too! Bulk discounts available.
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4 Family Life Lane Front Royal, VA 22630 540-635-7884 ●

Friday, July 29, 2016

LifeNews Report: Hillary Clinton Promotes Free Abortions: "Make it Happen" Pro-Life News Report

For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit
Top Stories• Hillary Clinton Promotes Free Abortions: “Let’s Go Out There and Make It Happen”
• Cosmopolitan Magazine Says Bill and Hillary Clinton are “Good Marriage Role Models”
• Abortion Activist at Democrat Convention Slams Pro-Lifers: “They Just Want to Control Women”
• Democrats are Outraged That Chick-Fil-A is Served at the Democrat National Convention

More Pro-Life News
• Hey Democrats, Quit Saying Women Should Support Hillary Clinton Just Because We’re Women
• Watch Obama Refer to Himself 119 Times During His Speech to Nominate Hillary Clinton
• After They Applauded Woman Bragging About Her Abortion How Can Any Christian Vote Democrat?
• Tim Kaine Flip-Flops Again: He Won’t Stop Hillary Clinton From Pushing for Free Abortions

• Differences Between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on Abortion are Actually Huge
• Even This Former Obama Staffer Thinks the Democrat Platform Pushing Free Abortions is Extreme
• Adorable Video Shows Deaf 3-Month-Old Baby Hearing Mommy’s Voice for the First Time
• 36% of Democrats Think Abortion Should be Illegal but Hillary’s Party Wants Unlimited Abortions
• Gospel Singer Lady Bee Thought About Aborting Her Baby But Thanks God She Chose Life
Here’s the Incredible Moment a Baby “Walks” From His Mother’s Womb in a “Natural Caesarian”

• Planned Parenthood Upsets Mormons by Using LDS Saying on Packages of Condoms
• Amazing Fetal Surgery Shows Unborn Babies are People Too

Hillary Clinton Promotes Free Abortions: “Let’s Go Out There and Make It Happen”
During her keynote address to the Democratic convention on Thursday night, Hillary Clinton wasted no opportunity promoting abortion.
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Cosmopolitan Magazine Says Bill and Hillary Clinton are “Good Marriage Role Models”
Only the sex-obsessed writers at Cosmopolitan could try that line out. There are a lot of ways to try to defend the Clintons, but that’s not one.
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Abortion Activist at Democrat Convention Slams Pro-Lifers: “They Just Want to Control Women”
A leading abortion activist at the Democratic national convention last night slammed pro-life Republicans, saying they “just want to control women.”
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Democrats are Outraged That Chick-Fil-A is Served at the Democrat National Convention
Democrats in Philadelphia at the Democratic National Convention at apparently outraged that the Christian-owned and operated Chick-Fil-A has food available for purchase both inside and outside the convention arena.
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Hey Democrats, Quit Saying Women Should Support Hillary Clinton Just Because We’re Women
If you’re a woman, how can you not support Hillary Clinton for president? That was the message repeated over and over again at the Democratic National Convention this week.”
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Watch Obama Refer to Himself 119 Times During His Speech to Nominate Hillary Clinton
It’s often been said that President Barack Obama has been the most narcissistic president ever — with so many speeches filled with “I” and “me.”
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After They Applauded Woman Bragging About Her Abortion How Can Any Christian Vote Democrat?
This week, popular conservative blogger Matt Walsh tackled the question of whether Christians can vote Democrat because of the party’s increasing devotion to the abortion industry.
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Tim Kaine Flip-Flops Again: He Won’t Stop Hillary Clinton From Pushing for Free Abortions
Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential running mate keeps going back and forth on his position on taxpayer-funded abortions.
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Looking for an inspiring and motivating speaker for your pro-life event? Don't have much to spend on a high-priced speaker costing several thousand dollars? Contact LifeNews at about having LifeNews Editor Steven Ertelt speak at your event.