Friday, January 14, 2011

And the Next Chairman is...

Dear John,

The votes are in and Reince Priebus has been elected Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

As pro-life advocates in the political sphere, we must advance the Right to Life at every opportunity—that includes influencing a political party’s position on Life.

It was the influence and activism of SBA List members across the country that made it clear the pro-life grassroots expected a pro-life RNC chairman. Someone who is committed—both in principle and in operation—to promoting the pro-life agenda.

As we saw during Marjorie’s pre-debate Skype interview with him, Chairman Priebus is determined to advance the right to Life in his new leadership position. We look forward to working with him to advance pro-life candidates and the power of pro-life voters and activists in the next election cycle.

The election of a pro-life advocate as RNC Chairman has strong implications for the upcoming presidential election and for the candidate who will go up against the most pro-abortion President in our nation's history. This race showed that Americans are seeking authentic pro-life leaders at all levels — a fact that all potential candidates for the Republican nomination should take note of.

I hope you’ll take a moment to read Marjorie’s latest op-ed in National Review Online (copied below) about the so-called “truce” on social issues and why presidential hopefuls should stand up for Life if they want to be successful in 2012.

Have a wonderful weekend and thank you again for your continued activism on behalf of Life!

Emily Buchanan
Executive Director, Susan B. Anthony List

The Truce that Really Counts
January 11, 2011
By Marjorie Dannenfelser

Last summer, Indiana governor Mitch Daniels called for a “truce” on social issues like abortion and gay marriage. After the first political debate of 2011, it now seems far more likely — and logical — that there will be a truce on truces.

Last Monday, January 3, in a packed ballroom at the National Press Club, a debate was held for the candidates for the RNC chairmanship. I was fortunate enough to be involved in these proceedings, only the second of their kind in the history of Republican party politics, and my role permitted me to pre-interview each of the five candidates, including the incumbent, Michael Steele. I was also able to present two questions at the live debate, on whether the right to life and defense of traditional marriage are central to the GOP’s issue commitments.

Read the rest here.