Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Letter from Terri's Brother
Week of July 30, 2007

Dear Friends,

Let me sincerely thank all of our supporters for joining us in our fight against the "death movement" working to devalue the sanctity of life in our nation, personified by Jack Kevorkian.

We now have thousands of Say No to Dr. Death petitions to deliver to the office of the President of the University of Florida demanding the University rescind its offer to pay $50,000 for Kevorkian to address the students.

Because of our friends like you, we are making progress against those seeking to advance a culture of death in our nation.

As evidence of the progress, on May 27, USA TODAY released a list titled, "Lives of Indelible Impact." This list reflected the top 25 people who have most impacted our nation over the past 25 years, including people like Pope John Paul II, Mother Teresa, and the heroes of 9/11.

No. 12 on the list was my sister, Terri.

It seems that as time goes on more and more people are coming to terms with the fact that Terri's terrible and senseless death was not only one of the saddest events for our nation, but an act absent of any kind of humanity.

Despite the ongoing message of death spreading through our society and those, like Jack Kevorkian, who attempt to justify killing the most vulnerable among us, we are committed to fight against this death-obsessed culture and spread Terri's legacy of life, hope and love.

But we need your support to accomplish this worthy goal.

That's why we are asking you to send a generous gift of $35, $50 or even $100 to help the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation continue the fight to stop euthanasia in America.

Many of you simply cannot afford to give such a large amount. If not, would you please consider a gift of $25? Whatever you contribute is sincerely appreciated and will greatly assist us in advancing a culture of life in our nation.

Terri's Foundation wants to educate our culture about the moral equality of each human life. Your gift will help us do that and so much more of the work that needs to be done.

We are leading the fight to save the lives of medically dependent persons and help the families who suffer when their family members are targeted for death - just as we suffered in our struggle to save Terri's life. These are everyday families whose loved ones face possible state-sanctioned execution simply because they need our committed care or have potentially life threatening disabilities.

We want to ensure they have a fighting chance at life!

Our cost to provide services to those in crisis, facing life and death situations, is typically over $200 per day.

In fact, to produce, collect, and deliver our Say No to Dr. Death petitions alone will cost over $5,000. But if we can be your voice to the University of Florida and prevent Jack Kevorkian from delivering his message of death to our students, it is worth every dime.

Terri's Foundation depends 100% on the generosity of friends like you who share our belief in the value and dignity of human life and if everyone who receives this email will send us a gift of $25.00 we will have sufficient funds to pay for our petition effort and continue our fight for the value and dignity of every life.

Friends, we believe no one is unworthy of life, and the most vulnerable among us deserve nothing less than our unconditional love, compassion and care.

Please continue to help us stop the evil of euthanasia. Help us reach out to vulnerable patients and their families. And please, help carry on Terri's legacy of life, hope and love.

Click here to make an on-line donation and join us in this fight!

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.

Bobby Schindler

Current News

Join Our Fight!

A financial gift to the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation would be greatly appreciated. Your financial support, your prayers and sacrifices will make the Foundation's goals achievable, and may someday save the life of someone you love.

Click Here to Donate

The Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law

New Video!


In this emotional, power-packed video interview, Attorney David Gibbs III, lead attorney in the fight to save the life of Terri Schiavo, explains what really happened behind the scenes in the case and why it matters to all of us. An excellent resource for use in public showings in churches, schools, or other outreach opportunities, the full-length, high-resolution DVD is available upon request from the Christian Law Association.


Monday, July 30, 2007

Police Arrest Youth Accused of Murdering his Unborn Child

Pushed mother to ground and punched and stomped on her belly killing child in womb

Here is a horrible and gruesome story of a youth murdering his own baby in the womb. Let us pray for the young people of the world, who have been brain-washed by the media to dis-respect all life! May God have mercy on his soul!

Deacon John

By John Jalsevac

CINCINNATI, Ohio, July 30, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A 15-year-old youth accused of attacking his 18-year-old girlfriend with the express purpose of killing her unborn child has been arrested and faces charges of murder, reports The Enquirer.

The attack took place on July 11, when Alfonso Price and a friend accosted Kerria Anderson at a bus stop. The 18-year-old woman, whose baby was reportedly due mid-August, was standing with her 1 ½ year-old daughter at the time. According to reports the pair pulled Anderson behind a nearby building, pushed her to the ground then began to punch and to stomp on her belly.

By the time they were done Anderson was bruised and covered in footprints and her unborn child Precious had a fractured skull and numerous other broken bones. Precious Anderson was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. According to The Enquirer the Anderson family has not been able to have a funeral for the child, who was cremated, due to a lack of money.

Price's accomplice has also been arrested for the crime. Prosecutors have said that they intend to have Price, who has a past record of 10 charges, as well as a record of violence against his girlfriend, tried as an adult.

Precious Anderson would have been Kerria's second child. Kerria's mother, Angela, has said that the family was devastated by the attack and by the loss of the child.

"(Price) stomped my daughter, killed the baby, crushed the skull, fractured jaw, broken bones, and now my daughter is fighting for her life. She's hemorrhaging real bad," said Angela Anderson shortly after the attack took place, according to WLWT.com. "He wanted her to have an abortion and this family don't believe in it."

According to family members Price, who was estranged from his girlfriend at the time, was angry at the thought that another man might end up raising his daughter, and had been pushing Anderson to have an abortion, but she had refused.

"All he had to do was run along and just leave her alone," said Kerria's mother. "But he caught her, and he caught her good and killed the baby."

Unborn children, besides being protected by the state laws of numerous states, are also protected under the federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act, under which they can be considered a distinct victim of violence in the case of a violent assault against the mother. Individual cases that invoke this Act, however, tend to reveal a rift in the law, where what is considered to be a "fetus" without any human rights at one moment, can the next instant be considered a human being.

As one letter writer to The Enquirer wrote about the case, "This was a horrible crime, and apparently the beating occurred specifically to kill the child."

"Yet Kerria Anderson could have walked to the clinic, had an abortion and everything would have been just fine; the same result would be a dead child. Yet that is somehow a 'right' for Anderson. Does anyone see a problem here?"

Mainstream news reporting on such cases also tends to reveal how tenuous is the sacred secular distinction between "fetus" and "child," with most news sources referring to the "unborn child" where they would typically refer to the inhuman "fetus".

"In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae"

A Girl Named Guadalupe


Click on the picture above to view Guadalupe's
video message

Dear Friends,

Those rescued from abortion are growing up. Click on the video above and read the column below for an example, and let Guadalupe Lovera thank you for your pro-life work!


I recently received a letter from my young friend, Guadalupe. I first met her only a couple of months after she was conceived. Her mom Helene was in the waiting room of an abortion mill in Orlando, Florida, and Guadalupe was about to become one of the 4000 children who are put to death each day in America by abortion.

This was Helene's third child, and though she did not want an abortion, her boyfriend and her friends told her she could not keep the baby. (This is par for the course for how "freedom of choice" is exercised in regard to abortion.) When she walked into the abortion mill on November 12, 1994, the sidewalk counselors approached her, but she was not persuaded.

She describes, however, what happened while sitting in the waiting room. "Suddenly, I felt like I had to look out the window. I thought about the offer of help that the pro-lifers were making. I saw the priest out there, too, and it made me think. I finally asked myself, 'What am I doing in here? I have to get out!' I came out and went over to the pro-lifers
and accepted their offer of help. I felt so sorry for having even gone inside!"

Helene said that once she came out, sidewalk counselor Caroline Routson was like an angel, helping her get the assistance she needed. Helene and I talked and I told her that the main thing to think about now was how to be a good mother.

On August 6, 1995, I baptized baby Guadalupe before a full Sunday Mass congregation. Rev. Ed Martin of Rescue America, who was also present at the abortion mill, said, "It's important to emphasize why Helene came out of the abortion mill. It was because someone was there to help."

Guadalupe's Baptism on August 6, 1995

Thank God, these "saves" happen continuously. But we usually don't get letters from those who were saved. Guadalupe wrote this one, however, so that she could thank us all.

Dear Fr. Frank and Priests for Life:

I wanted to say thank you for all you have done. Because of Fr. Frank and Priest for Life for coming to Florida, they were able to save my Mom's life and mine. I feel that I'm glad you were there, because if you were not there I probably would have been aborted. Now I'm here in Poinciana living great and I wanted to say thank you! And that's why I wanted to add we need more priests out in every abortion clinic and on Television. Also we need more priests in action, and ready to save babies at an abortion clinic. So if you get up and do something about these women who don't want to do this but thinks she does. There are millions of babies killed by abortions. We should do some thing about abortions!

Guadalupe Aurora Lovera


Fr. Frank with Guadalupe's mom, Helene

This column can be found online at

Fr. Frank's columns can be heard via podcast.  See www.priestsforlife.org/podcast for more details.

Fr. Frank's columns can be listened to in MP3 format at www.priestsforlife.org/columns/columns2007/index.htm

"In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae"


Amnesty International defiant on abortion

Despite objections from Catholic leaders, human rights group won’t back down

(CNA) -- Amnesty International remains defiant about its new pro-abortion stance despite receiving worldwide criticism for its decision to abandon the group’s long standing neutrality on the issue, and has decided instead to embrace abortion as a human right.

Amnesty was founded in 1961 by a Catholic convert, the late Peter Benenson, and has enjoyed the support of Catholic organizations and individuals in its campaigns against torture and capital punishment. It has also received praise in the past for staying clear of the abortion issue, which the organization has viewed as "outside its mandate" for the last 50 years.

However, after a two-year consultation process that many of the 2.2 million Amnesty members have described as "biased, flawed" and "prejudiced in favor of abortion," AI decided to turn abortion into a "human right."

From now on, AI will push for the legalization of abortion in the 97 countries that outlaw abortion.

The Amnesty decision, which will be launched officially on Aug. 11 in Mexico City, has been described as a betrayal of its mission" by Cardinal Renato Martino. In a June 14 interview with the National Catholic Register, he said that when Benenson founded the movement the mission was clear: "to witness to the inalienable rights of all human beings," and that included the unborn.


Saturday, July 28, 2007


HIV/AIDS Virus decimates indigenous Shawi peoples in Amazon region of Peru

Lima (Agenzia Fides) - Ten members of the Pampayacu indigenous Shawi community at Charapillo, Yurimaguas, San Martín, Pongo del Cainarachi, recently died of the HIV/AIDS virus. There is concern for the remaining 70 families and the Shawi people in danger of becoming extinct.
The first cases were reported three years ago but the staff at Santa Gema auxiliary hospital in Yurimaguas gave little importance to the case and said the cause of death was a venereal disease.

Recently the local Catholic Church expressed its concern to the local people's court in San Martín reporting the negligence shown by the health authorities. A month ago the Court demanded an explanation from the hospital in Yurimaguas.
The executive director of Alto Amazonas Health Services Luis Arévalo Vásquez, gave no details with regard to the case on the grounds that he preferred not to cause alarm among the people.

(AP) (26/7/2007 Agenzia Fides; Righe:16; Parole:159)

News from the Trenches

Saturday, July 21, 2007 -- Family Planning Associates, San Diego, 6:55 a.m.-11:20 a.m.

The 12-year-old took the Rosary and booklet I offered him. The woman shouted, “No! No! That’s abortion stuff. Give it back.” She took the Rosary and booklet out of the boy’s hand and gave them back to me. I told her it was just a harmless Rosary. She just shook her head as she led the boys to a parade where they would witness men fondling and kissing each other.

Read the rest of the story here: California Catholic Daily

Friday, July 27, 2007

The Demonic Abortion Industry

The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book on exorcism. One chapter of the book is entitled, "Pro-Life and Exorcism" and is devoted to reflecting on the evil of abortion from a spiritual perspective. As a caution for those who may not be accustomed to the language of spiritual warfare, I would mention that the view of abortion contained in the passage below is derived primarily from Jesus' presentation of the devil as "a murderer from the beginning" (Jn 8:44) and from scriptural passages that identify other demons who collaborate with Satan in his attempt to destroy the very life of God's children. Make sure to pray as you read this passage. ............................................................................................

In what sense is abortion demonic? The spiritual dimension of this grisly "business" is its systematizing of ritual blood sacrifice to the god of child murder, Moloch, who we know of from the severe condemnations of him in the Old Testament (Lev 18:21, 20:2-5, 1 Kings 11:5.33, 2 Kings 23:13 and Zephaniah 1:5). This demon of murder appears in many forms and cultures through history (Phoenician, Carthaginian, Canaanite, Celt, Indian, Aztec and others) but is always the same bloodthirsty beast that demands the killing of children as his form of worship. This demon is not content with a single act of murder here and there. His insatiable appetite for the death of innocents seeks public endorsement to justify his gruesome deeds, and he needs a systematic expression of it to increase his worship. The modern abortion industry offers ritual blood sacrifice to the ancient abortion demon. It is in every way a demonic religion. It has its sacred dogma ("choice"), its ruling hierarchy (Planned Parenthood), its theologians (feminist ideologues), its sacrificing priesthood (abortionists), its temples (abortion mills), altars (surgical tables), ritual victims (primarily babies and secondarily women), acolytes and sacristans (clinic workers and death-scorts), congregations (all supporters of abortion) and its own unifying principle of sacramental "grace" (money). In short, the abortion industry is a perfect demonic system which offers a perverse form of worship to the devil. The sacrificial victim in this demonic religion is not a brute animal as was offered to the Old Testament God of Israel in a legitimate system of religious sacrifices. In abortion, the victim is an innocent human being who is made in the "image and likeness of God" and who can never defend herself. This combination of innocence, parental participation and ritualized obliteration of the visage of God in human form is the devil's way of blaspheming the Father with the misguided participation of God's own children. The systematic destruction of the human body which St. Paul calls "the temple of the Holy Spirit" is a blasphemous insult to God. If the abortion business is not truly demonic, nothing is. (End of excerpt.) ...........................................................................................

From this perspective, the need for a deeply spiritual approach to ending the abortion holocaust is fundamental. It does not absolve us from working in every way humanly possible to end abortion, but it puts all our human activity into the right perspective. In this month of the Precious Blood we must cover every abortionist, abortion mill and client of the abortion industry with Christ's Blood in order to conquer the blood sacrifice of the devil with the greatest force of good known to man. If His Blood is properly applied over time with great love, we will see conversions from even the most devoted advocates of abortion. The Blood of Christ is a strong shield for all who pray and work for life and reminds us that our pro-life work brings us to Calvary to stand in solidarity with the unborn child who is unjustly deprived of life.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer, President, Human Life International

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Media Misses the Point: Pope Says Have Concern for the Planet Yes, but a Greater Concern for Human Life
Stresses evolution cannot explain creation of the universe

By John-Henry Westen

ROME, July 26, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Pope Benedict XVI's question and answer session with Italian clergy Tuesday has been reported on by the world's media, noting mostly his references to evolution and care for the planet. Most media have failed, however, to note that in his remarks on the necessity of care for the earth, the Pope explicitly noted the necessity of "absolute respect" for human life.

"We can all see today that man could destroy the foundation of his existence, the earth," he said. "Therefore we can no longer just simply do whatever we want with this earth which has been entrusted to us." We must, he said, "respect the inner laws of creation, of the earth, to learn these laws and obey these laws if we are to survive."

The Pope noted that this "obedience to the voice of the earth is more important for our future happiness than the voices of the moment, the desires of the moment." He said, "our own planet speaks with us and we should be listening if we want to survive and decipher this message about the earth."

Immediately following this statement Pope Benedict added this line which is left out of most mainstream media coverage: "And if we should be obedient to the voice of the earth, much more we must be obedient to the voice of human life."

The Pope added: "We not only take care of the earth, but we must respect the other, other human beings...only in absolute respect of other (humans)...can we make progress."

Just as with Pope John Paul II's comments on evolution in 1996, the world media pounced on Pope Benedict XVI's comments regarding evolution made in the same dialogue with the priests Tuesday. While many may mistakenly believe the Popes have endorsed evolutionary theory wholesale, that is not the case.

In fact, the Popes have consistently noted that evolution, while it may have portions of truth, is incomplete. Pope Benedict stated as much in his homily at his inaugural Mass as Pope in 2005. "We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution," he said. "Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary." (see the full homily here: http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/apr/050425a.html )

In his remarks Tuesday, the Pope began his comments on evolution saying, "But the big problem is that if God is not present and is not the Creator of my life, in reality life is just a simple part of evolution, nothing else, it has no meaning in itself."

"I see right now in Germany and also in the United States quite an intense debate about so-called creationism and evolution, presented as if they were opposing views that exclude one another: he who believes in the Creator cannot consider evolution and he who instead affirms evolution must exclude God," he said. "This false dichotomy is an absurdity, because on the one hand there are may scientific arguments in favour of evolution that seems to be a reality that we must recognize and which enriches our understanding of life and of being as such."

"But the theory of evolution does not answer all the questions," he continued, "and does not answer above all the great philosophical question: from where does everything come? And how does this whole thing take a path that finally leads to man?"

Reason, he said, "sees these facts, but it also sees that these facts are not sufficient for explaining all of reality. It is not sufficient."

"Our reason is greater, and can see that our reason itself is not fundamentally something irrational, a product of irrationality, but rather reason precedes everything, reason creates, and that we are really the image of that creative reason," he stated.

See the full text of the Q&A with the Pope (in Italian) here:



Thursday July 26, 2007

Americans Urged to Join Nationwide 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting Campaign for an End to Abortion

By Elizabeth O'Brien

COLLEGE STATION, Texas, July 26, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A groundbreaking, grassroots campaign has taken hold of communities throughout the United States. The mission is to storm Heaven with 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.

David Bereit, a noted pro-life speaker from Texas who pioneered this campaign, stated in a press conference that the movement was born out of the "prayer and frustration" of pro-life activists. He said that increasingly many people have felt worn out with the pro-life battle and discouraged by the apathetic silence of their local churches. In 2004, however, a small group of volunteers banded together in College Station Texas, calling out to God to re-energize the pro-life movement. Less than three weeks later the first 40 Days for Life (40 DFL) Campaign began.

The 40 DFL are an intense time during which people pray, fast and spread the pro-life message throughout their community. The movement is a wake-up call, said Bereit, restoring a sense of urgency in the fight against the industry that claims the lives of 4000 unborn babies each day in America.

The components of the campaign are very simple, but not easy. In fact, Bereit claimed that it might be the "single probably most challenging activity I have ever participated in during my time involved in pro-life efforts." First, it starts with prayer and fasting. This means starting with God and begging him to allow the nation to repent. There is an "incredible spiritual power" in fasting, says Bereit, which not only includes food, but anything people decide to sacrifice. Throughout the entire effort, underlined Bereit, "you have to be willing to do more than you are asking anyone else to do."

Secondly, the campaign entails a 24-hour vigil. This will take place around the clock for a total of 960 hours in front of the local abortion clinic or Planned Parenthood office. It brings public attention to what is going on, sends a message to clinic employees, and helps any young women who might be considering an abortion.

Finally, a grassroots outreach movement is necessary to reach every corner of the community. Door-to-door and word of mouth invitations to join people in prayer have gained the movement tremendous media coverage, first locally, then state-wide and internationally.

Shawn Carney, host and executive producer of the new EWTN show "beingHUMAN," described the overwhelmingly positive results. After the 2004 campaign in College Station, over 1000 people in the local community got involved in the pro-life movement, and pregnancy centers saw a huge increase in visitations. Participants reached out to 25,000 homes in the area to spread the pro-life message. Most importantly, he added, abortion numbers went down by 28% that year. "Lives were saved at the end of the day," and hope was restored in the community. Other communities throughout the States joined in and reported a miraculous birth of fresh spirit and increased numbers joining the pro-life movement.

Since then, 40 DFL has proposed a nationwide Campaign that will take place this fall. Countless communities and thousands of people will join in solidarity across the United States as they pray and fast together.

From August 7-15th communities will be able to register for the National 40 Days for Life Campaign. Communities don't need big numbers; the event is tailor-made to the needs and resources of each. The bottom line requirement is that the effort must remain "peaceful, prayerful and legal" at all times.

From August 16 to 25 will be a period of training during which communities will receive weekly conference calls, planning guidelines, flyers, and other literature. Communities will also be able to set up an interactive web presence on the 40 DFL website to start networking with others. Finally, from September 26 through November 4 the actually Prayer and Fasting Campaign will take place.

Dave Bereit challenged people to join in, saying, "This is the time to make a decision to do something. I believe that this fall people of faith across our country are going to transform our nation and are going to shape history and are going to mark the beginning of the end of abortion."

He continued, "And you have a decision to make. Are you going to be on the front line being able to tell your children and your grandchildren, 'I was right there when history was being shaped.' Or are you going to sit on the sidelines and just watch as history is shaped and passes you by."

Already 400 communities in 45 states have expressed interest in the campaign, and 1600 people have downloaded the planning instructions manual. In Wisconsin alone, 40 DFL is scheduled to take place in front of every single abortion clinic in the state this fall.

Downloadable 40 Days for Life Report:

40 Days for Life Sign-Up:

See previous LifeSiteNews coverage:

'40 Days for Life' Vigil outside Houston Planned Parenthood Clinic

40 Days for Life - Praying and Fasting Outside Planned Parenthood for All of Lent

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


San Diego, CA - Two abortion mills, one in San Diego, California, and one in Atlantic City, New Jersey, continue to be plagued by problems that have kept both in the news in recent days.
"More and more horrific stories like this are surfacing that indicate an abortion industry that is about to self-destruct," said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. "From what we are seeing around the nation, conditions such as those in San Diego and Atlantic City are not the exception, but the shocking standard."

San Diego Negligence

Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties is being sued for the second time in two months, this time for negligence in not informing a patient of a Pap Smear test that indicated the presence of cervical cancer. Former patient Rebecca Glover alleged in her suit that Planned Parenthood realized their negligence and attempted to cover it up by denying Glover access to her own medical records. She contends that Planned Parenthood's acts prevented her from getting treatment for her cancer for a year, during which time it advanced to stage 3.

Last month this same Planned Parenthood organization was sued by the mother of
Edrica Goode, who died after a botched abortion attempt. Goode died of toxic shock syndrome after having her cervix packed with laminaria and gauze even though she was suffering from a vaginal infection. Because of the onset of her illness, Goode did not return to finish the abortion, and her mother, who was unaware of the abortion attempt, insists that Planned Parenthood never tried to follow up with Goode, preventing her from getting her daughter the treatment she needed to save her life. Planned Parenthood received a "deficiency" finding from the California Department of Health for not reporting the abortion death within 24 hours, as required by law.

"There is a pattern of cover-up in Planned Parenthood's recent troubles that is systemic of the abortion industry around the nation. The habit is to deny problems and cover the truth, even if it costs the lives of patients," said Sullenger, who spent years warning women of dangers the San Diego Planned Parenthood. "This Planned Parenthood organization has proven that they do not care about women by their treatment of Glover and Goode alone," she said. "It is really appalling to think that a clinic would be aware of the fact that women had life-threatening conditions, yet would actively conceal that information from them in order to cover up their negligence. If that behavior is not criminal, it ought to be."

Atlantic City Filth
Alternatives abortion clinic in Atlantic City will stay closed for now. The abortion mill has yet to file a corrective action plan with the state's health department that was required within 10 days of an inspection that
closed the clinic for health violations on June 22. The Press of Atlantic City reports that the Heath Department released its 116-page inspection report listing problems with the abortion office that included dried blood on the abortion beds and stirrups, expired medications, and general filth. According to the news report, "Dust, rust, dirt and debris also were found on some equipment, and floors in the operating room, laboratory and recovery room were 'soiled and stained.'" In addition, the clinic was cited because abortionists did not always scrub between abortion procedures, partially because the mill lacked hot water and a scrub sink. In an outageous attempt to defend this practice, a clinic worker told inspectors, "Abortions aren't really surgery, they aren't sterile procedures." Abortionist Stuart Sackstein, Alternatives medical director, resigned the day after the state closed the abortion mill.

Abortionist Stephen Chase Brigham, who is banned from practicing medicine in three states, was in the process of buying the abortion mill at the time of its closure. The sale of the office is opposed by local pro-life groups. Until the current owner, abortionist Alan Kline, files a corrective plan that satisfies the health department, the clinic will remain closed. Every day it remains in noncompliance, Alternatives racks up fines of $2,500 per day. Already their fines total approximately $80,000. "Alternatives' reticence to correct their deplorably shoddy conditions may well be their own undoing," said Sullenger. "They have dug themselves into a financial pit that they may not be able to climb out of. Now that the public knows the truth about their filthy conditions and dangerous abortionists, we pray that it will never be allowed to reopen." "The problems at these two abortion clinics illustrate that the idea of abortions being 'safe and legal' is mythical," said Sullenger. "The health and well-being of women are regularly sacrificed for greed, profits, and the protection of their radical abortion ideology without regard for the cost in human lives and tragedy. That is the true state of the abortion industry today."

About Operation Rescue
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
Click here to make a donation.

Web site:
E-mail: info@operationrescue.org

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - Members of the Messengers of Peace Association, a Spanish NGO started by a Catholic priest Fr. Ángel García, have just returned from Lebanon where they distributed 15 tons of toys to children in hospitals, orphanages and other unhappy situations. The toys were collected with a "A toy and a dream" campaign. Fr Ángel says "children are the most innocent victims of any war or conflict and they are the ones who suffer most and are most forgotten. Our campaign aimed at offering them a toy to help them for a moment forget the drama of the conflict and many personal tragedies."
The toys were taken to hospitals, orphanages, schools in refugee camps in the capital Beirut, and in various other parts of the country with the collaboration of the Spanish peacekeepers unit present in Lebanon. The Association Messengers of Peace has distributed toys in similar missions in El Salvador, Benin and Iraq.

When Fr. Angel returned from Lebanon on 22 July, he brought with him two five year old children in need of special medical care. "After giving out toys and dreams thanks to the generosity of the Spanish people, - said Fr. Ángel - we have come home with another dream: to help two children to smile and play and run again". One of the children, Alí, had both legs and part of one arm amputated because of a rare disease. It has not yet been proven but the disease may have been caused by chemical elements in weapons used in the conflict in Lebanon last Summer. His case will be examined in Spain with the hope that with leg replacements and rehabilitation Ali will walk again and regain the use of his arm. The other child is Ammina, who has a rare case of blood circulation deficiency. Both children, accompanied by their mothers, will receive treatment at hospitals in Madrid. In the past five years the Association has brought more than 500 children from Iraq and others from Latin American countries to Spain for medical treatment.
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - The Catholic community mobilises for children and adolescents excluded from school system

Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) -Papua New Guinea where many children in have no access to school, the local Catholic community seeks to provide instruction for children of various ages to open the way to a better future.

In Papua New Guinea poverty and unemployment produces spreading juvenile delinquency, a source of concern for experts, civil authorities and religious leaders. People in Port Moresby, Lae, Mt Hagen, are fearful as gangs of youths known as 'raskols' rage through the streets.

In a bid to offer young people an opportunity to leave behind a life of crime and start a new life, missionaries opened schools, oratories and professional training schools. Besides education and technical training the missionaries teach moral values as a sound basis on which to build life. 70% of the schools in the PNG are run by Christians.

The missionary communities include the Salesian Fathers present in Papua New Guinea since 1980 with schools and training centres. To extend the mission of human and Christian instruction to reach more young people recently the Don Bosco Technical College in Port Moresby opened a Friends of Don Bosco group of benefactors who believe in the Don Bosco educational project. The school is now trying to involve former pupils and students and all people of good will to sustain its project to provide education for children excluded from the school system, to prepare them to be “good Christians, honest citizens and animators”.

The population of Papua New Guinea is 66% Christian (of these 22% are Catholic).

(PA) (Agenzia Fides 23/7/2007 righe 26 parole 270)

Monday, July 23, 2007


Indian "Genocide" of Girls by Abortion Exposed in New Book "Disappearing Daughters"
UNICEF said India kills almost 7,000 girls per day by abortion

By Hilary White

BANGALORE, July 23, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Unwanted girl babies in India are killed after birth by a variety of methods including being smothered with a pillow or cloth, drowned in milk, fed poisoned seeds or burned alive in sealed mud pots; but according to a recently published book, the most popular form of femicide is now abortion, with the assistance of ultrasound to determine the child's sex.

"Disappearing Daughters", a new book by an Indian woman journalist, Gita Aravamudhan, published by Penguin Books, calls "female foeticide" "an organized crime."

"The ultrasound machine has mutated into an instrument of murder," she said. Aravamudhan writes in the preface that the book started as a journalistic "story" like any other, but soon escalated into the biggest issue she had ever investigated. "Female infanticide is akin to serial killing. But female foeticide was more like a holocaust. A whole gender is getting exterminated."

A recent report by UNICEF said India kills almost 7,000 girls per day by abortion. Recent statistics show that the population of India is heavily weighted towards males with only 927 females for every 1,000 males, a contrast from the usual 1050 females in other countries. UK-based medical journal, the Lancet estimates the number of girls killed by abortion in India at 10 million over the last 20 years.

"It is a silent and smoothly executed crime," Aravamudhan writes, "which leaves no waves in its wake. It is happening while we, as a nation, slumber. In some parts of the country almost two generations of women have been exterminated before I completed this book and there is still no solution in sight."

In an interview with The Hindu, Aravamudhan, described as a writer on "gender" issues for 27 years, said she was shocked to find that female "foeticide" was most common among the wealthy and well educated.

"Foeticide happened among the rich, the powerful, the educated; those who were aware of family planning!…There was a deep link between female foeticide and factors like wealth, education, success of family planning, and medical progress," she said.

With most international aid organisations working in India pushing abortion and smaller families, a book such as this contrasts with official government-sponsored population control campaigns. LifeSiteNews.com editor John Henry Westen, during a trip to India last year, reported that even among the strongly Catholic Christian population of Kerala, small families are considered "moral."

Westen interviewed Sunny Kattukaran, the leader of a pro-life group in India known as Trust God (Pro-Life) Ministry, who laid the blame squarely on western-based population control movements.

"The Americans, the UN and other funding agents, when they release some funds as loans they ask our statistics on birth control, and insist on family planning criteria, only then do they pump money," Kattukaran said.

Read related LifeSiteNews.com coverage:

7,000 Unborn Girls Die From Sex-Selection Abortion Daily in India

India Pro-Life Leader Explains How West Hurts India with Imposed Population Control

Colorado Pro-life Group Introduces Amendment Recognizing "Personhood" of Unborn Child

By Peter J. Smith

DENVER, Colorado, July 23, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Pro-life leaders in Colorado are laying the groundwork to challenge the heart of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision with a constitutional amendment that would completely outlaw abortion by recognizing the personhood of the unborn child.

WorldNetDaily reports that the amendment proposed by Colorado Equal Rights would define "any human being from the moment of fertilization" as a "person" under article 2 of the state Constitution.

The title given to the proposed human life amendment reads: "Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution defining the term 'person' to include any human being from the moment of fertilization as 'person' is used in those provisions of the Colorado constitution relating to inalienable rights, equality of justice, and due process of law?"

"We're defining when personhood begins," Mark Meuser, spokesman for Colorado Equal Rights told WND. "In this state, there would be no abortions."

"Our goal is to take this all the way to the Supreme Court, and argue the personhood of the preborn baby. When we were writing this, we wanted to have a singular focus so that nobody is confused," Meuser said. "We want to force the argument that has been avoided for 34 years by the U.S. Supreme Court."

Meuser says that the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision has a glaring weakness that for the past 34 years has not been exploited by the pro-life movement. In that decision, Justice Harry Blackmun, the author of Roe wrote, "If this suggestion of personhood [for the unborn] is established, the [abortion rights] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus' right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment."

The pro-life initiative passed its latest challenge after the state's Title Board ruled 3-0 that the amendment successfully met Colorado's "single subject" rule and could not be construed as "misleading."

However the proposed human life amendment will likely face a court challenge from pro-abortion groups determined not to take any chances. If no appeal is made within seven days, Colorado for Equal Rights could begin to collect the 76,000 signatures they need to get the amendment on the ballot for 2008.

Meuser nevertheless told WND that he was confident that the human life amendment had a chance of success, but much would depend on the response of Catholics and Evangelicals and the collaboration of pro-life groups in Colorado.

"We wouldn't be doing it if we didn't think it could happen," Meuser said. "History shows if we are able to give our vision to evangelical Christians and Catholics, and show them that vision, they will turn out and this thing will pass."

See the original article on WorldNetDaily:

More information on the proposed amendment and Colorado Equal Rights can be obtained from their website:

"In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae"

President of Human Life International to celebrate Mass on EWTN to commemorate Humanae Vitae

Front Royal, Va, July 23 (CNA).-Fr. Tom Euteneuer, the President of Human Life International, will be celebrating all of the televised Masses for EWTN this week, that is, from Sunday the 22nd of July through Saturday the 28th inclusive.

The reason Fr. Euteneuer is celebrating these particular Masses is that Wednesday, July 25th will be the 39th anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae Vitae. Fr. Tom's preaching will be on that famous, but often misunderstood encyclical issued by Pope Paul VI, which reaffirmed the Church's constant teaching on the immorality of contraception.

The day before that, Tuesday, July 24th, will also be a special occasion for Fr. Euteneuer, since he will be celebrating his 19th anniversary of being a priest. His homily on that day will focus on the Holy Priesthood.

Fr. Tom extends his cordial invitation to, "you and all your pro-life and Catholic friends to join me for Masses so that we may be spiritually united in a most special way this week."


Thomas More Law Center Ensures Right Of

Third-Grade Student To Read Bible In Public School

ANN ARBOR, MI – The Thomas More Law Center, a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has received the written assurance from Elementary School District 159, which is outside of Chicago, Illinois, that its client, Rhajheem Haymon, a third-grade student, will be permitted to read his Bible in school.

After being contacted by Leslie Haymon, Rhajheem's father, and being informed that school officials had denied Rhajheem the right to read his Bible during "reading time," a time during the day when students may read a book of their choosing, Edward L. White III, trial counsel with the Thomas More Law Center, immediately sent school officials a demand letter on the Haymon's behalves.

In the letter, White informed school officials that the United States Supreme Court and the United States Department of Education have assured that students are free to express their religious views while at school, a freedom that includes a student's choice to read religious materials. He explained that a public school may not suppress or exclude the speech or expression of individual students for the sole reason that the speech is religious or contains a religious perspective. Soon after receiving the letter, the school district sent written assurance that Rhajheem could bring his Bible to school and read it at the appropriate times during the school day.

Leslie Haymon stated: "I thank the Thomas More Law Center for the assistance given to me and my family. I thank them for protecting our rights as Christians and as Americans. I thank God for the work of the Thomas More Law Center."

Assisting the Thomas More Law Center in this matter was Kevin Edward White, an attorney in Chicago.

The Thomas More Law Center defends and promotes the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life through education, litigation, and related activities. It does not charge for its services. The Law Center is supported by contributions from individuals, corporations and foundations, and is recognized by the IRS as a section 501(c)(3) organization. You may reach the Thomas More Law Center at (734) 827-2001 or visit our website at www.thomasmore.org.

"In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae"

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Saturday, July 7, 2007 -- Family Planning Associates, San Diego

A woman with her pit bull walked past me. When the dog approached to sniff my leg she pulled it away, then turned back and said, "I should have let him poop on you!"

I arrived at Family Planning Associates about 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 7. The security guard, a new one, approached and commanded, "Sir, I need you to move your stuff off the grass!" I wasn't quite sure what to say because usually someone else takes care of troublesome guards. I must have sounded rather stupid but I responded, "No, no it's okay." He retorted, "Sir, please move your stuff on to the sidewalk." "No, really it's okay, we always do this," I reassured him as I showed him the property line and explained that the police are aware of our presence. He frustratingly said "Sir!" as he looked at me then turned and walked away. Most security guards are assertive only until you return the favor.

Read the rest of the story here: California Catholic Daily 

"In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae"


Saturday, July 7, 2007 – Planned Parenthood, El Cajon

"As we were praying, a very large bird that looked like some sort of eagle or vulture flew across Main Street and on to the top of a telephone pole directly across the street from us. The bird had caught some kind of prey, perhaps a small rodent, and stood on the top of the telephone pole eating it."

Approximately seven prayer warriors came out to pray and minister in front of the El Cajon Planned Parenthood clinic on Saturday, July 7. They prayed all 20 mysteries of the Rosary, the Divine Mercy chaplet, and sang hymns.

Read the rest of the story here: California Catholic Daily

"In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae"


Comments by Fr. Frank Pavone during March for Life 2007 Youth Conference in Ottawa Canada:

Let me leave for you what I am convinced is the most powerful tool to change someone's mind about abortion. I told you that I had been involved in this since I was your age, been working on this fulltime across the world, worked with the Holy Father, and Mother Teresa and all these people, worked with the pro-life movement on every level. There is no single thing that I have seen more powerful to change people on abortion than simply showing them the pictures.

Show them what it looks like. I have challenged the media over and over again. Show the public what an abortion is because we can justify anything with our language. If you are a smooth talker, if you know how to manipulate language and logic - you can convince anyone of anything. But pictures, that is another story.

When people see what abortion does to a baby, they are stung to the heart and their consciences are awakened. I am not just talking about showing pictures of the baby living in the womb. People understand, by and large, that this is a baby in the womb. Now, they will be very surprised at how much the baby looks like a baby, so early in pregnancy when they do see the pictures, the ultrasound or other ways that we have of viewing the child. Many people will be very surprised to see how well-developed that baby is. But, even if you show them the baby, that still doesn't tell them what abortion does to the baby. That is a big difference. Some people think abortion just makes the baby kind of disappear. They still don't appreciate that it is an act of violence. It is only the pictures of the aborted children, torn apart, limb for limb that convince people that abortion is an act of violence.

Now, at my website, we have one of the largest collection of these pictures - it is priestforlife.org. Right on the front we have a statement on our front page that says, "America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion." And that is true for every country. Canada will not reject abortion until Canadians see it and you can make that happen. You have somebody who disagrees with you on abortion - just ask them one simple question, "Have you ever seen one?" And you know what a lot of people will say - "Oh, no, no I don't have to see one but I am pro-choice." Ya, and you are also scared, you are also a coward. You think something should be allowed and you don't even have the courage to look at what you are allowing. You think something should be legal and you don't even have the courage to look at it in the face. Show people, challenge them and let me tell you - as I get emails every day - you will hear people say, "I was 100% pro-choice until I saw those pictures." We get emails everyday saying that the people who went to our website and saw the pictures of the babies began to cry and in a minute, they moved from being 100% pro-abortion to being 100% pro-life.There isn't anything more effective - there are all kinds of other things that we need to do, I am not saying that this is the only thing for us to do - I am saying, use this powerful tool. It will convert people, it will make people who are already pro-life more ready to devote themselves to this cause and it will make people who are scheduled to have an abortion, change their minds in an instant.It is powerful.

Published by LifeSiteNews.com

July 20, 2007

Friday, July 20, 2007


As many as 10,000 abortions

Pioneer late-term San Diego abortionist Donald Byrnes dead at 73

Pioneer late-term abortionist Donald G. Byrnes, 73, of San Diego died on January 30, 2007, according to Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties.

Byrnes was one of the first obstetricians to delve into the abortion business after the passing of the 1967 California Therapeutic Abortion Act, performing abortions up to 20 weeks gestation.

He operated an abortion office on Upas Street in the Hillcrest area of San Diego, which was the site of a major Operation Rescue clinic blockade in 1990. During that event hundreds of Christians crawled on their knees to gain access to the clinic doors in order to place their bodies between the women seeking abortions and the abortionist. There were dozens of arrests, and the clinic was closed for the day.

Read the rest of the story here: California Catholic Daily


AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Archbishop of Rosario calls for pro-life network: “Everyone can join this mission because commitment pro-life is not only for believers, it is for everyone"

Rosario (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of Rosario in Argentina, Archbishop. José Luis Mollaghan, in a recent pastoral letter expressed concern for cultural changes today including “an unexplainable change with regard to respect for human life." Certain options - the Archbishop writes - which in the past were rejected unanimously by ethics and moral sense, have gradually become socially acceptable and it would seem ever more difficult to distinguish good from bad and in particular in relation to the value of life. The Archbishop also calls for respect for the life of the unborn child underlining that this respect "is not based on religious prejudice of a sector of the population as it has been said; nor does it wish to undervalue the rights of women; it simply calls attention to the unborn child whom some wish to kill."

Deeply concerned the Archbishop recently at a meeting with leaders of Family Movements and Associations, pro-life teams, doctors and hospital pastoral workers in his archdiocese the said "it is more than ever necessary for us to work effectively to assist women who are alone without support or solidarity; we must help these mothers to see that abortion is never a solution". The Archbishop suggested that Catholic associations, should work with other Christians and men and women of good will to "form a pro-life network to encourage future mothers in difficult situations to welcome and have their children". Archbishop Mollaghan asks priests to take part in this important mission, teaching respect for life and spreading the gospel of life through preaching, catechesis and pastoral work with married couples and families.

The Archbishop concluded "I wish to see a united effort to protect life which implicates assistance for new born babies and their mothers, especially those in need. We can all take part in this mission, Christians, other believers, knowing that commitment for life is not only for believers it is for everyone".

(RG) (Agenzia Fides 19/7/2007; righe 28, parole 425)

See letter in Spanish

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Pro-Life Ads To Counter Recent Liberalization Of Abortion In Mexico

July 19th, 2007 Tijuana, Mexico - Christian missionaries Tyler and Connie Youngkin have announced an opportunity to place 20 minutes of pro-life programming on a popular Tijuana television station around one of Mexico's most-watched soap operas to counter the recent liberalization of abortion in that country. A predominately Catholic country, Mexico recently moved to allow abortions through the first three months. The Youngkin's ads will attempt to dissuade young women from seeking abortions with graphic footage of aborted babies and interviews with Sarah Smith, a woman who, as a baby in the womb, survived an abortion attempt. Connie Youngkin is a former nurse and a well-known pro-life activist from the San Diego, California, area who worked with Operation Rescue during the 1990's before leaving for the mission field. She and her husband, Tyler, now run an orphanage and outreach to prostitutes in Tijuana's "red-light" district. "Now is the time to educate the people of Mexico about the reality of abortion and help them understand what a mistake they have made. I am confident that the pro-life television spots will do just that, and save innocent lives," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "I worked with Connie for years and know first hand of her strong faith, amazing ministry, and selfless dedication to the pre-born, orphaned children, and women," said Newman. "We know that any project that the Youngkins are involved with will be a tremendous success." The Youngkins are currently raising money to purchase the television air-time for the pro-life ad campaign. Anyone interested in contributing to this project is encouraged to e-mail the Youngkins at tycon_mx@yahoo.com.

About Operation Rescue Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation. Operation Rescue recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become the voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates. Click here to make a donation.


Web site: www.operationrescue.org

E-mail: info@operationrescue.org

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Watch The Wichita Awakening On YouTube.com

July 18th, 2007

Short video clips are now available from the Wichita Awakening on YouTube.com.

As host to that awesome time of prayer and intercession on behalf of the pre-born, Operation Rescue extends special thanks to The Cause, The Christian Defense Coalition, The Survivors, Faith and Action, Concerned Women for America, Crossing Over Ministries, Generation Life, Rock For Life, and everyone else who participated in this event.

Video Clips:

View Photo Gallery From The Wichita Awakening