Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pro-Life Victories Sweep the Nation:

Dear Friends of Life,

Today we are encouraged by the huge pro-life victories all over the nation in yesterday’s election. Now comes the hard task of living up to the rhetoric.

Pundits hashing over election results last evening gave an acknowledgment that Pres. Obama’s health care fiasco was the catalyst for this largest Republican revolution since WWII. The heart of that debate was public opposition to tax-funding of abortion, and the insistence of Democrats to include it by hook or by crook.

The newly elected majorities in Washington and in State Houses across this nation must give the pro-life cause more than lip service. We have given our votes based on their pledges to protect life. Now it’s time for their “hips to align with their lips.”

We are especially encouraged by victories in two states, Kansas and Iowa, where the lives of innocent children literally hung in the balance of this election.

In Kansas, pro-abortion appointee Attorney General Steve Six was dismissed by the voters and replaced with pro-life supporter Derek Schmidt. That puts an end to the legal monkey business that has so far delayed the prosecution of Planned Parenthood on 107 criminal charges. With the election of Sam Brownback as governor and a solidly pro-life legislature, a tightening in Kansas abortion laws are predicted.

In Iowa, while Planned Parenthood crony Tom Miller retained his office as Attorney General, the legislature flipped to Republican and Iowans elected pro-life Terry Branstad as governor, who has publicly denounced telemed abortions. Now pro-lifers have the tools they need to pass laws that will ban Planned Parenthood’s dangerous webcam abortion pill distribution scheme before it can spread nationwide.

But again, come January, it will be time to turn campaign rhetoric into practical action to put our nation back on the right track and advance protections for the pre-born until every child conceived is guaranteed his or her right to life under the law.

What do you think? Please visit our web site and take our latest poll in the right hand column. Do you think the changes made in this election will result in any significant advancement in the cause to abolish abortion?

For the voiceless,

Troy Newman

P.S. Operation Rescue has worked tirelessly to expose abortion abuses and oppose governmental corruption that has protected the abortion cartel from accountability under the law. Please ensure we have the resources we need to continue this important work by clicking here to make a donation to Operation Rescue online. Thank you in advance for your support!

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