Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Moonbattery: Transsexual Changes Back, Denounces Sex Change Operations

From http://www.moonbattery.com/ we read:
Finally, a shaft of reason falls on the grotesque if politically correct sex change phenomenon:

A man who underwent sex change surgery to look like a woman — then changed back — says the NHS [British National Health Service] should halt all sex change operations.
Charles Kane, who spent £100,000 on operations to make him look like a woman, says he needed counselling, not surgery.
No kidding. Too bad the doctors couldn't figure that out.


At the beginning of this year it emerged that a 16-year-old boy was to become the UK's youngest sex change patient after the NHS approved his surgery.
In an interview with a national newspaper Bradley Cooper said: "People might think I'm too young to make such a huge decision but I know my own mind and this is what I want." He added: "The doctors have said I need the surgery for my own peace of mind."
In apotemnophilia, a bizarre disorder similar to gender dysphoria, the psychiatrically unsound imagine that everything will be okay if they can just have perfectly healthy limbs amputated. In the interest of consistency, doctors should saw away to secure the patients' "peace of mind."