Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone."

Carrie Prejean

Image by vrysxy via Flickr

CADC Demands an End to Bashing Carrie Prejean, Miss California, by Perez Hilton and Keith Olbermann

MEDIA ADVISORY, May 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- The "tolerant" proponents of homosexual marriage, following the hateful lead of homosexual, Perez Hilton and the likes of anti- Christian bigot Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, have had their fun bashing Miss California, Carrie Prejean. For simply stating the obvious truth that marriage ought to be between a man and a woman, Carrie has been unjustly slandered, insulted and ridiculed.

"By courageously shining the light of God's truth on the marriage issue, now homosexuals and their allies irrationally seek to defame and destroy Carrie Prejean," said Dr. Gary Cass, Chairman and CEO of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. "Perez Hilton, 'queen of all media,' and your sycophant Keith Olbermann, take some advice from Jesus Christ; 'Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.'"

"Carrie Prejean did not go out of her way to attack homosexuals. The national spot light was thrust on her because she answered a question at the Miss USA pageant posed by the flamboyant homosexual judge, Perez Hilton. He exploited his opportunity to try to advance his own social agenda. Because Carrie answered honestly according to her convictions she is being vilified.

"The enemies of the biblical definition of marriage have begun to dig up dirt on Carrie. Because she is a Christian, they seem all the more eager to defame her.

  • They violated her medical privacy making it public she had cosmetic surgery.

  • They dug up provocative pictures of her taken when she was minor.

  • They even tried to discredit her position on marriage because her parents are divorced.

"Homosexuals want to make it all about Carrie, not about the merits of their attempt to redefine the institution of marriage.

"Carrie Prejean is a Christian who happens to be a model. She is also an American and has the right to her point of view. Carrie does not deserve to be victimized by the politics of personal destruction by a bunch of self-righteous liberals and rabid homosexuals.

"Carrie's view of marriage is morally right. What Carrie has or has not done in the past in no way negates God's unchanging standard of heterosexual marriage. This is what homosexuals don't want to debate because they know in their own conscience that they are wrong."

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