Thursday, January 6, 2011

ALL Pro-Life Today: Perinatal Hospice and Lessons from the Past

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Thursday, January 6th, 2011
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Perinatal hospice and lessons from the pastJudie Brown

The lessons we have learned and the examples that have been set in the past are not to be forgotten. Countless numbers of people have dedicated their lives to giving voice to the preborn person. We must never forget them or their hard work. As we embark on a new year, let us listen to the voices of the past and let them be heard again. All babies, even those who suffer from tragic illnesses and deformities, deserve a chance at life and love.

[ Read the full commentary here. ]

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Planned Parenthood foes ask board to deny permit
News Telegram
The Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts has not begun to consider whether to open an office in the city, but opponents of the organization are hoping to preempt any plans that may develop. At its February meeting, the Planning Board is expected to begin considering a zoning change requested by citizens petition which would make it difficult for medical offices to locate in the city's central business district, but is specifically aimed at Planned Parenthood.
Religious belief dramatically lowers probability of adolescent sexual activity: study
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Higher levels of religiosity in adolescents dramatically increase the probability that they will remain virgins during high school and college, a new study has concluded. The study, entitled "Religiosity, Self-Control, and Virginity Status in College Students from the 'Bible Belt,'" and published in the September 2010 Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, found that for every unit increase on its scale of religiosity, the odds of a male remaining a virgin increased by a factor of 3.86. For a female, the odds jumped by a factor of 4.13. To determine "religiosity," the study asked participants to rate their frequency of religious service attendance, frequency of prayer, frequency of reading of religious texts, and the importance of religion in their lives. 
Obama admin approves third embryo stem cell trial
Life Site News
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the go-ahead to Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), Inc. to conduct a clinical trial using embryonic stem cells. The cells will be used in an attempt to treat Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), a common cause of vision loss. According to ACT, the condition afflicts between 10-15 million Americans. The approval marks the second time that ACT has obtained permission to perform a clinical trial with embryo-derived cells. 
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