“We honor Sr. Carol Keehan”
Sr. Carol Keehan, the leader of the Catholic Health Association who openly defied U.S. bishops on passage of 'healthcare reform' and supported the appointment of pro-abortion bureaucrats by the Obama Administration, will be honored later this month at the Jesuit-led University of San Francisco.
On Nov. 23, USF’s Office of University Ministry will honor Sr. Keehan at the university’s 2010 “Stand4” Conference.
“This year we honor Sr. Carol Keehan, DC, President and CEO of the Catholic Health Association of the United States,” says a USF announcement about the upcoming conference. “Sr. Keehan has held administrative and governance positions at hospitals sponsored by the Daughters of Charity for more than 35 years and has devoted her life to ensure that the poor receive adequate access to health care. Indeed, in her letter sent to Congress representing 59,000 Catholic nuns and more than 50 heads of religious congregations and organizations she remarks, ‘health care reform is a faith mandate for life and dignity of all of our people.’”
Earlier this year, under Sr. Keehan’s leadership, the Catholic Health Care Association defied American bishops by endorsing the president’s “healthcare reform” bill. The bishops had urged Congress not to approve the measure because it failed to include sufficient conscience protection provisions, left open the door for government-funded abortions, and did not include coverage for everyone.
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