Mr. Ally thinks that in addition to all the pro-family activities that Disney advertises and markets, the company is also pro-actively, and somewhat stealthily, promoting an anti-family agenda through the company's production of various movies, films and sitcoms that endorse behaviors that violate fundamental Judeo-Christian principles and beliefs.
Mr. Ally also sees conservative Americans becoming more culturally astute in regard to their voting, shopping and even investing practices. He contends the result of this past election and the emergence of the Biblically Responsible Investing phenomenon is no coincidence. "People are getting fed up; they know their votes count -- as much on Wall Street as they do in Washington, DC."
Mr. Ally highlighted the research done on Disney by a recently launched web company, www.CulturalPolluters.org, that publishes monthly reports focusing on a specific company whose policies and/or practices it believes are contrary to certain Biblically-based principles. This month's report was on Disney and its anti-family activities. The report can be found on the company's web site and is made available by Timothy Partners, Ltd. upon request.
For interviews, or to receive more information, call Steve Ensley at 850-897-3842.
Cultural Polluters' research is provided by the Institute for Corporate Securities Research, Inc. ("ICSRI"). ICSRI researches virtually every major publicly traded company on the US stock exchanges, and NASDAQ including ADRs. ICSRI and its affiliated company, eVALUEator Services, LC, provide individual company and mutual fund information to financial professionals and individuals on a subscription basis. ICSRI provides a moral analysis of individual companies; eVALUEator provides a moral analysis of the holdings of mutual fund portfolios for nearly all the mutual funds being sold in America.