Tuesday, July 17, 2007


International Abortion Groups Push Irish Youth to Demand Abortion, "Comprehensive" Sex-ed

Pro-family advocates pledge they will "not idly stand by and let history record that Ireland's children were permitted "to be used and abused by fast-talking unidentified strangers"

By Peter J. Smith

DUBLIN, Ireland July 17, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Pro-abortion groups within and without Ireland are targeting Irish youth to give voice to their own agenda to push for more pervasive sex-education, access to contraception and legal abortion.

The Irish Family Planning Association hosted a "Young Decision-Makers" conference financed by the Summit Foundation to give the impression that the youth of Ireland were calling for the Irish Government to expand sex-education and access to contraceptives and abortion. The conference, organised by Fiona O'Malley, a former deputy for the Progressive Democrats, also called on the Government to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which pro-family groups have warned would severely undermine parents' rights in Ireland.

Roger Eldredge, chairman of the National Men's Council of Ireland (NMCI) warned that the international abortion lobby was "pouring money into creating a 'voice' for themselves and their anti-parent, pro-sexual promiscuity, pro-abortion ideology in Ireland by exploiting vulnerable teenage children."

The YDM conference featured sex-education and abortion enthusiasts such as William Smith of the Sexuality Education Information Council in the US (SEICUS), who told the youthful "delegates" that the "abstinence-until-marriage" programs such as "True Love Waits" and the "Silver Ring Thing" were failures. Smith learned to his chagrin that "abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are gaining access to Irish schools and providing incorrect and religiously themed programs."

Dr Paula Mayock from Trinity College Dublin also presented the findings of her study on sex education in Irish schools, eliciting complaints from teenage delegates that the sex education in their schools was inadequate. Teenagers also complained about the price of condoms, which are expensive in Ireland due to a luxury tax.

"The aim of these 'globalists' obviously is to use these young and innocent children to push for the policies they themselves want adopted here in Ireland," Eldredge said.

Even SEICUS's Smith candidly admitted the children will become tools for the abortion agenda. "The young decision makers gathered in Ireland will be creating a statement of priorities to move country-level policy," he said, noting that "counter forces are at work in countries like Poland and in Brussels" that abortion advocates must undermine and oppose.

Eldredge pledged that pro-family advocates in Ireland would not idly stand by and let history record that Ireland's children were permitted "to be used and abused by fast-talking unidentified strangers and paid for it with our families, our social order and our constitutional rights."

"If we allow our children to be used to tug on our heartstrings and so do the dirty work of being a voice for global extremists," he said, "we will surely be guilty of falling into the trap of sentimentality and endorsing those cynical and unscrupulous enough to exploit our children for their own purposes."