LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Top Stories• Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will Uphold the Constitution”
• Mike Pence: “I’m a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican. In That Order”
• Ben Carson: “When You Look at the Principles of Christ” You Have to Conclude Abortion “is Evil”
• Abortion Activist Lena Dunham to Speak at Democratic National Convention
• Planned Parenthood Trashes Trump for Saying “Elect Me President” to Ban Abortions
More Pro-Life News• Hillary Clinton: Mike Pence “Puts Women’s Health at Risk” Just Because He’s Pro-Life
• Joy Behar: Republican Party’s Pro-Life Platform “Was in Mein Kampf Last Time I Saw It”• Planned Parenthood Distributes “Protect Yourself From Trump” Condoms at GOP Convention
• Pastor: Black Voters Should Leave Pro-Abortion Democrat Party: “It’s a Metaphorical Slave Ship”
• Terminally Ill Teen Schedules the Time of Her Death: “I’m Going to be Free”
• Potential Hillary Clinton VP Used Personal Email to Leak Government Info to Planned Parenthood
• Grieving Mother Who Almost Died Giving Birth Spends 15 Days With Stillborn Son
• Study Falsely Claims Abortion is a “Better Outcome” Than Giving Birth for Teen Girls
• Actress Mila Kunis Gushes About Her Unborn Baby: “I Have a Human Inside”
• Redemption After Abortion: Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness From Christ
• A Couple Saved This Baby From Certain Death Before He Was Even Born
• Native Women’s Association of Canada Supports “Cassie & Molly’s Law”
• Mike Pence: “I’m a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican. In That Order”
• Ben Carson: “When You Look at the Principles of Christ” You Have to Conclude Abortion “is Evil”
• Abortion Activist Lena Dunham to Speak at Democratic National Convention
• Planned Parenthood Trashes Trump for Saying “Elect Me President” to Ban Abortions
More Pro-Life News• Hillary Clinton: Mike Pence “Puts Women’s Health at Risk” Just Because He’s Pro-Life
• Joy Behar: Republican Party’s Pro-Life Platform “Was in Mein Kampf Last Time I Saw It”• Planned Parenthood Distributes “Protect Yourself From Trump” Condoms at GOP Convention
• Pastor: Black Voters Should Leave Pro-Abortion Democrat Party: “It’s a Metaphorical Slave Ship”
• Terminally Ill Teen Schedules the Time of Her Death: “I’m Going to be Free”
• Potential Hillary Clinton VP Used Personal Email to Leak Government Info to Planned Parenthood
• Grieving Mother Who Almost Died Giving Birth Spends 15 Days With Stillborn Son
• Study Falsely Claims Abortion is a “Better Outcome” Than Giving Birth for Teen Girls
• Actress Mila Kunis Gushes About Her Unborn Baby: “I Have a Human Inside”
• Redemption After Abortion: Finding Freedom Through Forgiveness From Christ
• A Couple Saved This Baby From Certain Death Before He Was Even Born
• Native Women’s Association of Canada Supports “Cassie & Molly’s Law”

Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will Uphold the Constitution”
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, in accepting the nomination of the party today, drove home the number one concern for pro-life voters this election.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, in accepting the nomination of the party today, drove home the number one concern for pro-life voters this election.

Mike Pence: “I’m a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican. In That Order”
Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence last night gave Americans a very clear picture of who he is and has been as a pro-life governor and Congressman and who he would be as a leader of the country.
Republican vice-presidential nominee Mike Pence last night gave Americans a very clear picture of who he is and has been as a pro-life governor and Congressman and who he would be as a leader of the country.

Ben Carson: “When You Look at the Principles of Christ” You Have to Conclude Abortion “is Evil”
Dr. Ben Carson has a reputation for making strong, candid statements about some of the most controversial issues in the nation.
Dr. Ben Carson has a reputation for making strong, candid statements about some of the most controversial issues in the nation.

Abortion Activist Lena Dunham to Speak at Democratic National Convention
Raunchy pro-abortion “comedian” Lena Dunham will address the Democratic National Convention, where her fellow abortion supporter Hillary Clinton will become the party’s nominee for president.
Raunchy pro-abortion “comedian” Lena Dunham will address the Democratic National Convention, where her fellow abortion supporter Hillary Clinton will become the party’s nominee for president.

Planned Parenthood Trashes Trump for Saying “Elect Me President” to Ban Abortions
Planned Parenthood is attacking likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump left and right.
Planned Parenthood is attacking likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump left and right.

Hillary Clinton: Mike Pence “Puts Women’s Health at Risk” Just Because He’s Pro-Life
The phony baloney War on Women nonsense is continuing for another election.
The phony baloney War on Women nonsense is continuing for another election.

Joy Behar: Republican Party’s Pro-Life Platform “Was in Mein Kampf Last Time I Saw It”
Joy Behar is at it again on The View.
Joy Behar is at it again on The View.

Planned Parenthood Distributes “Protect Yourself From Trump” Condoms at GOP Convention
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood is attacking presidential candidate Donald Trump this week by handing out condoms printed with anti-Trump messages.
The abortion giant Planned Parenthood is attacking presidential candidate Donald Trump this week by handing out condoms printed with anti-Trump messages.
Pastor: Black Voters Should Leave Pro-Abortion Democrat Party: “It’s a Metaphorical Slave Ship”
A black pastor is telling it like it is wen it comes to the pro-abortion Democratic Party and black voters.
A black pastor is telling it like it is wen it comes to the pro-abortion Democratic Party and black voters.
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