Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday STOPP Report: November 10, 2010

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In this Issue
November 10, 2010

  • Planned Parenthood and Institute of Medicine poised to beget "cheaper than free" birth control, and that spells C-O-E-R-C-I-O-N
  • Planned Parenthood partner organizations promote sex ed from birth
  • Planned Parenthood executive squirms in face of election, demonizes new Congress and Tea Party
  • Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary: Collegeville, PA
  • Victory: Kansas Planned Parenthood quietly closes
Planned Parenthood and Institute of Medicine poised to beget "cheaper than free" birth control, and that spells

Unless there is a loud outcry from the American people, all prescription birth control will very likely be listed as preventive health care under the Obama administration's health care act by August of next year, leaving the taxpayers to foot the bill for billions more dollars that will flow into Planned Parenthood's bottomless money pit to pay for deadly concoctions that are neither "preventive" nor "health care."  And in light of the philosophy of the leader of the Institute of Medicine, the government funded agency advising the government on this matter, it could result in health care incentives being given to those who use birth control that are not available to those who spurn it.

In an email from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund in March following the adoption of Obamacare, PPFA President Cecile Richards said, "Anti-family-planning groups will no doubt try to keep the Women's Health Amendment from covering family planning services. But family planning is preventive health care... The administration must include all forms of contraception as part of the preventive health care covered under the new law - and it's up to us to make it happen," Richards said.

To facilitate forcing its agenda down our throats, Planned Parenthood has launched its "Birth Control Matters" campaign, seeking one million signatures on a petition being circulated on college campuses and elsewhere "to make prescription birth control available to every woman without co-pays or other out-of-pocket costs..."

Despite all its empty, deceptive rhetoric about expanding health coverage to the poor, Planned Parenthood, in all its diabolic wisdom, realizes what most Americans don't: if it succeeds in getting birth control on the list of preventive services in the health care law, not only will new health insurance plans be required to fully cover the cost, but state Medicaid programs will be required de facto to cover the full cost of even the most expensive, invasive forms of birth control -- such as implants and IUDs -- to millions of women with incomes well above poverty level, providing an instant pot of gold for the birth control and abortion mogul. 

A "panel of experts" will be convened this month to advise Secretary of HHS Kathleen Sebelius on what should be considered preventive care.  Sebelius is a notorious Planned Parenthood supporter.

That panel will be convened by the Institute of Medicine, whose president, Harvey Fineberg, stated in his October 2009 annual address, Health Reform Beyond Health Insurance, "...I want prevention to be cheaper than free..." meaning that incentives will also be provided. "We should reward individuals with insurance reductions, with access to additional services, and with outright bonuses for doing the right thing for their health," he said. 

Taking that to the next logical step, it is easy to foresee those who use free birth control receiving reductions in the cost of health insurance, access to services those who choose not to contracept cannot access, and other "bonuses" not afforded those who spurn birth control.

The first meeting of the "panel of experts" convened by the National Institute of Medicine will take place on Nov. 16.  Please act today to insist that the American taxpayer is not forced to pay the enormous bill and suffer the consequences of "free" or - God forbid - "cheaper than free" birth control.


First: Pray for the proposal currently under scrutiny to be soundly defeated.

Second: Contact the Institute of Medicine to register your opposition prior to its November 16 meeting in Washington, D.C. addressing preventive services for women. The web site provides a place to register for this meeting should you be able to attend. Further, e-mails and letters should be sent to the Study Director, Rose Marie Martinez, at the address below.

Keck Center
500 Fifth St. NW Washington, D.C. 20001

Third: Register your opposition with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, at the address below.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201

Fourth: Spread the word so that others are familiar with the danger and are able to understand that action is a must

Editor's note:  This is an abridged version of Thursday's upcoming Straight Talk on Life column by Judie Brown and Rita Diller.  Please click here to read the full commentary.

Planned Parenthood partner organizations promote sex ed from birth

The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute reported this week that two organizations that collaborate with Planned Parenthood in pushing immoral, perverse sex education, have joined together to advocate for "sex education" from birth.

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) works in partnership with the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US (SIECUS).  SIECUS was founded in 1964 by the Kinsey Institute as its educational arm and its first director was a former medical director of Planned Parenthood.  Critics of the Kinsey Institute accuse its founder of pedophilia based on Kinsey's documented research involving sex between adults and children.

As Planned Parenthood and its cronies continue to attack our children at a younger and younger age with their immoral, perverted sex education, we must redouble our efforts to keep the purveyors of sleaze out of our communities and schools. 

Our plan for keeping Planned Parenthood out of your community and schools can be accessed by clicking here.  Please study it and take action today!

Planned Parenthood executive squirms in face of election, demonizes new Congress and Tea Party

"Let me be absolutely clear...: the results of yesterday's election are truly alarming when it comes to a woman's right to choose. ... the House of Representatives is now in the hands of dangerous politicians who oppose women's health and the right to choose."  So said Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards in her Nov. 3 email plea to supporters asking for more money to insure Planned Parenthood can continue its slaughter of the innocent.

"In the coming months, anti-choice House leaders like John Boehner will be egged on by Sarah Palin and her followers, Tea Party extremists, and their anti-choice allies to pursue a dangerous agenda. The stakes are as high as they've ever been: their goal is to outlaw abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, and harm to the health of the woman.

"Even before yesterday's election, women's health was under attack. Anti-choice Republicans like Congressman Mike Pence from Indiana have introduced bills to defund Planned Parenthood. That's the frightening reality we face, and its only going to get worse," she said.

Indeed, Planned Parenthood has cause to squirm. It took a smacking in the election, as the American people spurned Planned Parenthood-backed candidates to elect a pro-life majority in the House of Representatives.

Jill Stanek, writing for the Washington Post, pointed out that the "election garnered at least 53 new pro-life votes in the House. Conversely, only 151 winning House candidates were endorsed by Planned Parenthood Action, meaning just 34.7 percent of the 435 representatives in the 212th Congress will be reliable pro-abortion votes."

Now is the time to bring the fight to Planned Parenthood.  Contact your members of Congress today and hold their feet to the fire.  It is time to defund Planned Parenthood, and to defund and repeal Obamacare.

Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary: Collegeville, PA

Collegeville, PA, pro-life leader Rita Smith, MEV, sends this picture of local pro-life leaders Bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary in conjunction with the May 2010 launch of American Life League's nationwide campaign to bring Jesus to every Planned Parenthood facility in the nation, through Mary.

"It was a beautiful and awesome day with the weather and your faithfulness to Our Blessed Lord and Our Lady of Guadalupe!" Rita said.

The group prayed and meditated upon the joyful mysteries of the Rosary and ended with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. 

Thanks and congratulations to the faithful pro-life advocates of Collegeville, PA.

Please send pictures of your local group bringing Jesus to Planned Parenthood through Mary to!

Victory: Kansas Planned Parenthood quietly closes

Kathy Ostrowski of Kansans for Life reports on her blog that "Planned Parenthood of Lawrence, near the University of Kansas, quietly closed 9 weeks ago."  The facility committed chemical abortions, with no doctor on site.

The sign on the door speaks volumes about the effectiveness of public opposition to Planned Parenthood facilities:  "This is to inform you the Lawrence Health Center of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri will be closing on Tuesday, August 31, 2010.  It appears the need for our services is not as great as it once was, and it's no longer financially feasible to continue offering those services."

The picture from the Kansans for Life blog showing at least 15 Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus in regalia protesting abortion is amazing, and reminiscent of the Amarillo effort that culminated in the banishment of Planned Parenthood from the Texas Panhandle. 

When the Knights come out in regalia to pray and protest against Planned Parenthood, it deals a severe blow to Planned Parenthood's credibility and lends a real air of respect to the lives of those babies who were shown no respect whatsoever during their short lifetimes.  Additionally, the presence of Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus in regalia signals the presence of the diocesan bishop.  The bishops of Kansas have been outspoken and faithful in fighting Planned Parenthood and it is taking a toll on the abortion giant.

Praise be to God for the faithful of Kansas and the bishops who stand shoulder to shoulder in opposition to Planned Parenthood and the culture of death.

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May God richly bless you!

In Christ,

Rita Diller, National Director
American Life League's Stop Planned Parenthood Project